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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Thanks Joe, That is a time saver for sure. Great for job specific items.
  2. You will need to recreate the symbol and change the symbol category which is different than the layer unfortunately. However once this is done you can save it to your user library for future use.
  3. How about a watercolor or standard view elevation for that wall since it looks like you have the texture figured out. Then at least the note would make sense.
  4. You will need to use the panel option on a manual railing set to follow stairs if you are using X8
  5. Yes please do send this one in. It will benefit all and you just need to reference the forum link and it is done.
  6. Not quite sure what happened and you may want to check with tech support but it appears the elevation for the left side of the galley has been lost or not properly saved. Your numbering sequence is missing #10 and #13. I have never had a camera flip and there is no way to rotate a set camera that I am aware of, but anything is possible. A camera can be shifted, it appears that is not likely what happened. You may need to open a new camera and re dimension and notate.
  7. Chief does not seem to want to trim I Joists which is understandable but I am surprised it is actually programmed that way based on how other features work. The bigger mystery is why will the roof not frame all the way to what would be the top if it had pitch ? Interesting though that when each building is a different size the rafters seem to have a maximum length that is the same. This can be duplicated in a test plan but does not seem to be consistent other than the length gets shorter as the pitch is reduced, hummm..... maybe chief is calculating spans now.
  8. If it is not in the project browser you might find it in a backup plan copy but then you would need to copy the content to your current plan file as I don't think you can copy elevation cameras yet.
  9. Looks like your Cad Detail Toolbar has been altered form default. Add those tools back to it or if you have not customized anything on purpose reset to default.
  10. You will need to edit the 2D cad blocks to you liking and assign them to the symbols and then save them to your user library where they can be referenced to be used as electrical defaults. You can customize the symbol as well as the font for size and font color but unfortunately only one default for each plan template as far as I know.
  11. Any Luck with a different font ? I think Chief Blueprint has some known issues that will hopefully be resolved in X11.
  12. Yes that looks good Johnny, You could just import an image but it would be great to have scale and tile controls as well the ability to custom crop as needed. Likely would not be a big deal for Chief to include that as a new feature.
  13. Yes it would be nice if it was all auto but how about two wall breaks and set the post section to retain it's non framed condition.
  14. Did you have something specific in mind Johnny ?
  15. Yes terrain and psolids can be moved with the same procedure. But Cut and Paste Hold Position would be more efficient than copy/paste.
  16. Sorry I flipped the switch the wrong way. Is the Weighted Chandelier a PBR view because that is a whole different problem.
  17. I think the shattered look is just from the low poly count glass. If you turn the light on it looks ok but maybe Adrean could take a look at those as well.
  18. Doug are you seeing several ( at least 8-12 ) surfaces missing on the fixture as well as the one lampshade ? Total of 3780 for the fixture.
  19. Mick, I believe my current template was set up in X9. However I almost always retest with the latest blank CA template file when I encounter something as strange as this. Did not test Doug's light when Adrean said it was taken care of, hopefully she will be able to figure out what is going on when I send in the affected plan files. Thanks for all your help and tutoring.
  20. Thanks Adrean, Mick was on the right track with the material suggestion however it must have another twist to it somehow as I have a version of "Aluminum Brushed" in my Imperial template file that does not have a bump map and fails to generate two of the 4 side panels. However in a stock metric template it generates the panels without issue using the same material. Also very curious where the material is referenced from for the library browser preview window, as this is also effected by which template I use. I was able to correct the issue in my original customers plan file by painting the new version of the material with the (C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X10\Referenced Files\ bump map onto it from the core catalog. Test Plan files on the way..... Many thanks, Chopsaw
  21. I think @Alaskan_Son posted something quite ingenious at one point that I have forgotten but it would be a quick way to get a precise wall area for starters and possibly even more with macro's.
  22. Yes it is kinda strange for sure and causes issues like the one above. However if you know it is there it has some unique uses as an automatically generated polyline.
  23. You should be able to control the framing height by setting your room height which will save you a lot of work. The extra lines will be on the "Framing Roof Trusses Layer" Which you can turn off. The solid gray filled item is likely framing that you should be able to select and delete if the "Framing, Wall" layer is unlocked. And yes please post your plan file if that does not work for you.
  24. Will your rig handle live views for a large set of drawings or do you still get significant lag? Because it seems that maybe chief is reluctant to repair plot lines as they think it is getting outdated. I don't share that opinion with them.