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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. HI Rene, I've experimented with both fonts. Is it possible to make the Arial Narrow use a wider "space" (maybe a double space)? I really don't know much about custom font capabilities. It would look a little better to have a wider space between the feet and inches.
  2. He has a custom font that redefines the space to a dash, and the dash to a space. It would be nice if he'd share that font. But I would personally like a modified "Arial" font.
  3. Use a Rich Text Box - just one so you can change the text size.
  4. Answering your own question? Are you going to give yourself a "SOLVED" ???
  5. There shouldn't be any problems. I have several projects from up to 5 versions back. Whenever I need to do additional work on one of those I just open it in the latest version, save it to my new version project folder and use that going forward.
  6. The attached macro will need to be downloaded and installed. For some reason the macro isn't being included in the calibz file. roof_pitch.json
  7. Well, I'm sure glad I only purchased a new computer with just an RTX 2060. It's working great and I haven't seen any of those problems.
  8. Check in your digital locker.
  9. What's the difference between HDMI & DisplayPort? My new RTX Card has 1 HDMI and 3 DisplayPort connections. The computer also has an additional HDMI connection. I will probably get 3 DisplayPort cables but currently I'm planning on using 2 HDMI cables and connecting just my 4K TV to the RTX card. What's the downside? Eventually I will add a 3rd monitor so I will have to use the DisplayPorts.
  10. For Polylines I would really like to have 2 separate labels. This would be particularly useful for displaying x-size and y-size. But then those attributes would need to be available. I'm really thinking about "Intelligent Roof Pitch Polylines". Similar to those I posted in the "Content and Symbols" forum --- but even better.
  11. You would need to set it in the NVidia Control Panel & the Graphics Display Settings
  12. Have you set the RTX to be used with X13? It might not have been set automatically.
  13. Here's a Library with "Intelligent Roof Pitch Triangles". They are actually Moldings - here's how to use them: Place the Molding Profile in Elevation or Section views. Adjust the vertical line's length to (3) times the pitch number of your roof plane (because the triangle is 36" wide) 12" = 4:12 15" = 5:12 18" = 6:12 etc This will change the vertical dimension to match the roof pitch. You may need to adjust the position of the label slightly. This is something that has been requested many times. Now that we can have labels for polylines and store the polyline in the User Library this works fairly well. Roof Pitch.calibz
  14. You need to edit the default cabinet label so that a new cabinet will have the label info you want.
  15. That's correct. I get PDFs from some consultants, etc. Some of them provide me with PNGs which I automatically use. IAE, if I only have a PDF I will open it in my PDF Editor and "Export" to PNG. Then I will insert the PNG into my Layout instead of the PDF. Printing is much, much faster.
  16. I mentioned this in "Tips & Techniques" some time ago. Use jpegs or pngs instead of pdfs. File bloat will be much less and print speed will be a lot faster.
  17. Michael, I think you might need to study the X13 capabilities a little closer. There are several improvements to editing PSolids & Solids in X13 that we didn't have in X12.
  18. There are several new features in X13 that haven't gotten much comment. One of my favorites is the ability to add Text, Rich_Text, Callouts, Markers & Notes to the Library without having to create a CAD Block. Then also being able to open them in the Library and edit directly. This feature is going to save me a lot of time. I can now save so much textual information in the Library and have it available to annotate my ConDocs. Now if we could just save Schedules the same way it would be great. Of course, Schedules can be saved in Templates but having preconfigured Schedules in the Library would be a greate addition.
  19. Steven, The first error was because you hadn't selected an object that had a width. Nil Class indicates that there's no object to evaluate. These macros supplied by Chief do not have "error handling" so they require that they reference only objects that have the attributes width or height. That can also cause an error to occur. When I create a macro I include "error handling" so that the macro will either: report why it failed --- example: No Object Selected to Evaluate or return simply a blank string or return a value of zero It depends on what the macro is supposed to do. I try to anticipate what the user needs to see in order to know what to return.
  20. There are a lot of fixes - they just aren't shown in the video's. Of course, there are still fixes that need to be done. For CA it's just a matter of what's their priorities.
  21. Go to 3D Warehouse and search for "Bowling Alley" models. There are a lot of them.
  22. This is very easy to do with a "Reference Layerset" showing all the Plumbing Fixtures.
  23. In X13 you can add text and rich_text to the library without blocking it. Big improvement.