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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I am not sure if I agree with the above statement. See pic below, it is calling out not only the label, but also the schedule callout. The only difference is my SCHEDULE CALLOUT does not have a circle or square or whatever shape on might choose. So my window and door labels not only call out the size, it also refers to a schedule number.
  2. Joe, I tried those settings, still no go. Again, I had arrow pointing to a piece of lumber, label good, change lumber to tji and I lost label, turned back to lumber and correct label came back. My computer is not recognizing the tji's.
  3. Good thinking Mickey, I did the same and it recognized the 2x joist. Confirming what you found.
  4. Joe, post what it should be and I will try again. This is silly, should the grid snaps be on or off..... you say it works if they are on or off...... they do not work for me whether they are on or off. Why do I have to do a rain dance to get this stuff to work?
  5. Does not work for me. I am getting Mickey's results. Bottom line, if I have to turn snaps off, this is nonsense. CA will fix this eventually
  6. Larry, I watched your 3rd vid, you deleted the two terrain regions and observed contours, no flat pad. I downloaded the same plan as you, I deleted the TERRAIN ELEVATION REGIONS, and I did not get any contour lines. My pad was flat. Something is going wrong with your computer...... I think it has to do with the auto rebuild terrain which I have checked 24/7. Somehow, your auto rebuild terrain is not working.
  7. I use the SAM, so my defaults remain static from plan to plan. I did go back to check some older plans and FLATTEN PAD was unchecked (good), so I suppose at one point while editing THIS plan, I checked the FLATTEN PAD box for some reason. Again, thanks Glenn for the fix, easy peasy.
  8. Genius at work again. Thanks Glenn!
  9. This is a comment from a Buddy who looked at the same plan. I think he nailed it when he said I agree, if CA has this memory, it can definitely cause problems. This might be an explanation as to why some of my terrains do not behave correctly. However I do understand that there is a need for a "memory"..... i.e. temporarily make a wall non room def for a room that does not have a default floor elevation, and then make the wall a room def wall.... I would want the room to remember my non default floor elevation. A slippery slope for sure. Bottom line, I need to be able to clear the terrain "memory" if this is the cause of my terrain problem.
  10. Not true, it has been discussed and reported ad naseum. It's just not fixed for some reason.
  11. Okay guys, have at it. The terrain consists of 3 items. 1 terrain and 2 terrain elevation regions. There is a dip in front of garage door (not good), and the terrain on the left hand side of house should be 8" below the slab (it is about 18" above the slab). Delete any of the two terrain regions, and the terrain behaves. BBB SAVAGE PLAN 3 junk 2 POST 1.plan.zip
  12. I consider myself pretty good with terrains. Terrains can be a bit quirky, however I can usually get the terrain to work. But I have had two projects recently where the terrains are not behaving. Has anybody else experienced this. Is anybody out there doing terrains and having difficulties with terrains in X7?
  13. Okay, got it, it work on your PC but it is not working on my MAC. It should not be this hard. It should not be this hard. It should not be this hard. It should not be this hard. I am going straight to the top to complain.... I wonder if Lynn has time to see me.
  14. BTW Joe, this is a pretty darn good solution to calling out RR, cj and FJ, it just needs to be better. Spacing should be auto and somehow, these arrows need to stick in case I edit the size of the roof plane.... you get it, auto baby.... it's a nice start to the ultimate solution. Since you are one of the muckity mucks on the user panel, you can bring this up.
  15. They are not all lumber in my plan. If you go up to second floor and check out structure, they are I-joists. I have I-joists at second floor and lumber at first floor. Here is a pic of what I get.
  16. Now that my friend is secret handshake. Thx. However, we do not have the interior finish going up to roof sheathing. This is the kind of stuff I bet CA does not know about, yet this is not uncommon stuff in our neck of the woods. Here is something that bugs me, after I build a roof and frame it, I can not change how the rafter blocking is set up.
  17. Joe, it seems to work for lumber, but if I use TJI at floor framing over first floor it does not work. JOE FRAMING LABEL 1.plan.zip
  18. Joe, I got the ceiling joist label to work (spacing was not auto), but the floor call out did not work for me. I have spent more time than I should trying to work this nonsense out. I ain't doing it no more. This is something that CA must fix soon. This is some great stuff when CA pulls it off. A huge time saver. Auto, Auto, Auto, I think that is what we are working towards and I believe CA is working towards this too.
  19. I doubt it, set up a hot key to quickly turn the snaps on and off.
  21. You got what I expected you would get. It does not work as it should. That is the best you will get at this time. CA needs to fix this and I think they will, possibly in X-8 or later. You are doing nothing wrong.
  22. Two things, 1. Thanks for reviving the original thread 2. What are your thoughts on your original question
  23. I use GOTOMEETING, bit pricy, maybe 480.00 per year. I use GTM to host WORKSHOPS and lately I have been using GTM about 6 times a week to meet online with clients. GTM allows me to records video and also meet with clients on line. I am not sure the other video programs allows meetings on line.
  24. STOP STOP STOP STOP. WOW, If I am not mistaken, if you follow Larry's advice you are headed for disaster......and Larry and I like each other. First off I did a set of videos called ANNO SETS FOR DUMMIES, they are somewhere. I think they hold up pretty good. You might want to watch them. Disclaimer: I am wrong 95% of time, I might be wrong here..... but here is where I think Larry was going wrong...... please please correct me if I am wrong. Mistake by Larry: he changed what layers were active and the line styles of the active layers for the ROOF PLAN LAYER SET, and he was using it for a REF SET. (read that statement again) That ROOF PLAN LAYER SET is being used for the ROOF PLAN SENT TO LAYOUT. Why would you change the active layers and the line style of the active layers. Larry was on the right track, but what he should of done is to COPY THE ROOF PLAN LAYER SET and rename it ROOF PLAY LAYER SET REF SET, or whatever. The point being, If you start changing what layers are being used and the line color for a particular layer set, and you are using that layer set for multiple functions, i.e. a LAYER SET for one view sent to layout and a REF SET for another view sent to layout, you are causing yourself a lot of heart ache. When Larry started changing the looks of the wall at first floor (by turning WALL NORMAL layer on) that was good, but he could of taken it a step further by TURNING OFF WALL LAYERS and by turning on the layer MAIN LAYERS ONLY. Larry was definitely on the right track, he just had not had the experience to fully explain what was going on. Here is a comment from a guy I am helping out I did these vids about 4 or 5 years ago, and they hold up well, you might want to watch them........ If anybody were to ask me what were the most important videos to watch, they would be, ANNO SETS FOR DUMMIES, THE MRLS VIDEOS, and THE SAM VIDEOS............ in my opinion, if you understand these concepts, you are on your way to being proficient in CA........ another disclaimer: there are many users who are very very proficient and they use a derivation of these concepts...... my way is not the only way, it's just these are the best videos that I have seen to date explaining the process.
  25. I am with Perry on this. I do not want to do macros to analyze floor areas. This should be part of CA. I do not want to have a master's in computer programming to figure out the area of my garages (yes garages, working on a house right now with two garages), my decks, (yes multiple decks, working on right now with multiple decks), and etc. I am done trying to use macros with unreliable arrows to dissiminate different floor areas. This is basic info that we need access to that CA needs to some how find a way for us users to have access to.