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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. I'm curious, why can't you use that one? It looks to me like that's an image of a 3D model you already have.
  2. I personally disagree and prefer drawing my door panels in plan view. You get a lot more usable snaps that way, have the advantage of being able to work with regular molding polylines rather than 3D molding polylines, and you can use the height attributes to more methodically set the location of your various components in the Z direction.
  3. Hey Ron, I’m curious...It looks like you’ve been using Chief for about 20 years. How have you been drawing all your plans with tilted/sloped walls up till now?
  4. I don’t have a Mac so I haven’t experienced any of these issues, but to those of you who are, please make sure to report to Chief. My experience has always been that they DO care and they do fix problems that get reported in a usable way by enough people. We need to report our problems though so that they can reproduce. If they can’t reproduce or figure out what triggers the problem, they can’t fix it. Also, contrary to Michael’s Gia’s statement above, I l’ve never felt that Chief is hesitant to admit when there’s an issue. I’ve reported probably 100’s of issues, many of which have been subsequently addressed and in almost all cases, they are quick to admit that they were able to confirm or reproduce the issue. If they can’t reproduce doesn’t mean they’re lying or don’t care, just that they haven’t been able to reproduce the same scenario. Maybe they aren’t running multiple monitors and/or using multiple resolutions, maybe they don’t have your specific combination of software, hardware, and drivers, or maybe it’s just user error. In any case, I assure you, Chief cares, they listen, and they fix issues that are reported by enough of us. We all have to REPORT our issues though and in a useful way.
  5. A couple examples of HELPFUL responses. It makes sense to indicate my feelings as such with a couple upvotes. Frankly, I’m curious who honestly finds any of the following helpful in any way and marked it at such... You’re suggesting Chief is lying, doesn’t care if there’s a problem for a large portion of their user base, has no intention of fixing it, and that people should refrain from communicating their positive experiences (i.e. keep it negative or shut up). And then, seemingly just to make sure you burn all your bridges, you go ahead and take a parting jab at anyone who doesn’t hold the same general disdain for Chief and who might like to help discourage potentially toxic and unhelpful responses with a downvote. I for one think it’s probably a good idea Chief had the foresight to limit downvotes for unhelpful responses because I would have likely hit the button a few times for that one.
  6. It looks to me like you made a lot more than some standard ceiling height changes. You must have done something pretty extreme.
  7. There is no longer a "Sits on Roof" option in the Symbol Specification dialog. Instead, Chief added the option to the Object Specification dialog (as Joe mentioned above while I was typing this up)...
  8. Just to be clear, the symbol in the plan didn't necessarily need to be replaced. You could have just renamed the symbol in the plan.
  9. Group select your notes and simply copy/paste into the other plan. Paste them off to the side and delete the unnecessary duplicates.Easy peasy. You can also simply save commonly used notes to your library and just place them from there.
  10. I always send as plot lines which makes it easy to snap to all linework in the view. This makes very quick work of covering with a solid filled patch IN LAYOUT that only needs to be adjusted if the changes affect that particular cabinet profile. Also, you can break and create steps in your elevation camera section lines to create a little jog around the problem cabinets.
  11. Angela, If you have a mnaually drawn dimension that already exists in the plan, Chief will use that instead of producing its own Temporary Dimensions. Those dimensions you're seeing could be dimensions that you have drawn and that are on a layer that is currently not displayed. Also, temporary dimensions are controlled in part by your currently Active Dimension Defaults. So if you have those set to Locate Centers, then your Temporary Dimensions will locate centers as well.
  12. Thanks Lew. I have to say that this one indeed qualifies as a genuine workaround.
  13. I think basement levels are always a little weird, both with regard to the Living Area label and with regard to the Plan Check tool. At any rate, you can trick Chief into giving you back your Living Area Label on Floor 0 by enclosing a little room off to the side that is completely separate from the rest of the structure. Now connect that room to the existing structure with a connecting wall. Now simply delete all those new walls. What's really happening is that you're tricking Chief into recognizing a new Living Area and therefore generating a new Living Area Label. When you draw the connecting wall, Chief considers them both part of the same structure and includes both areas in the total. Deleting the extra walls just deletes that one room and the new label stays.
  14. Turn off Blend Colors with Materials. And like some of the other guys have already mentioned, take advantage of the Help files.
  15. We do basically the same thing and have no problems whatsoever. I would note that I only use that method when the barge overhang is under 2 ft. though.
  16. Did you ask your Nana? Or how bout maybe the local pawn shop?
  17. Hey Joe, I assume you are talking about this part of the code... ...since I'm pretty positive you understand the rest quite well. If my assumption is correct, I may be able to help as it's something that took me quite some time to fully grasp and I personally couldn't even work without anymore. If it doesn't help you, maybe someone else can take advantage of the free lesson (note that this is NOT intended as a beginner lesson). It's a lot simpler than it actually seems on the surface. First off is the .map function, which is really the key to the whole operation. In plain English, the .map function essentially tells Ruby that you want to do something to every element in your array. The brackets ({}) encapsulate the thing you want to do. The .map function is unique in that it will output the results as a modified array. Anyway, moving on... Inside those brackets are some pipes (||); and inside those pipes you are essentially just giving a generic name that represents the generic array element. I believe this generic name (as I call it) is technically called a block parameter but I could be wrong about that part. In this particular case, Gerry used the letter r, but it could have been any letter. Right or wrong, I personally just look at this like I'm assigning a temporary variable name. In fact, you're not even limited to using a single letter (as you'll see in my example below), but a single letter seems to be the typical approach. After those pipes (and still inside the brackets) is where you describe what you want to do to each element in your array. I look at this like I'm just modifying a single variable except that whatever I tell Ruby to do will happen to each and every element in the array. In this case, Gerry used the Rational method using the block parameter (r) as the argument. For all intents and purposes, Rational(r) is the same thing as r.to_r and is also the same thing as r.rationalize. Just 3 different approaches. So, as an example, I want to tell Ruby to take my list of numbers, automatically square them, and return them as a list of equations in this basic format: 6² = 36 Creating the array is something I'm sure you're familiar with. There are many ways, but here's one: my_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6] I'm sure you're also perfectly familiar with how to create a variable and how to modify that variable to get the desired format. Again, there are many ways, but here's one: temp = 1 temp.to_s + "² = " + (temp*temp).to_s > 1² = 1 Let's put it all together now by taking your array (my_list) using the .map function starting the code block ({) assigning your "temporary variable name" inside pipes (|temp|) inserting the code you want to execute on each element (temp.to_s + "² = " + (temp*temp).to_s) adding a carriage return so that the new list is generated as multi-line text (+ "\n") ending the code block (}) which will essentially result in a new array with appropriately modified elements joining each element in that new array back together as a single text string (.join) and removing the extra carriage return at the end (.strip){|temp| temp.to_s + "² = " + (temp*temp).to_s + "\n"}.join.strip >1² = 1 2² = 4 3² = 9 4² = 16 5² = 25 6² = 36
  18. You can also just hit Undo or Save and reopen the plan.
  19. This is a long standing bug Doug. Not sure I remember all the nuances, but I believe it's always triggered by having Auto Rebuild Roofs toggled on and Automatically Build Roof Framing toggled off. To fix, you have to group select the offending items (using Match Properties makes this quick) and then Cut/Paste Hold Position. I would also recommend turning OFF Auto Rebuild Roofs or you'll just have to keep fixing it.
  21. Don’t be afraid of deleting it all. Your plans will be unaffected.