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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I sent my plan into Brian, and he could not see the slowdown. Is he recognizing the slow down in your plans..... question directed at all of you.
  2. I believe I experience a slow down when I have been working on the plan awhile. I do not believe it is tied to the size of the file as much as the time spent working on a particular file. I am still monitoring to feel more confident in my assertion.
  3. Bill, this sounds interesting. Is this worth a workshop and would you be interested in taking the lead?It seems to me a while back I learned how we can import existing model of existing buildings into our own plan.
  4. My new method: Joe' s treads Glenn's spiral tool for handrail My round pole (the most difficult operation) And Yusuf's blessing Turn into symbol, easy peasy
  5. I always print to pdf.... therefore I have a record of everything I print.
  6. Yeah, that is what I thought. The point being, the tread and the tread base are two different items. I would prefer them to be one in the same. One is not dependent on the other. Not a big deal, merely a comment.
  7. Why make the tread out of a countertop? Let's think about this. If you look at Greg's picture, we can see a black base for the tread with a wood top. What is the black? Is that the countertop? No.. So Greg, I get the fact that the countertop is a wood grain material, but what is the black?
  8. Who is Brian? Are you kidding? You do not know the Great Brian Beck.... one of the programmers of this program, the overseer of all things messed up, the guru of all gurus......... he is a guy who sits in a little cubicle fixing things that are messed up...... darn, I am not sure what email you should use, if interested in reporting issues, please call CA and they will probably give you the email to report issues to.
  9. I think you guys should send these plans in to Brian so he can fix this. It is hard for him to find the problem if he does not have something to work with. Your time spent will benefit you in the future.
  10. Wait, Wait just one darn second, first of all Yusuf, you have to throw some Ethiopian jokes into your presentation to spice things up, and speak a little louder, other than that, another great informative video by Yusuf. Nice job, I have to double check but that again was quite clever. What Yusuf did other than create a SMOOTH HANDRAIL was at the same time he created a handrail visible in plan view. We have been asking CA for this for years and Yusuf did in no time. Nice job Yusuf. I have to double check but I think Yusuf left the handrails on the stairs and then he put a wall on the stairs and defined it as a railing. I thought you either could have the stairs with railings or a will defined as a railing on stairs BUT NOT BOTH.
  11. Then you should stick with what you feel most comfortable with. Sometimes it is difficult to challenge ourselves to adapt to a different method in spite of the advantages of the different methods. I am in the process of training a 45 year old who has been using a computer for many years. A very very sharp guy. He is right handed. I suggested he switch to using the mouse in his left hand in spite of the fact he is right handed. He embraced the challenge and now he wonders why he did not try it sooner. He no longer has a problem using the mouse in his left hand. This guy is using hot keys for just about everything he does. No problem. He recognizes the advantages. He cannot imagine using the icons. If someone told me I would do my work quicker by standing on my head, I would do it..... just saying....
  12. I will say this one more time in case somebody missed it. There is no way having the ALDO open continuously is faster than hitting a hot key to open it. If you guys want the ALDO open all the time, super, but if you are looking for speed, try linking the ALDO to a hot key, hit the hot key, it opens where it was located last time (probably in middle of screen where your cursor is located), no need to move mouse to second monitor, make your changes and hit the return key and it is gone. Repeat as needed. BTW, unlike Larry, I use the ALDO many times during the day, the guy I am training uses it multiple times in a 3 hour session..... it is second nature to he and I. Seriously guys, try the hot key for a day, it will change the way you use the ALDO.
  13. Great job Glenn, don't know why I could not figure that out. Probably the quickest method to date. Now what about the rounded edges for the treads. Do you think we have to put the stairs into a "silo" and check the treads as winders?
  14. Correct, Lew has no right to special privileges,....... but sometimes due to extinguishing circumstances, we make allowances.......
  15. Len, you nailed it. Very sad that CA has taken the approach they have with Lew. Instead of turning this into something positive, CA has missed the boat as they are prone to do. This is not the first time they have bungled a "feel good" moment. Does anybody feel any more loyalty towards CA after this? I don't. Just sad, if I had some where else to go, I would.
  16. Alan, I just reviewed what I said..... this is very interesting..... if I apply your mirror material to the post, it is not reflective. However if I go into plan view and change your post from a 6x5 to a 6x18, it is now reflective. What I am saying is the reflectivity of the post is based on the proportions of the post..........BTW, when I say post, it is built as a PSOLID in PLAN VIEW, not as a true framing post.
  17. Alan, this is from post 6, I opened your plan and used your mirror material on the two psolids. It worked great on the "PICTURE BILLBOARD" but on the POST it was black. (see pic) I was not using a floor overview, I was using the FULL CAMERA. I remember there are some OBJECTS that the mirror material does not work on. Also, if you use a FLOOR OVERVIEW CAMERA vs the FULL CAMERA the reflection does not work.... in render view. Would you agree that if you applied your mirror material to the POST, there is no reflection?
  18. I will give it a try in the AM, and hopefully we can get together in MY AM to do a vid on this, let me know..... I need your email..... 6:00 am my time, 5:00 pm your time.
  19. Hey Yusuf, no matter what happens, I am assuming this needs to be turned into a symbol..... so if that is the case, we can always delete surfaces for the treads we need to delete. So you create 33 treads, and I only want 29 treads, I assume I could always delete surfaces of top four treads, turn into a symbol and I am good to go. However if you can come up with a solution without having to resort to the delete surfaces method, that would be better. I am playing with your method, I can do it...... I don't know why it works and i don't know how your Ethiopian Brain came up with this solution, but it is ingenious.
  20. Alan, did that go thru PS ala Jon Caffee, it looks good.
  21. Is this an example of a user being creative or is this a work around?
  22. Just thinking about this...... Yusuf set up 3 sets of stairs with 11 treads each = 33 treads. Maybe I want 24 treads, okay, 3 sets of stairs with 8 treads each.... doable. But what if I wanted 22 treads, now do I use 2 sets of stairs with 11 treads each? Suppose I want 17 treads..... now what is the combination?
  23. Just let me know, I may try to do a vid using the YUSUF SPIRAL STAIR method..... I may even use some audio with an Ethiopian Accent..... really good stuff Yusuf, really out of the box. The key will be figuring out how to control the number of treads and their heights.
  24. Many years ago I replaced the engine in my '72 240 z.......... yes, a datsun......... I think your Dad was helping because we had a few left over bolts.
  25. Okay, I'm on, nobody said I had to follow directions to get on. I wonder if they get tired of us nitwits out here.