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Everything posted by dshall

  1. A solution but there are much better solutions.
  2. Thanks Mark for the clarification. I had not thought of your solution, it might be a very good solution. And in regards to the base cabs not showing (and because of the way I do a few things, this is not a new issue), I generally draw a box the size of the base cabs, put on base cab layer and bring to front. Not perfect....... I agree, pick your poison.
  3. I could not get that to work
  4. Apologize for my ignorance, but doesn't that hide the base cabinets?
  5. All of these comments reinforce my notion that we need to be able to use PLINES to describe different areas. I think it's is too complicated and cumbersome to expect that CA will give us the tools for all of the different variables that have been defined in previous posts. Conclusion: we need boxes with labels, and within these labels there is an area calculation, and we should then be able to take this area calculation and put this value in any number of formulas.
  6. Yea, post plan, but I have had same issues, so I concur, it ain't perfect.
  7. Yes, I too was having problems with fully manipulating the symbol. I was trying to minimize the "cord" that supports the light itself to 1/4" long. I think I got it down to roughly 6"long..... over 5" from my goal. Sorry I was of no more help.
  8. Joe, I give up. If you could do a quick vid to explain what to do, I would appreciate it. Otherwise, I am done. This is something that CA should fix. This is not rocket science, if I am using TJI's, the call out should be TJI's and not conventional lumber.
  9. I can't even find "Text Macro Management". Hey CA, fix this please so us nit wits can operate this program, thanks.
  10. Okay, I open this latest one the same way I opened the previous ones. Are you telling me I have to open up this latest one differently than I opened the previous two that you posted? I did not use "Text Macro Management". for the previous two.
  11. The answer is no, it does not work for me, the attached pic is what I get after I DOWNLOAD and then try to open
  12. Curt, I take your approach. If I was a framer, I want those dimensions. Why not supply the dimensions? We designed it, our dimensions should work, let's share that info with the framer.
  13. I think Joe nailed it. Post the symbol and I bet somebody will make it work for you.
  14. This is silly. It should not be this difficult. I have clients who want to use CA to do cabinet elevations including designing tile layouts, but this is a lot of work. BTW, I thought there was a GLOBAL option which meant that either the change in x & y coordinates changed only that materials in that location or the material throughout the plan..... or was this only for TEXTURES vs PATTERNS. Somehow CA should make the texture and pattern layout easier to manipulate. Back in the day, it was the tile setter who figured this out, but more and more, it is us designers who begin the tile layout process.
  15. I had not recognized the fact that the terrain did not auto update unless a 3d view was open, ( I ain't as smart as Glenn). However, I have a hot key to REBUILD TERRAIN so it is not a big deal for me. Just a thought for you guys who want to see the terrain updated without having to close the program.
  16. My friend Perry said something that we should remember. We always want the program to get better, and I am as guilty as anybody in trying to figure out a way to do it NOW and ignoring what should be a feature request. Yes Jon, we do like your request. And thanks to Dermot for being on top of this.
  17. Okay Robert, so you have to go to the reference manual to find out how it works... now that I think of it, it's a darn good approach. But Robert, I have not looked into this yet...... but suppose you put a FLAT REGION across multiple elevation lines....... do you think the FLAT REGION takes the average elevation of the elevation lines......... nuts, I suppose I should read the manual....
  18. BTW, what I noticed on this plan is Rashid is using some FLAT REGIONS, a FLAT REGION? What the heck is that? I have never used one. What is a FLAT REGION? Well, it does not have a defined elevation, I have not fully investigated it, but why would someone use a FLAT REGION in lieu of a ELEVATION REGION. With a ELEVATION REGION, you can defined the elevation of region, with a FLAT ELEVATION REGION you cannot define the elevation. So why use one in lieu of the other. Inquiring minds want to know.
  19. Front left corner of house there is a terrain region with a defined elevation, delete it and all is well.
  20. Joe, I have tried both sides, I have tried voodoo chants, I have tried the rain dance, I have found nothing that works. Even if I found something that works, should it be this difficult? Mickey and I are both having problems, I cannot explain it.
  21. A very very short vid showing you what I am seeing. http://youtu.be/w70b9y7IgAk
  22. Would you agree that the schedule callout is the same as the object label? I believe they are one in the same, the big difference is the schedule callout is in a circle or a hexagon or something.
  23. That is not correct. If I have a label arrow attached to lumber, it reads correctly, if I change to TJI, I lose the correct label, I change back to lumber and I get correct label, I can go back and forth all day, never reconnecting arrow, and it will read correctly if I use lumber, it will not read correctly if I use a TJI.
  24. My point is I can callout the size of the unit as well as calling out a schedule number. Am I not doing what Dermot said I could not do? I am not sure I understand the difference. You say that I can't display 2 SEPARATE items, I suppose I am displaying 2 items BUT THEY ARE NOT SEPARATE. Would you agree with what I am saying?