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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Put a request in the Suggestions Forum , I am sure others would +1 it. M.
  2. The Known Issue is apparently related to having very large Terrain Perimeter's turn on in Elevation, no sure if that maybe your scenario? but usually that shows as some of the color shifting sideways rather than being blurry. M.
  3. If you are using color in Vector View, you change the color of the Pattern of the Glass,Standard material to a grey, this won't be seen if color is off though like in the 1st Image. Mick.
  4. So you can't see through them in Vector View ? you can set the Glass to Opaque in the Rendering Technique Options.........
  5. There is no import / export function for Schedules unfortunately but have you tried Copy and Pasting between CAD Details? M.
  6. Yes Right Click it in the PB and agree to delete message....
  7. You didn't post your reproduced plan or I would of looked at it , just pics.... it appeared to have 1 spline still at 0' but I'll check back tonight M.
  8. Now you're changing the story Many Surveys do not show what is there "today" , the one on record could be from before any work was done or even the 1st Building built, so there could be many changes, unless you know the Survey is "new" of course, but the Surveyor could of also screwed up the Elev. Data as well. M.
  9. At least one line is still at 0' , (pretty sure I see 0' in your last pic ) , this would cause the "Valley" in the middle... RED numbers means a negative Elevation too. Mick.
  10. Yes I still have the "black out Issue" along with several others, but with my 3080 , it is quicker to disappear it sounds like than the M1 Chip, unlike you it is not followed by a crash though , so it is possibly not linked? I have more issues in Plan and Templates built in Earlier Versions which almost guarantee a crash in 3D. Mick.
  11. Does you MAC have an Intel Graphics Card? ( not in Sig.) I have seen posts similar to this over the Years when laptops had Intel GPUs and bad Intel Drivers etc. I am not a MAC person sorry but Chief recently posted this KB Article..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03108/supported-intel-graphics-chipsets.html
  12. Make a Full Foundation Walltype so you don't end up with little "rooms" behind the Insulated 2x4 basement wall ....ie combine it with the FDN Wall Conc. Wall
  13. Best Practices...... Partition wall being checked should not be used in most conditions , Chief's Walls normally join on their Center Line, and this setting tries to stop that happening with the wall "touching" the other wall's surface only.
  14. Maybe I read the OP a bit differently than Chopsaw? but are you sure you just haven't accidently turned of the Flat Ceilings in the Rooms or perhaps the entire level ? Mick.
  15. Only I don't think you have X14 ? Hopefully you don't have a graphics Card Issue , pixelation is one of the 1st signs of a GPU dying.... M.
  16. Yes pretty common issue , so I too have to use CAD lines or a tiny marker to snap to. M.
  17. Me? Chief has always recommended Nvidia Gaming cards , so that is what I have always had...... looks like buying a 3080 in the new computer for X13 was a waste of hard earned $$$ though..... probably lost an hour today already with lockups.... M.
  18. Exactly ............ every plan has 30-40 Default (changeable) materials associated with it.... Doors, Windows, Roof Planes, Walltypes etc etc. M.
  19. Yes , I have posted about it before , in fact I am in the middle of another 5-9 min Freeze , ( 4 time this morning ) right now , so thought I'd come to the Forum. Doesn't happen just with Auto save though, also when I Ctrl-S or use another method to save the Plan or Layout. * No 3D crashes in my case ....... I seem to only get those in Plans brought forward from earlier Versions despite Dermot's claims. ** Well this might be a new record , I think this one is a hard crash 22 mins in now and still locked up well it lasted 23:36mins...... So , I figured I should Reboot the computer and tried to save the Plan ( above was a layout save) and it went straight back into lockdown ...just waiting on it now... yah...only 6:42 for this one....sheesh... Mick
  20. send as Image for now instead .....only downside is remembering to update it as needed , but I just save the Camera , open it and resend again. M.
  21. This was a known Issue in earlier Versions of X13 but is fixed in the latest release....... however your Sig. says you are using X12 , and I did not have the issue in x12. M.
  22. Chief always has a backup copy of the Templates in the Program's Install Folder in case it needs to replace the Default Templates in the Chief Data folder at any time. C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X13\Templates. ( the version you are using/need ^^^ ) Mick.
  23. Are you using X8 (in sig) , CA 12 , or CA X12 ? it would seem the Computer is upto the task it should be running Nvidia 511.79 and then make sure CA is using the 3080 and not the Intel integrated Graphics Card, which I suspect is the Issue. 511.79 https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16205-nvidia-drivers-updated/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-261659 https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662