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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Got it, I could not get SYMBOL VENTS from library to look good, hence the request for the SPECIAL WINDOW TYPE: vent. Nuts, you know what I am talking about, I think we are on the same page.
  2. Yea, I would hope the workshop would be less than one hour. I have always wondered how some of the folks use the colored wall fills. And now with the TRANSPARENCY option for fills, I am wondering if some brainiac out there has come up with some neat ideas. I saw one of Perry's vids and he seemed to be using more color... for a swimming pool in particular. I think in the near future, we will be using color more and more, it's just a bit cost prohibited at this time for me. I will set up a workshop, and with any luck, it will be a short one.
  3. Okay Larry, I have it figured out....... two schedules, one for windows and one for LOUVERS. We will never use louver WINDOW again but we will always us louver VENTS, so we can use the louver designation to give us an up to date and accurate total of louvered vent area. You are correct, I cannot use VENTS for my crawl space ventilation schedule, but I can use LOUVERS..... I think this should work for most applications. The idea of having an additional designation for WINDOW SPECIFICATION<GENERAL<VENT is something I should suggest in suggestions.
  4. Dog gone you Larry, I thought I had it figured out..... you are correct, hmmmmmm....... Richard's vent from library does not work at floor joist bay, not good, but Richards vent from library gives the area total of vents...... I must work on this some more.....
  5. That makes a lot of sense...... many of the homes I deal with are existing and back in the day there was no insulation in the crawl space. We are in SOCAL, heck, often times we deal with homes that have jalousie window.... as in not dual glazed and definitely not sealed. Good comment Greg.
  6. ..... vents are typically between floor joist bays. Whether new or remodeling, the vents are typically between floor joist bays.
  7. The Richard Morrison crawl space vent video. Good vid, thanks Richard for the question. http://youtu.be/elBwFURshxw
  8. I generally print 24x36 size prints. These prints cost me (or my client) less than a dollar per sheet. I think if I printed in color, these same sheets might cost me a about 6.00/sheet. That is 6 times as much. Would anybody be willing to share how much it cost them per sheet for 24x36 paper in black and white vs color. I do not print in house, everything is printed through my print shop. I am thinking about doing a workshop on printing. Would anybody else be interested in sharing their printing methods?
  9. You and me brother are sometimes as dumb as rocks. I have been struggling with this for 10 years. I was thinking about it and I have now figured out how to do it. I will post a vid soon. Thank you Thank you Thank you for the question. It is now solved for me.
  10. I got it, very clever Yusuf.
  11. I don't get it. When DJP applauds the method, what is he applauding? Why does the railing follow the stairs? Why does the railing jump up to the second level? Where are the 4x4 posts that should be attached to the side of the deck. If there are 4x4 posts, how do you control the spacing? FYI, I have never built a deck railing as shown. Let's question the methods instead of applauding a method that I think does not solve the initial modeling challenge. Yusuf, it is always helpful if you explain how you were able to do what you did. What were the initial settings? And Yusuf, check your audio, maybe it is just me, but I swear I could not make out a word you said.
  12. I am not sure I understand this either. If I am to add on, I CAN NOT MATCH the existing structure..... seems nutty to me. The average Joe driving down the street probably does not care if he can distinguish between original and new, but I am sure the owner of the house wants the materials to be consistent. After all, we are not dealing with the Great Pyramids of Giza, we are dealing with a house that is sometimes no older than 40 years.....
  13. Good question, I bet if the line style was white or no color, the text would show but dimension lines don't
  14. I bet the layer it is on.
  15. Oh nuts, Joe and I are in agreement,
  16. This is true, but in the very next post Perry said all is good. I am with Perry. I do not understand why Tommy wants the scale to constantly change as I zoom in and out. Unless Joey wants to scale plan on monitor which I never do. Bottom line, learn to understand why some folks suggest one approach and other folk suggest a different approach.l
  17. Errrrrrr, that's correct, we can guess that too.
  18. We don't need a picture or a plan, we can guess...... Hmmmmmm. Do you think it is a wall def issue? I would post a picture of what I am talking about but I will let you guess.
  19. Test this out, change width of wall to 6". I bet that fixes it, not what you want but at least you will know cause. I think any wall over 1o" wide behaves this way. Not good.
  20. I too still experience the moving stairs... can't explain why, but they do move.... primarily the switch backs with a landing.
  21. Is this an example where you can use the USE SAME PROPERTIES EYEDROPPER. I profess my ignorance to this new tool, but CA and some others think it is the best thing since the belly putter. Will this tool work for moldings?
  22. And one more point because I am in a giving mood. Guess who I get to visit Saturday? Yes, that is correct, Jim "I Fought the Lawes" Lawes. He is going to take us golfing up in Michigan. I am so excited. Now if Jim was going to take us out for two days, I just might give you two points.
  23. Why don't you just post a small plan with the set up and somebody will give you an answer in about 23.23 seconds. Thank you.