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Everything posted by DBCooper

  1. Have you tried playing with the "marquee select similar" tool? It basically lets you select an object, and then draw a rectangle to select similar objects and not pick up other types of objects. It has two modes, one more restrictive then the default one and you can switch modes once you click on the main tool. Might work good for your particular case. There is also the edit area tool that lets you use any shaped polyline you like. Just draw the polyline first, select it, and then select edit area to just edit the objects in the area. I sometimes find it cumbersome to have to draw the polyline first to do it this way but there are cases that this really helps. You can also use it with the "edit area visible" to only edit things currently turned on. instead of accidently moving things that are hidden. Just to be clear though, I don't have any objection to adding a lasso tool. There are times when I think this would be very handy.
  2. Click in one of your rooms with the floor pattern. You should have the room selected (look in the status bar). Hit tab or click "next". You should have a standard polyline selected. Open the dialog. It has a 36x36 grid set as the fill style.
  3. Maybe you used a polyline or some other object? If you can't figure it out, then you could post the plan and someone else probably could.
  4. Gene, that only works if you turn off either "scale images" or "use plan view scale" in the schedule dialog. In X16, I think these are turned on by default and maybe you already have one or both them turned off in your template.
  5. I'm not sure I really understand what you are trying to do. Are you trying to position an outlet along the wall or away from the wall surface? Or are you trying to use the "auto place outlets" tool? If you want to position it away from the wall, you should be able to set the "distance from wall" to something bigger than 0. If you want to position it along the wall, you could always draw a manual dimension to it so you can set the exact distance from something else. You might need to turn on "electrical" in your locate object settings for your dimensions. You could also place one and then use the transform/replicate tool to position copies. If your problem is with the auto place outlet tool, I don't think there is a way to set the distances and that tool just does whatever the program thinks will work. You can always move them afterwards though. I think these would all be the same in X12 but it's been a while...
  6. The room's floor material will only display in a camera view. The room's fill style will only display in floor plan views. Changing one will not change the other because they are completely independent. You will have to set your fill style for your room to something that matches your material.
  7. Open the schedule and turn off "use plan view scale" for the preview. The size in the schedule will then be set by the schedule column width and then you can make the size in the elevation/plan whatever you want.
  8. My guess is that you created the terrain perimeter on the second level and that is why it displays there. Was that your intent? If not, then you can remove it and put it on the first level. If that was what you wanted and you want it to display on other floors, then you can always show it using the reference display (as suggested by Joe).
  9. You can only see a stair on the floor below if you have an open below room (or stairwell). You can either make this room using the "auto stairwell" tool or you can make it manually just using the railing tools and then mark the room as an open below. I usually start with the auto stairwell tool and then manually adjust as needed.
  10. Just to be clear, there is no way that I know of to actually convert an imperial plan into metric or vice versa. You can modify the dimensions to display in metric or even both if you like. Just follow Doug's instructions above. Under the hood everything will still be in imperial units and you will see this in all of the dialog boxes. If you need to actually convert the plan into metric, you would need to redraw it starting with a metric template plan.
  11. Nope, it's all or nothing with the automatic labels. You could manually place your own text boxes but that hardly seems worth it just to get some partial transparency.
  12. This might just be me... but wouldn't those asymmetric windows look better if they were mirrored?
  13. Assuming that everything is a solid, then yes, you can make a notch. Basically, you build another piece for the notch using a solid, move it into the proper position, and then use the poly subtract tool.
  14. That's because the original post is over 7 years old and the program has changed a bit since then. You can now have as many different reference floors as you like. The draw order is determined by the order in the table. You can change the order in the table using the "move up" and "move down" buttons.
  15. I don't think Chief likes having one camera view sent to two different layout boxes using different layer sets. It looks like when you update the plot lines that it wants to use the layer set from the camera view and not the one from the layout box and so it updates both views. I'm not sure if anything changed from X15 or not but I have always used a one camera for every layout box rule and not had this problem. It's pretty easy to copy cameras now so it should be easy to fix.
  16. Have you tried using the "find objects on layer" tool? Just open up the ALDO and right click on the layer you want to delete.
  17. It just looks like your ramp is too short. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like the top of your ramp is level with the porch. If it's not level, then you need to raise or lower the top height so it is. For an ADA ramp, your ramp will need to have a 1:12 slope. If your subfloor is 36" above the terrain, then your ramp will need to be at least 36' long. This is assuming that your terrain is flat. If your ramp needs to meet the terrain at a lower point, then it will need to be even longer than 36'. You could also make it steeper but then it probably wouldn't meet code.
  18. Turn off automatic heights in the ramp dialog and then you can set the height to whatever you want.
  19. I think you can do that with a custom macro. See this thread for an example of how: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/43125-ruby-script-help
  20. I am using the latest update (26.3), and it seems to be working fine for me. I even tried it with the same tools you used in the first video (soffit and cad defaults) and it worked exactly how I expected it to. Not sure why it wouldn't work the same for you but maybe it is related to some setting somewhere?
  21. In your picture, your schedule only has two schedule numbers listed (W01 & W02), but your plan has a bunch of other schedule callouts. Like Brett, I would bet that you have another schedule somewhere. Select the window in your plan with the W03 and then use the "find schedule from object" tool to find it. If that doesn't help you solve the problem, then you should probably post the plan.
  22. So I get the same behavior as you. If I change the layer for a wall so it does not have the "default" checkbox set, then any attic walls will be set to the same layer. I am guessing that they did this on purpose so that if you want to hide the main wall that the gable wall will hide with it.
  23. See if checking the option for "use soffit surface for ceiling" in the room dialog gives you what you want.
  24. Could be lots of things so probably best to post the plan.