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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Ah, you didn’t say you were GROUP selecting. That changes things. The behavior is different during a group select and I believe it always has been.
  2. It’s always about WHICH wall you select and which of the associated dimensions you click on. you can either select the wall and then click on a parallel dimension in which case you will be changing its length or you can click on a perpendicular dimension in which case you would be MOVING the wall along with any connected walls ends.
  3. Preferences>Appearance>Minimum Display Size>Labels
  4. I personally couldn't work without them.
  5. Preferences>Edit>Selection>Show Start and End Indicators. They're not new to X12 either. We've had them for as far back as i can remember.
  6. It won’t work in Excel, Word, Notepad, Mozilla Firefox, or anywhere else I know of either and none of them mention it in their manuals. I suspect because it makes little sense telling people everything they can’t do...particular when it’s something the software wasn’t intended to be used for or when it’s a regarding a subject that was really only designed to be utilized at the developer level (i.e. NOT by the end user).
  7. Typing the character in a text field or using it in text macros (simple string replacement) is probably a lot different. In my own personal experience, I've found that you can manipulate left to right spacing (bearings/kerning) at the font level but line spacing and feeding (with the sole exception of a newline) is always controlled by the application. The application may or may not use Unicode characters to represent the line spacing but it's not something the end user can do using control characters. At least that is my experience.
  8. Sorry, I think I misunderstood what you were after. I thought you wanted 1-1/2 spaces between characters. I see now that you must be after 1-1/2 newlines. Sorry, but I don't think Chief supports that functionality. In fact, I've never actually seen it put into use anywhere.
  9. Is it doing what you want it to so far?
  10. Sorry Chop, I posted that from my phone and the quotations didn't translate right. Use this instead... "  "
  11. Copy and paste this and see if it does what you’re looking for... ”  “
  12. Can you possibly expand more specifically on which characters you’re attempting to access or more specifically what you’re trying to accomplish?
  13. Ah, I missed that you were talking about some non-printing control characters. I won’t pretend to understand exactly how those work but I don’t believe they even need or always have associated characters. I mean just because there’s a code point doesn’t mean it has an accompanying character. That means the font may or may not even matter (?) Also, I’m not sure which characters you’re trying to call or how you’re trying to use it, but have you tried simply using the ASCII range? Most of the ones we might use are included in that range as well. Also, if you’re trying to use them in Ruby, there are some built in backslash notations that might help... Backslash notation Hexadecimal character Description \a 0x07 Bell or alert \b 0x08 Backspace \cx Control-x \C-x Control-x \e 0x1b Escape \f 0x0c Formfeed \M-\C-x Meta-Control-x \n 0x0a Newline \nnn Octal notation, where n is in the range 0.7 \r 0x0d Carriage return \s 0x20 Space \t 0x09 Tab \v 0x0b Vertical tab \x Character x \xnn Hexadecimal notation, where n is in the range 0.9, a.f, or A.F
  14. Arial Unicode MS has something like 35,000 characters I think.
  15. Don't forget that Ruby support and Chief text box support are 2 entirely different things. Ruby might pass the information on to Chief but if Chief doesn't support it then you'll get the question marks. This was the case back in X9 where Ruby supported Unicode but Chief's standard text boxes did not. Having said that, I have yet to find a character range that does not work in both standard Text and Rich Text in X12 (at least for what I've used it for).
  16. It sounds like perhaps your Stretch Planes were messed up then.
  17. Back in X9 Chief implemented Unicode in Rich Text but not in standard text or in various data entry fields. I believe it was X12 where Chief added Unicode support for standard text boxes as well.
  18. Yep. My guess too. Need to Open Object and adjust Height/Width/Depth there...NOT Open Symbol (where we can only adjust how that symbol is treated when resized.
  19. Here's another very quick way... Place a Framing Reference Marker Frame Wall Open Wall Detail, use a marquee or fence to group select studs and Cut (Control+X) them all to clipboard Move Framing Reference Marker over 1-1/2" (or the thickness of your stud) Frame Wall again Open Wall Detail and Paste Hold Position (Control+Alt+V)
  20. I’ve run into similar scenarios and I always tend to forget until I’ve exhausted all the interior access possibilities that the mechanical room could potentially be accessed from outside the house too. This usually opens up some possibilities.
  21. I usually only do this stuff for myself or when specifically hired to do so, but I had a little extra time today and liked the idea, so I went ahead and put together a full Building Block plan for this purpose... Here's an example symbol created in just a minute or 2 using the plan... 4 Port Example.calibz The custom symbol is on me, but if anyone wants the full plan, shoot me over an email to and I'll send it to you for your own personal use for $15.00.
  22. Might be a little time consuming to initially set up but it’s probably a bit easier than you might think. I would recommend the following process: - Start a new “Keystone Building Blocks” plan. This will make it east to access for future symbol creation. - Either import or model a few wall plates (single gang, double gang; and single port, double port, triple port, etc.). You can easily import via Import>3D Symbol. - Model or import your various keystones and make sure the height of each of those keystones is set to line up with the face of your wall plate. - Draw any desired CAD Blocks to represent your symbols. - Whenever you need a new configuration, simply copy and paste keystones into the desired face plate, group select, Convert to Symbol, use Advanced options to name, set to Wall Mounted, and to assign the desired 2D Block. Add to library and now you you have that configuration for present and future use. Basically, you're just assembling it like you buy it. I commonly add these symbols off to the side in my Building Blocks Plan too. Makes it easy to use as a Warehouse Plan if so desired.
  23. I deleted it because I realized I was using a different approach that I realized didn't exactly apply here. Sorry for the confusion.
  24. The way I see it, the primary purpose of the forum here is peer to peer help. It's not a product review forum, it's not the proper channel for reporting bugs or complaints to Chief, it's not for proper Chief Architect Technical Support, and with the exception of the Suggestion section, it's not for suggestions either. In fact Chief may or may not read any of it. As such, I just don't find it very productive to bash the program when people are looking for help. Its discouraging and only further entrenches people in their frustrations, and it doesn't do any good with regard to helping them just get things done. Plus, if you're hoping Chief is listening, then you're really barking up the wrong tree...for that you should be using the proper channels. Please believe me when I say that I do plenty of whining. I've probably sent it literally hundreds of bug reports, complaints, and suggestions to Tech Support that you have never read...a great MANY of which have been addressed. I'm just saying, don't confuse my desire to help users keep moving or my propensity to use the proper channels with being in some sort of Chief Fanboy Club.
  25. This is where I think a little perspective shift can really help. A person doesn't have to think the behavior is normal, fine, or alright in order to accept the current function and just move on. I regularly send in bug reports, suggestions, and requested fixes. In the meantime? I do what I can do get work done using the existing tools.