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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Sounds as if you have as many struggles as we do out here in the land of fruits and nuts.
  2. Tommy, I don't know if you were of aware of the fact that I was drawing house plans in Houston from '73-'79 before I moved to San Diego. Back then I drew the plans, printed them for the builder and it was built. I never had to look at the plans again, there was no plan check or engineering that was required. If I had a 385' beam span supporting 4 floors, I would call out "FLITCH BEAM" and somehow it got built. A set of plans would consist of a 8-1/2x11 site plan attached to a set of plans typically drawn on 18x24 paper at 1/4" scale. There would be (4) elevations, a floor plan, a section or two (I think we did sections), and a foundation plan. There were no framing plans, the framing direction of floor joists or ceiling joists were noted on the plans. Oh, and then we had one TYPICAL SECTION PAGE that somehow had enough information for the builder to build the house. Is this the way it still is or do you guys need to go through zoning and planning and engineering and do always get "PLAN CHECK COMMENTS" back from the City of Houston Building Dept?
  3. So the image does not have the correct aspect ratio from the get go, and you are simply trying to readjust the aspect ratio so it is correct...... yeah..... I get this.
  4. I agree with this to a point. If the symbol is limited to (3) bays, you should be able to put in (3) stretch zones and the width should resize perfectly (is it stretch zones or stretch planes?..... I think stretch planes in this situation). The problem would be if you wanted more that 3 bays, then I would think the best solution would be to have (3) different symbols, one with 1 bay, one with 2 bays and one with 3 bays....... then depending on the configuration, you can mix and max until you get the correct number of bays, and they should all be susceptible to adjusting the width.
  5. I understand this, a right click in the corner resizes AND NOT CONCENTRICALLY, is there a purpose for resizing an image NOT CONCENTRICALLY. I am trying to figure out for what purpose I would want to resize an image without it being concentric.
  6. Rich, for a very large fee, I can smooth out some of the rough edges.
  7. Joe, it has always worked for me whether I am on a PC or a MAC.
  8. Hey Barton, I am the King of the "crappy ray trace", 3 minutes max., heck no I don't have photons on. But good call, I think you are saying having photons on precipitates the "bleeding"........ I buy that...... I never have photons on so I probably never get the bleeding light.
  9. I agree with Glenn...... another method to show metric dimensions in lieu of imperial units is to use the SECONDARY DIMENSION FORMAT that is set to use metric units. Working on a plan for an American man married to a French women, he understood imperial, she understood metric, therefore a need for both to be shown. I had both the PRIMARY and SECONDARY dimensions displayed. Do not know what I would of done if I was still hand drawing.
  10. I used to have a local "computer guy" build my computers, I now use a computer guy up in Cupertino to build all of my computers.
  11. Yeah right, JC knows about as much about sketchup as I know about golf.
  12. That is the million dollar question. Which one do you choose and why?
  13. Barton, we never go off topic, please stay on topic. 100 years old? Yeah, a parachute jump is on my bucket list, I hope I do not have to wait until I 100.
  14. But Bill, convert to WHAT SYMBOL and why? This is what is so important about this thread. How do you want to control the elevation of the symbol/psolid/terrain feature/cabinet et al. Should the height be a function of the TERRAIN, or a function of absolute ZERO or a function of the FINISHED FLOOR whether it be the first floor, second floor, third floor etc. This is such a great thread for me........
  15. This bleeding stuff is always a mystery, for whatever reason I never get the light bleeding....... P. might be correct, put a roof on it and all may be well...... errrrrr... should you post the plan to get a definitive answer? What sayeth you GW?
  16. LET That guy is such a jerk, let's be serious for a moment...... I forget how you did it JC....... let's see, molding won't work because you can't get the door, I would guess a railing WITH PANELS (millwork), with a door in it..........
  17. oh oh oh, I know, I KNOW pick me pick me, you built it out of CABINETS.....
  18. Todd, I can never have too much time on my hands, I am working very very hard to have more time on my hands. I will say that this will probably my best year yet with more money going in the bank, more vacations and more time to play golf....... of course I work 7 days a week. I figure that each "nugget" I learn is worth about $100.00 a year, if I learn 50 nuggets a year (1 a week), that is an additional $5000.00 per year. This is why I monitor every post on this site, I am looking for that extra $100.00. The quicker I learn that nugget, the more opportunity there is to learn and earn "bonus nuggets". The problem is sometimes it takes 25 posts to pick up that nugget. So I always appreciate when a question is answered quickly and expeditiously, because as someone recently said...... I forget who it was on this site..... but he was talking time is money. So when anyone has a question, if they post a picture and the plan, I can almost guarantee that anyone of us losers on this site will answer the question in a post or two. The quicker a question is answered, the quicker us losers learn a nugget and pick up that extra $100.00. Just goofing with you Todd, I truly appreciate all of the interaction and back and forth that goes on this site with not only the power users but also the newbies. Heck, CC had a post a little bit ago that just might be worth an extra $200.00 per year for me. I will try to do a vid on this in the AM, this could be huge for me, thanks again CC.
  19. Hey, it was CC. That started this. Yeah, I have to put golf lessons on hold and do a vid.
  20. Who started this stupid thread? Whoever started it, THANKS SO MUCH! I just had an epiphany.
  21. This my friend is a very very good tip. The more I think about it, the smarter it is. Boy, do I feel like a Duffis. Thanks michael, I just changed my Methodolgy for many typical conditions. Jeez I feel stupid.
  22. I have a similar problem. I built a house and it looks good in plan. But when I do a floor overview I see nothing. Can you help me. I would post a picture and the plan, but I am too busy. Would you guys mind guessing what the problem is. I understand that I am not paying you for your time to help me, and I probably will not look at this thread for another week, but please help.
  23. Two pics, one WITHOUT light source, the other WITH 3 light sources..... however one light source would work quite well. The light source tends to "unmuddy" the picture.
  24. It is still not very good. Post the plan and I will see what I can do. You need to make sure the light is in the room that the camera is in and it never hurts to put the LIGHT SOURCE (not talking about a light fixture), in each room. It still appears you are missing a light source, the jpegs looks darker than I would of guessed it should look like.