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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I think this calls for the CORNER WINDOW method that some of us worked so hard to get....... but the arch for the window is something I do not believe we tackled.
  2. That my friend is pretty darn good. So those are not actually windows? You used a railing/pony wall for the glass.... not bad...... but you do not have a header..... not perfect... but not bad,,,,
  3. Working on a MAC, I have (13)- 8-1/2x11 PDF's to print. They are on only two separate sheets in layout, that is all I am printing. So drawn on MAC, save through DROP BOX, go to PC to print, the file for these two layout sheets printed at 300 DPI with (13) 8-1/2x11 PDF'S on (2) layout sheets is 11.6 MB. If I add the the first 16 sheets of my plans (8.6 MB), the total file is over 20.0 MB. Actual size is 20.2 MB. If over 20 MB I cannot email. If I print at 144 dpi I get a warning that the print quality may not be very good. Is anybody else having this issue, or I am the only Sod in Chief Land with this problem? The reason for (13) PDF's is Title-24 in the land of *** and nuts. I can't believe I am the only person that is experiencing this.
  4. Double click the window, the dvx will open...... dvx = DBX
  5. Open window dvx, go to arch and select FLAT TOP ARCH
  6. Jeez, I was just thinking of this and wondering if I was offending anybody, certainly wasn't intentional, I think I was going back to the Ewell Gibbons commercials about Grape Nuts. Anyway, 66% of my siblings bat for the "other team", and some of our best friends are of "The Community"... so please do not read anything into this term...... I think I might have to refer to The Great State of California in a different way...... but I do like "fruits and nuts"..... I will think about it. I apologize if anybody was offended.
  7. .... that is so huge, thanks for bringing it up again, not only PLINES but CLOSED PLINES.
  8. BTW, you should not have to uses Perry's trick, but if it works..... I had not thought of that until Perry mentioned it.
  9. I get it...... can't 'splain it, post a mini plan and someone may be able to figure it out....... I think I had the situation recently and I don't remember solving it.
  10. Yep, Gerry has been all over this like white on....... seriously, this is nothing new, there has been quite a few of us who have been looking for this stuff.
  11. You know P. I have been in this business as long as you, 40 years, and I remember back in 1979 when my Dad who had his own design firm bought a HUGE, I mean HUGE computer to do some CAD plans. And I remember wondering at the time if it would be possible to write a computer program that would draw a house in 3D. I thought about all of the variables and I did not think it possible. Seriously, I did not think it was possible. But here we are, 35 years later, and CA has done just that. With the multitudes of variables that comes with modeling a house, CA has done a pretty darn good job. In fact I almost take it for granted now. The point being....... Hey CA, if you can do what you have done so far, it could not be too tough to give us the auto labeling for framing members ...... thank you, thank you very much.
  12. I have to say P., I have seen some of your structural plans, and they look nice..... I could learn a thing or two from you. But to CA, you guys could really take a big jump with us guys drawing structural plans if you were to talk to Perry and maybe Joey, (ignore JC) and get their insight as to what kind of tools would be very useful. I think most of us are more into model building and less into cad work, and some of this stuff (labels for boxes and structural members) would really really be a huge time saver for us. I have a feeling you guys aren't too far away from hitting a home run.
  13. I am telling you Kirk, you get us auto labels for beams, headers, posts, filled posts and cross blocks in posts, you will have some very happy campers here on the west coast.
  14. And Kirk just so you are aware, auto labels for headers, posts and beams is not a luxury for us power users. This kind of stuff is part of every set of plans. We call out this info on every set of plans. This is as important to us as being able to draw a wall. I know that you guys will eventually get to this stuff, I am just hoping you get to it sooner or later. Just because you do not get a lot of requests for it does not mean it is not important.
  15. Here in the land of fruits and nuts, I think Perry and Joe will attest to the fact we need an Enviromental Report, FAA approval, OSHA approval and my grandkids kindergarten teachers approval before we put up a mail box........ most of the time we do not need Coastal Approval for a mail box as long it is less that 2.3 s.f. in area.
  16. If you think this is the first time this has been requested, then somebody at headquarters has not been reading the suggestions vigilantly.
  17. This is such a great topic. Maybe with X7 it will be auto. Great topic Jared, you might want to send it into the SUGGESTIONS. I assume they are working on X7 now, and the more users who ask for this, the greater the possibility it will happen in X7.
  18. Trouble? Moi? Perish the thought. Really trying to emphasize the point you are making in the thread.
  19. Put the symbol in a plan and post the plan is one way to do it.
  20. Michael, is it necessary to post the plan if shadows that are shown on my plan view are quite different to those that are rendered. Do you really need to see the plans to give me an answer?
  21. Yeah, nice idea Jintu...... with two stories I assume you must think a little more..... 78" ceiling height was chosen to make the cut just below the 80" high header height........ not sure why we can't have door casings....... to get a solid fill in the walls I assume you changed the studs to some kind of solid material, i.e. concrete or something like that.
  22. Okay, I think I understand, first, if you are making a custom door out of PSOLIDS, you must first turn it into a door symbol, now you can send to to the LIBARARY AS something....... I guess I get that....... I suppose I was hoping or thinking that if you send it to library AS something, CA would give you the opportunity to give it a NAME...... I hate adding something to the library and then having to go to library to NAME IT. Why can't we NAME whatever we are saving to the library, before it gets to the library. Think molding profile, I create molding profile and send to library and now I have to go to library to give it a name..... if I don't do this, the molding name is MOLDING. Do you know how many MOLDINGS I have in my library? I have more moldings in my library than JC has years under his belt..... we are talking hundreds...... love you JC.
  23. Really? Why? With cabinets it gives you the option to send to library as a CABINET MODULE or CABINET DOORS AND DRAWERS. If you use if for a custom door, what options does it give you?
  24. I just noticed this button..... "ADD TO LIBRARY AS". Do this, open new plan, put in base cabinet, RIGHT CLICK on cabinet, you will see two different options: ADD TO LIBRARY and ADD TO LIBRARY AS does anybody use the ADD TO LIBRARY AS button? I have always used the ADD TO LIBRARY button......