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Everything posted by dshall

  1. There is a mw that fits in base cabinet in library
  2. This is terrible. I have not noticed the problem. If this is indeed going on, there must be some kind of an alert to let us know. I hope I have not sent out plans assuming plan views were updated.
  3. Very interesting, thanks for the insight, not sure if I have run into this before.
  4. A comment in regards to The Moakster's video....... not sure if I am totally on board with his method...... or I should say you must be careful and know what you are doing....... The Moakster adjusted roof planes by matching fascia heights, this led to what I would perceive as different plate heights of the ROOF BASE LINE..... what he did could most definitely work, but you really must understand what happened when he did this.
  5. Ditto, I have never had a problem with it. The greatest thing since the Yellow golf ball....... kind of tough to lose a yellow golf ball.
  6. Posting the plan along with the question.
  7. You know JPC, I am with you here (maybe 75% purchase rate) . I bet I could sell the *&%^*&^% out of this program if given the chance. I am not sure if a 3rd party sales team is needed, but I just know I could sell this program to anybody I would meet with...... maybe CA's sales team is already doing this. CA does quite a few shows, I wonder how many programs they sell at each show. Maybe they are already doing a great job selling the program. But give me the chance........ jeez........ I could sell it easily. I have a few clients who use the program in conjunction with what I do for them, and they are sold on what I can do for them with the program.
  8. BTW, being able to located ZERO elevation in elevation is so fundamental. I wonder how users know how to do what I just described. I do not think it is documented (but I could be wrong). I have never seen anybody else describe this method. The only way I know it is Louis Fernandez taught me this about 6 or 7 years ago. The funny thing about it is I would never of figured this out if not for Louis... thanks LF.
  9. really? Does not work for me on my MAC and I do not think it ever worked for me when I was on PC.
  10. no no no no no no no..... it makes much less sense than what you suggest.... Here is the process.... don't you watch my videos?...... draw line in elevation select line open line dbx LINE<check LENGTH/ANGLE< go to START POINT and type in "0" in "Y POSITION"<OK the line is now at zero elevation I know, I know, it makes no sense but it works.
  11. искренне, I would be interested too. искренне -scott
  12. Thank you, very well said.
  13. No problem here. You are not clear on when the disconnect comes up.
  14. I could not figure it out. It seems like that if we check main layer only and unchecked layers, we should get what you want.... but a no go from here. I think I have gone through this before and the only option was using the surface delete tool.
  15. DG, that looks great. Really really nice. One suggestion, it's boring, try a different camera height, angle and maybe leave something out for our imagination. It's the composition my friend, try something different. But really nice use of materials, lights and fixtures.
  16. Sure was a lot of green squares..... I think that is good
  17. And for my next topic...... Drumroll please..... Hey, I tied JC in golf last Thursday........ The world is upside down.
  18. What was really neat about the VW video, IS THE POINTS SHOWED THE ELEVATION........ isn't that a no brainer, if I put in a line or a point to define the elevation, don't you think I want to know what the defined elevation is at a quick glance? Of course..... hey CA, get on this will you, thank you, thank you very much.
  19. Larry, are you referring to plan presentations or 3d presentations? Hey Larry, when are we going to meet for lunch? .... Let's do it sometime.... if you are in RB, let me know and lunch or after work drinks are on me.
  20. Nicinus, I do not understand antialiases, would you mind explaining this and giving me an example? Thanks.
  21. Yeah, I saw a press conference just the other day with The City, the Mayor and The Charger rep.. I think the City of San Diego is going out of their way to run the Chargers out of town. I don't get it. Why wouldn't they do just about anything to keep the team in town? LA has not had a team for 20 years. That is unbelievable, yet our fearless leaders are doing their best to chase our team out of SD. Perry, I bet you guys have a team in a year or two at our expense.
  22. I watched the vid, Vector Works used POINTS vs. LINES to set elevations. That is what #1 Son complained about with Revit. He liked we could use lines in lieu of points. Frankly I am surprised REVIT does not offer the lines... they probably do. I did like they plan symbols for the trees in VW. It seemed like they came with some good color, semi transparent fill and a shadow. Looked good for presentations.
  23. You must be doing something wrong. I use this countless times each day and never, I said never have problems with it. Try talking to tech again.... something is amiss.