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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Delete the landing and replace with stairs set to winders. Tool icon is not a realistic representation of what it does. X9 U Winders test.plan
  2. You just need to re save your template plan file and that will go away. But if you think you may still want to use it in X8 I think you would do a Save as and name it your X9 template plan.
  3. If you mean layout box, they can only be square, rectangular, or filleted corners, or filleted corners to form a circle. Anything irregular can be done using a mask.
  4. Joe, I checked this a couple of weeks ago and it was up to date. There must be something wrong if you are sure you checked your version.
  5. If the colors are plan specific, I have often just created a color pallet off to the side of my plan view and work form there of transfer back to selection tool for next session.
  6. I have more recently learned that the "CTRL + SHIFT Zoom" is even more powerful. Enjoy
  7. Scott, Please count me in for a ringside seat at the meeting. I think the most useful new features for me will be the Railing and Stair Railing improvements. Also the various new rendering improvements and features including the unadvertised fix that allows walkthroughs to ascend and descend the same set of stairs to give complete coverage of the house in one take.
  8. That is one of the new features of X9. It gives the option when loading to auto migrate for you. They are listening. Watch the video.
  9. Please post or send your issue in to tech support as the software has been quite stable so far. It will benefit all.
  10. It just has to be a cad block so cad block it by marque selecting or ctrl selecting and give it a name and it is included automatically into Cad Block Management.
  11. It does take time to learn but start with a structure or set of plans that you are intimately familiar with such as your own house or something someone else drew well and you built. Reproduce it so you have a complete set of working drawings. Watch as many CA training videos as you can absorb and start drawing then hit the help files when you get stuck or post a specific question here with screen shots of where you are at and where you need to be and someone will usually be able to help. CA provides one on one training and there are also several experienced users on this forum that do as well but a self directed jump right in program usually works best. Welcome and Good Luck
  12. You can use a different layerset for each plan and turn off cameras where you don't want them displayed.(As already stated) I have not gone to the effort to do this but understand your problem and think it may be possible to create another section camera on another layer ( Camera B ) and give it the same name as the original one, placing it in the same position and have a different spread on the two cameras and keep it live or do not bother to send it to layout but just use it as a display in plan view. As for the connection line it's style can be changed or the blank linestyle could be used and a short cad tail added to the callout. Also the cameras will display if the view is open unless you uncheck it in Plan Defaults > General Camera > Plan Display > "Always Display Active Cameras" Quikie test plan attached X8 Callouts for Mike.plan
  13. Dan, If you would not mind taking a look to see why this in not formatting to a 1080 pixel width would be much appreciated. I thought it was an isolated incident but it appears now that it is not. Thanks, Chopsaw
  14. Just guessing without seeing the plan but you may have adjusted some settings after building the floor truss. If that is a possibility then select a truss and open it and force it to rebuild and see if anything changes in your elevation view.
  15. Looks like there are a lot of things missing from your DBX and your chief icon is Purple. What version are you running?
  16. Newel, If you are really concerned about your reputation you would have done a quick forum search before posting and found this :
  17. I am not sure then what might be going on here without guessing. If you would care to post your plan file someone will be sure to check it for you and figure out what the issue is. Just give a brief description of what you have drawn.
  18. You can set your room label text size in Plan Defaults > Rooms > Room Label > Text Style. You will need to check If the layers that you want to see have been selected in the Active Layer Display Options (ALDO). It is likely using the Camera View Set but you can quickly switch it to the All on Set to see if there is some sort of a problem.
  19. This does not work well for all attributes but may save some time depending on what needs to be transferred. If you had all the specifications written down or in your head this would work fine but if you are guessing then you could mess up all roof planes. It might work better if the "No Change" items were just grayed out and then you could reference or confirm them to change.
  20. That would be the railing wall ( Interior Railing,ND ) No Drywall. That is essentially my outdoor Railing wall which never needs drywall and does not need to display the extra layers also it is a little simpler to keep track of the width when modifying for offsets etc. Also can be used for interior where the drywall layer is causing display issues for instance a railing mounted on an exposed beam or stringer etc. Give it a try.
  21. Try making your invisible wall "No Locate" in Wall Specification > General > Options. If that does not work you may want to post your plan file.
  22. Select the wall then the tool. Look for tiny diamonds for each layer.
  23. You should be able to select the wall beside the fridge and use the Edit Wall Layer Intersections tool to pull back the framing layer 1/2" to expose the drywall.
  24. Ok, I understand your objective just as long as CA is ok with it. Tiger gave you the file path info. The other problem is my skeleton bonus library is over a gig, so it is not something you just email to a client. By the time you upload to Cloud and then your client downloads from Cloud the time savings are marginal and you are really just providing the same service as CA. If it was your own custom User Library that would be different. If you were meeting with clients and could take a USB drive maybe that would save some time.
  25. Scott, I don't understand the question. Did you not pay for all that content? Any how would it be faster to get it from you than to get it from Chief?