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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. For these cases you need to adjust the "Ceiling Finish" in the Room dbx. Essentially add layers representing air gap and framing above the drywall. This will lower the finished ceiling height by the total thickness of the added layers.
  2. FWIW, I don't think Chiefs' walk-thru tool has changed much - if at all - in the last 10 years. It's old technology and probably isn't going to get updated. I tried it back in version 9.5 and decided then that it wasn't very much use.
  3. I think Chief X8 was much less flexible in this regard - I don't think it provided for moving the Library separately like X10/11. However, I think you can move the entire X8 "Data Folder" along with the User Library. IAE, moving the Data Folder and setting it's location in Preferences is much simpler.
  4. OK, so here's my analysis on the unprotected openings in exterior walls. Walls would need a custom field for distance to property line - user entered in the OIP for each exterior wall. Windows & Doors would need a custom field to associate with the wall they are in - again, user entered in the OIPs. I would need the table for the percentages allowed to do the allowed calculation. Wall areas are already available in Ruby Attributes Door areas are already available in Ruby Attributes Window areas already are available in Ruby Attributes So, it can be done. The key is making sure the user input listed in #1 & #2 is all done correctly.
  5. Hi Doug, I have the glass area thing already. I had messaged you about that weeks ago but hadn't heard anything from you. I figured you had decided you didn't need it. The exterior openings and wall/property line relationships are a bit more complicated. I will look to see if it can be done.
  6. That and correct dimensions for moldings. Currently the attributes are nominal vs exact and the width always shows as 1" The Wall Schedule takes care of the substrate material so for Wall Finish I could use "Wall Coverings" but that's limited to just 1 per Room.
  7. It would be easy to add a field/column for New / Existing. I'm not selling this just yet as I want to get it refined a bit more. Currently it's a good concept but I really need CA to fix a few attributes so that everything is reported correctly.
  8. It's always going to be a problem since there are chases and other areas that don't get included in the Room Finish Schedules. In addition, the site information is typically "Standard Area" while I'm just showing "Interior Area" in my Schedules. You might also note that I have some columns that you can't get with Chief's Room Schedules.
  9. Here's my version of a Room Finish Schedule using a Note Schedule instead. All columns are filled in with custom macros. The macros are assigned to custom fields of the Note which labels the room in the plan.
  10. If you want the Attic Floor to not effect the Roof Height just make that additional floor 1/16" tall.
  11. Currently that isn't possible in a standard Room Schedule because the Rooms do not have an OIP (Object Information Panel) like most other objects. However, the room attributes (including perimeter) are available for those objects that are contained in a room. That fact allows for a custom Room Schedule to be created using macros. Basically, you would place a very small cabinet or other object in each room and use it's attributes and schedule with custom fields to create the schedule. It's not a trivial job and it would probably be much easier for CA to simply add "Perimeter" as a column available to the Room Schedule - or - add an OIP for Rooms.
  12. Have you looked at the "Wall Details"? Wall Elevations don't show framing - just what's inside the room.
  13. Chief is not the best tool to use for part sizing. I would suggest KCD Software for your use. It's pretty inexpensive on a monthly or yearly basis.
  14. I would just add a Molding Polyline along the exposed edges of the "Soffit-Roof" and specify the Crown Molding of your choice. Note that the Crown Molding may be on the wrong side but you can just toggle that. It may also be at the wrong elevation - just set the Vertical Offset.
  15. I just use Ctrl-C to copy the text I want. Then in the RTB I just use Ctrl-V Works as expected. No Problem.
  16. I have tried 1-1/2" Jamb Width and 1-1/2" Trimmers. Jambs are shown inside the 60" Window dimension Trimmers don't exist in CMU Walls Window shows in Schedule as 60" width Dimension to RO is also 60" Evidently Chief just doesn't know how to deal with a rough buck (trimmer) in a masonry wall.
  17. I'm having trouble getting dimensions of my CMU walls to comply with my window sizes. Example: 64" wide CMU opening (8" Block Module) 1.5" trimmers .5" RO each side 60" Nail-on Vinyl Window I want the wall opening to dimension as 5'-4" and the Window Schedule to indicate the width as 60" What settings do I use in the window dbx to get the walls to dimension correctly?
  18. It has to be done by using a single schedule and a custom field. I know it can be done because I've done something similar using the floor-number and simple_schedule_number attributes.
  19. I can write the macros for you (for a fee) but I'm pretty sure you would need to upgrade to X11 for it to work. X10 might work but X9 doesn't have the required attributes. The windows would need to have a custom field which would then be used as a column in the window schedule.
  20. The only way to do that is to use a custom macro.
  21. There are attributes: floor_number simple_schedule_number that you can use in macros in your schedules and in labels. This works for Doors, Windows, Cabinets, Appliances, Fixtures and even to a certain extent for Rooms.
  22. You can create your own Garage Door Panels to use. They are just Symbols Here's one I created some time ago. Glass Garage Door Panel.calibz
  23. I make my wall layer line weights as follows: Both sides of framing = 18-25 All other layers = 2-5 This works well for me both when the Line Weights are ON or OFF
  24. Scott, I don't know if this will work, but try putting the note schedule in a CAD Detail. That way you should be able to control the scale independently from the plan. You will have to send the schedule to Layout separately from the plan.
  25. Any Molding can be used as a casing on an opening, a baseboard, a crown molding, etc. 2D Molding Profiles act as extrusion shapes. 3D Moldings represent a repeated 3D geometric object rather than an extruded shape. A 3D Molding Polyline is a totally different animal in that it describes a path that is in more than one plane.