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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. If it is not in the project browser you might find it in a backup plan copy but then you would need to copy the content to your current plan file as I don't think you can copy elevation cameras yet.
  2. Looks like your Cad Detail Toolbar has been altered form default. Add those tools back to it or if you have not customized anything on purpose reset to default.
  3. You will need to edit the 2D cad blocks to you liking and assign them to the symbols and then save them to your user library where they can be referenced to be used as electrical defaults. You can customize the symbol as well as the font for size and font color but unfortunately only one default for each plan template as far as I know.
  4. Any Luck with a different font ? I think Chief Blueprint has some known issues that will hopefully be resolved in X11.
  5. Yes that looks good Johnny, You could just import an image but it would be great to have scale and tile controls as well the ability to custom crop as needed. Likely would not be a big deal for Chief to include that as a new feature.
  6. Yes it would be nice if it was all auto but how about two wall breaks and set the post section to retain it's non framed condition.
  7. Did you have something specific in mind Johnny ?
  8. Yes terrain and psolids can be moved with the same procedure. But Cut and Paste Hold Position would be more efficient than copy/paste.
  9. Sorry I flipped the switch the wrong way. Is the Weighted Chandelier a PBR view because that is a whole different problem.
  10. I think the shattered look is just from the low poly count glass. If you turn the light on it looks ok but maybe Adrean could take a look at those as well.
  11. Doug are you seeing several ( at least 8-12 ) surfaces missing on the fixture as well as the one lampshade ? Total of 3780 for the fixture.
  12. Mick, I believe my current template was set up in X9. However I almost always retest with the latest blank CA template file when I encounter something as strange as this. Did not test Doug's light when Adrean said it was taken care of, hopefully she will be able to figure out what is going on when I send in the affected plan files. Thanks for all your help and tutoring.
  13. Thanks Adrean, Mick was on the right track with the material suggestion however it must have another twist to it somehow as I have a version of "Aluminum Brushed" in my Imperial template file that does not have a bump map and fails to generate two of the 4 side panels. However in a stock metric template it generates the panels without issue using the same material. Also very curious where the material is referenced from for the library browser preview window, as this is also effected by which template I use. I was able to correct the issue in my original customers plan file by painting the new version of the material with the (C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X10\Referenced Files\ bump map onto it from the core catalog. Test Plan files on the way..... Many thanks, Chopsaw
  14. I think @Alaskan_Son posted something quite ingenious at one point that I have forgotten but it would be a quick way to get a precise wall area for starters and possibly even more with macro's.
  15. Yes it is kinda strange for sure and causes issues like the one above. However if you know it is there it has some unique uses as an automatically generated polyline.
  16. You should be able to control the framing height by setting your room height which will save you a lot of work. The extra lines will be on the "Framing Roof Trusses Layer" Which you can turn off. The solid gray filled item is likely framing that you should be able to select and delete if the "Framing, Wall" layer is unlocked. And yes please post your plan file if that does not work for you.
  17. Will your rig handle live views for a large set of drawings or do you still get significant lag? Because it seems that maybe chief is reluctant to repair plot lines as they think it is getting outdated. I don't share that opinion with them.
  18. I just titled mine as "Layout line Update Issues" but if you want to link it with mine you can just give them the ticket # 72574 I think they were able to reproduce from the last of many plan files I sent in but it helps to prioritize the fix if they know it is effecting others. You actually made quick work of finding Perry's favorite workaround which seems to be the only consistent way to refresh. Just to confirm, is that a live view or layout lines with fill ?
  19. Yes I do too, and it seemed to work last time. @Adrean Have we provided enough information for you to reproduce this or would you like a defective plan file ?
  20. So the framing was showing beyond camera clip but still in the layout box. You may have hit on a variation of a bug chief has been trying to resolve. Yes I was able to duplicate your situation quite quickly and I will send in my plan file. If you could do the same it might help clean up X11.
  21. I assume you did rotate and check the other two sides ? They both use the same default "Aluminum Brushed" although yours has a bump map assigned to it which I do not have in my database so that should not effect how it renders on my machine in comparison to the one I am using. This one may be for Adrean unless you have more ideas.
  22. All four of the Surface Mounted Tube Lights in Standard View or Vector although vector is easier to see. Side and end panels are missing all the same on each light except the "Long" which is the opposite side and end of the others.
  23. Ok will try that out as it would possibly be a newer generation of template than the stock X10 templates. Wow this is getting really weird. Gave it a test run in Dermot's no-lines template and it displays in camera view fine like yours however it is still missing the two side panel surfaces in the library browser preview. Can you confirm that Mick ? I wonder what template Adrean is using. X11 possibly.
  24. Definitely not Clipping as you can see the missing surfaces at about 20' away if the angle is correct even with clipping set to 2". However your test plan is ok on my system using all the same camera settings. I think that eliminates the video driver...... I trust that Graham knows how to do a library update and Adrean would likely remember fixing that issue if it happened recently.. Also just tried dropping in a light from my library into your plan file and it works so I will test in another plan and see if it is my template somehow. Strangest thing ever. It works in a Metric plan template and not an Imperial plan template for me and this even dictates how the light displays in the library browser preview. So what template did you do your test plan in Mick ? Totally confused at this point. If it is something to do with measurement unit conversion within the library that would be quite the glitch.
  25. Currently testing 398.36 but it does not work with Adobe Reader and may try one more new one before rolling back to 378.92 and making another Tech Support request at Nvidia.