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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Yeah Michael, you are out in the hinterlands. BTW, how is the Salmon this year, I won't forget the Salmon you dropped by my office several years ago, good stuff, thanks again.
  2. Holy Gawdzira Alan, your numbers are far better than mine.
  3. Holy Kamoly Michael, are you guys using metric units or are you still waiting for something to download from last week?
  4. I was talking with someone last night about my internet speed and she suggested I go to speedtest.net run the test three times and find out what my download speed is. I ran the test three times and I came up with a number of 5.32. Do you guys think that is fast or slow, I do not know. P., was is your download speed using DSL? Last night she said I probably have a 3, she said I probably want a 7, I have a 5.3.......... any thoughts on this?
  5. Thank you Scott Harris for the vid, very nice. It has me thinking........ but not sold on the process....... I think it would be very difficult to draw a two story 2750 sf home with a curved set of stairs and locate on site with exterior fireplaces, pools, sloped banks, trellis's retaining walls etc using room planner ............in 2.5 hours. That is the time it takes for a typical measure for a house of this size including over 200 pictures taken for reference. And time is money. This is a great tool for drawing a room or two, but try putting together a two story house with cantilevers, duct chases etc using a computer on site. This is not to mention all of the side notes like how tall is a raked wall, how tall is the retaining wall, what size is the ridge beam, how high off the floor is the bottom of the ridge beam, how large and at what spacing are the floor joists and rafters. Where are the dropped ceilings, and where are the steps in the slab and what is the height from first floor to second floor. A lot of information needs to be gathered in a limited amount of time. As I think about it, there is a ton of information that can be quickly noted by hand on site that can then be put into a set of plans back at the office. Drawing/sketching as built by hand has got to be quicker. But this is a great tool for the simpler projects....... and I do have an open mind. Thanks again Scott, nice job.
  6. She looked at my specs last night and she says, "wow, I don't even recognize these numbers. You must have a slow system, maybe a one or so" I am supposed to do a speed test today, I just have not got around to it because I have spent that last 2.36 hours trying to watch Scott Harris's video.
  7. Okay, so the Time Warner Cable lady calls me last night and wants to know how my Time Warner Cable service is. I tell her it seems to be a bit slow at times but I get by. And then she starts quizzing me on what I use the Time Warner Cable Cable Service for. I explain to her that I use it for what everybody else uses it for...... you know.... downloading Product information Brochures, sending 19.999 MB Apple PDF's to clients and watching porn. And then this morning I want to watch Scott Harris's ROOM PLANNER VIDEO, and I can't watch more that 2 minutes before I get a buffering issue..... and this video is getting pretty good in spite of the fact that Scott Harris has the starring role. I think I will talk to the Time Warner Lady on Monday and get faster internet service so I can watch Scott Harris's video...... it looks interesting.
  8. Here is a pic of the bad corner, note the finishes do not meet.
  9. Bad wall connection at back right corner..... there should of been an alert to that..... I wonder why there was not an alert.... which version are you using Joe? Yeah, and thanks for the new avatar, you are not as good looking as Perry but then who is?
  10. That would be great Scott.... but the next question is..... will be able to build a DOUBLE SINK VANITY in one cabinet as the picture shows. i.e., two sinks in one base cabinet? This is a very typical configuration.
  11. ......Then again maybe not. P's solution works, but another solution is to BREAK THE LOWER WALL AT THE POINT BELOW THE OFFENSIVE WALL, and it will fix with no need to manually adjust wall.
  12. Nice job P., as a side note, I bet if you broke the lower roof at the corner and dragged it 1-1/2" back (width of eave fascia), that may also fix it without manually adjusting the wall..... which I hate to do.
  13. Here it is..... this site should be about the size of what it will be in the end when all houses are placed. The z fighting I see is from the rafters and not from OSB. I ignore this.... it never shows in layout. And when I am reviewing overhead views I always use renders and not vectors so that is never a problem. As a side note, I do not understand why many people use vectors for reviewing overhead views. Renders always look better and in the past they were always quicker than vectors. As another side note, this site is made up of 11 existing homes that we are going to remodel and there are 7 other homes that have been or are being built now. The site is anything but flat. Periodically as I work on the terrain, I will do some videos that you can watch if interested that will show the typical anomalies that show up....... you know...... the stuff you can't explain even though you think you have the terrain built correctly.
  14. Very clever Mark. Nice going. But I bet having horizontal cad lines at correct height that you can copy and paste from elevation to elevation would be quicker. Use trim and extend tools to quickly adjust.
  15. This is crazy stuff. I never see z fighting on the roofs. I wonder why. DJP trick will work unless you want to see starter boards at eaves, then you must change osb to decking.
  16. If you lower the garage, of course it will lower the rest of the rooms because....... if you go to your foundation plan, it is one BIG ROOM. Put a footing under the walls that separate the house from the garage and you will find that the garage can now be lowered without lowering the rest of the rooms. Whenever you have two different floor heights for a mono slab, the slab itself must be divided into separate rooms.
  17. That is the best solution, just go into the cabinet defaults and reduce the default shelf depth by a 1/4" and all will be good. But again, it does not show in layout.
  18. BTW, after 3 holes I was up by 6 strokes..... let's just leave it there......
  19. Hey you, have you seen Joe lately? I saw him yesterday, he looks like a train wreck.
  20. I have never noticed that before. Take a look straight on of the corner cabinet, it now looks good, but now the other cabinets are showing the shelves. I tried in new plan and same thing. I can't believe I have never seen this before. If it is any consolation to you, once you send to layout, all is well.
  21. I have watched a few vid on the usage and I think it might work great for real estate agents. I would not rule out using this yet, but I like the idea of being able to refer to field notes with the actual dimensions I measured. If i drew on site using the room planner, are the dimensions there to refer to? I know that when I go back to the office, I always need to make allowances for what was measured as to what dimension I will use in plan...... an adjustment of an inch or two. I love the disco I have, I have a helper, the disto is on a continuous measurement, so my helper goes from room to room yelling out dimensions to me. Pretty quick. What I have learned and what amazes me is if the angle of the disto` is off a degree or two, there is a disparity in what the actual dimension is and what the disto reads.... by a couple of inches easily...... my fault for not being absolutely square..... this leads to making minor dimensional adjustments as I build as built. Disto is great, just not sure if I could use it in conjunction with room planner yet.
  22. use the rainbow tool a click on material, the dvx will open up. dbx=defaults box