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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Yeah, some of the limitations we have are pretty frustrating. Here's a crappy workaround solution if you ever really find yourself needing the borders and fills for your dimensions...
  2. Not sure what you're doing differently, but they work just fine for me. Starting in X9, any surface mounted outlet should snap right to the side of your cabinet.
  3. That's what Current CAD Layer is for. You can also take it a step further and start utilizing Annotation Sets to automatically switch that Current CAD Layer along with a whole bunch of other defaults.
  4. All standard text boxes can have a border and fill (set through the Attributes tab if I recall correctly).
  5. Totally agree. So should labels. Its definitely something I've wanted to be able to do at times and would be a good one for the suggestion forum. EDIT: Since it's something I've wanted anyway I went ahead and posted a suggestion myself...
  6. Good thought. That one seems more likely and is a much less silly question than mine.
  7. Silly question maybe, but did you make sure they're actually turned on?
  8. David, That's just how how those room dimensions work. They're called "Interior Dimensions".
  9. Whether or not there is a fill is controlled by the text style...
  10. Yep. That is exactly what I was talking about. I don't think it's a bug although it does bug me. It's annoying right?
  11. Are you possibly dealing with an invisible wall?
  12. My $0.02... Do an ACTUAL union or reshape those objects so there is no overlap. Other than that, you are is a little hit and miss. If perfectly aligning the objects doesn't work and if you don't want to reshape the objects I think your next best bet is one or more of the following... Use one or more overlayed CAD patches or overlayed p-solids. Set one or more of the objects to use the invisible line style. This only works well for certain circumstances. In conjunction with using the invisible line style, add your own lines only where necessary. Depending on the view type this can either be done with actual CAD or with a thin 3D object. Remove the extraneous lines in layout using Edit Layout Lines. All workarounds I know, but at least its sumpthin'.
  13. It definitely has something to do with the combined height of the top and bottom chord in relation to the heel height. Energy heels will properly generate for essentially ANY heel height as long as the combined height of the top and bottom chord in relation to the heel height is low enough...thus the reason the workaround I suggested above works.
  14. ...again, you're not reproducing the same situation I'm talking about. You have a rather large heel height there so you're not going to have the same problem. Try making that heel shorter or try using larger top and bottom chords. I'll say it again...Once the combined height of the top and bottom chord reach a certain percentage of the heel height, the energy heel will not generate properly. Try an 11-1/4" heel with 2x6 top and bottom chords. I'm actually not certain, maybe it has something to do with the height of the truss envelope at the tail or the intersection of the top and bottom chord. At any rate, I know I can't get some of our most common configurations to automatically generate properly. Just try to slowly decrease the heel height or increase the chord dimensions and you should be able to see what I'm talking about.
  15. I'm away from my computer so I may not have the terminology quite right, but try going to your 3D View Defaults and checking Use Layer Settings.
  16. Thanks Jared, I appreciate you taking the time to try and help us out, but your example is not quite the same. Try creating a much shorter energy heel or try using larger top and bottom chords. Energy heels work just fine down to a certain point. Where that point occurs I'm not exactly certain but once the combined height of the top and bottom chord reach a certain percentage of the heel height, the energy heel will no longer generate. Try getting an 11-1/4" heel with 2x6 top and bottom chords.
  17. If I understand correctly what you're after then don't use the %page% macro. Chief has a built in method for dealing with this... Use the %layout.label% macro instead of or in conjunction with the %page% macro Click on Edit Page Information and in the Label field add your desired prefix followed by the # sign The # sign will automatically create a new series of page numbers based on the prefix For example, you could enter the following in the respective label fields: Page 1: CS Page 2: A# Page 3: A# Page 4: A# Page 5: S# Page 6: S# Page 7: P# The actual displayed label output from the %layout.label% macro would be as follows: Page 1: CS Page 2: A1 Page 3: A2 Page 4: A3 Page 5: S1 Page 6: S2 Page 7: P1 Let me know if that doesn't do what you're after. There are a few other tricks we can use as well.
  18. Absolutely yes and positively no. It depends...can you be a little more specific about what you're trying to do.
  19. As always you are very welcome. P.S. I just realized that your signature says X3-X8. You're not still using X8 are you? I assume you're not and that your signature just needs to be updated.
  20. Sorry, I can't find any way to change that setting.
  21. Are you talking about File>Export>Export Picture? Are you just trying to avoid manually entering your resolution in that dbx?
  22. As many of you already know, energy heels do not automatically generate properly for some of the most standard truss configurations. Here's something I would definitely consider a workaround but its a lot quicker than what I think most of us have been doing... Build all your trusses as usual setting the appropriate trusses to be Energy Heels... Group select at least all the energy heel trusses, change top and bottom chords to a very small dimension (1" should probably do it), check Force Truss Rebuild, and click Okay... With the trusses still selected, open them right back up, check Lock Truss Envelope, change your top and bottom chord back to what they should be, and click Okay... Again, it would be nice if energy heels behaved properly on their own, but until they do, I think this is the best we can do. If anyone knows of a more effective solution I'd love to know it.