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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. A series of Elevation Lines should work ........say 14' apart with an elevation change of 2' per line ( using you numbers approx. I think ) and never allow Terrain data info to touch or cross each other , as you can see I use an orange fill in my regions set to 95% Transparency (which looks darker when they overlap - 5%+5% = 90% Trans) Similar to what I am working on today except I was pushing my terrain down at the driveway...
  2. It's their Watermark , "Graham Smith" is really WinBiz Solutions India ( WBZ ) the link is underlined.... M.
  3. There is nothing except RAM and an extra SSD to upgrade in laptops really, I would look on Dell direct rather than through Amazon too as that is an older model I believe as it only has a 10th gen. cpu and 11th and even 12 gen is out now.... , you may do better for $2700 with Xmas Sales etc. M.
  4. HDP is pretty capable and X12 is likely still worth $2000 minimum so is a quarter the cost and is only $100/yr to keep current.... M.
  5. Did you try switching the Toolbars back to Child tool palette in Preferences and opening the Tool Palette? ( looks like you are in dropdown mode for toolbars) M.
  6. I assume this quote is yours as it wasn't mine as it says above for some reason........ No it's not usually but as Dermot mentioned X13 has a brand new 3D Engine and as CA is fully 3D even 2D elevations won't work on some older Videocards ( as reported by some here) , but unfortunately Laptops are not usually upgradeable as far as Graphics Cards go like a Desktop can be. paying the annual SSA is still the cheapest way to stay current in CA, missing yrs makes it more expensive to upgrade, but I am not sure if they allow monthly SSA payments now or not ? but it isn't needed for the 1st year if you upgrade. I would ask if they will allow you to run X12 instead of x13 if you current computer graphics card fails in X13 though before upgrading, otherwise you'd need a new computer with a Nvidia 2000 or 3000 series video card to run X13 as well. X12 had nice renderings even in standard view, which IMHO x13 had not duplicated yet. M.
  7. I don't think the Nvidia 740M supports the new RTRT Engine in X13 as it does not support Shader Model 6.0 according to the TechPowerup Site https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-gt-740m.c2310 so there would not be much point in getting x13 and expecting better renderings , I would suggest you download the chief Trial version of x13 and trying it out. A new laptop should give you better all round performance but a desktop will be better again IF you don't really need to be mobile , you'd still have old laptop for that, it should Run x13 , you just won't get the new RTRT Views.
  8. If you are still on x11 as your SIG suggests you won't have the new Real Time raytracing (RTRT) in Chief , so some of Dermot links won't be helpful, as the new RTRT only came in X13. Yes your laptop is pretty old now 5yrs? , so it will be slower , the Nvidia 740m was never a really strong mobile chip. If you don't really need a Laptop you will get more bang for your buck with a Desktop if you are considering upgrading. M.
  9. This is pretty much SOP for me too....
  10. Have you made sure Chief is using the 3070 and that you have set the Discrete GPU (3070) to be used for Chief ? maybe already done? but...... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00106/troubleshooting-3d-camera-view-display-problems-in-chief-architect.html and https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03140/forcing-chief-architect-programs-to-use-a-specific-graphics-card-in-windows-10.html
  11. Many of the major manufacturers now do left handed Mice including Logitech, Razer, MSI and even Elecom Google Search https://www.amazon.com/ELECOM-M-XT4DRBK-Wireless-Trackball-Left-Handed/dp/B016QCPRBM They are usually for Forward and Back In your Browser. I use Finger Trackballs, (vs thumb operated as I had RSI years ago in my thumb ) , I have an Older Logitech but it is no longer available, but am now using several different Elecom Products including the Huge ( large hands ) and the Deft on my laptop. https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/1B2F1D2D-21FC-49FD-A8A0-8562EC58FB3D?ingress=2&visitId=d1f31b1f-815c-474d-8f8a-5a0a7e8a35fa&ref_=ast_bln Mick.
  12. Don't have 13 grandkids , but that was why I paid for 18months last time to move the anniversary to Aug. instead. They also now allow multi-year payments which gets you a 5% discount too. Mick
  13. My guess is your CC expired since last year and they need the new one , but you won't be able to do that till Monday now..... I just replied to the Renewal email and Stephanie in Sales replied and set it up for me but I used Paypal and paid for 2years, (5% off) perhaps try Her Email direct.... stephanie AT chiefarchitect.com (replace the AT with a @ and no spaces) Mick.
  14. May guess would be you have a 0" thickness Wall layer eg a paint color in you wall definition and Chief only wraps the outer most layer around the end, so you can't setup walls like Chief sets up Ceilngs by defualt. Mick.
  15. Unfortunately No, you have to use the Manuf.s' Libraries to make customise CA's Cabinets and save them in your Library creating a Catalog over time as you make cabinets for each Job. M.
  16. Used the Advanced Driver Search in the 1st Post if the General one is playing up, I tend to just use the Advanced one normally as it will show all driver types except hotfix. M.
  17. NVIDIA Game Ready WHQL driver 497.29 version. These are Modern Drivers (DCH) for newer systems and support Win 11 as well. GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER Version: 497.29 WHQL Release Date: 2021.12.20 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 Language: English (US) File Size: 831.43 MB DCH Laptop GR: https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/184718/en-us DCH Laptop Studio (SD) 472.84 on 2021.12.13 https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/184239/en-us DCH Desktop GR https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/184717/en-us DCH Desktop GR Hotfix Driver 496.98 on 2021.11.24 https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5281/kw/hotfix Driver direct https://international.download.nvidia.com/Windows/496.98hf/496.98-desktop-notebook-win10-win11-64bit-international-dch.hf.exe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Older Standard Type Drivers for older Systems , and those with 600 or 700 Series GPUs. STD GR 472.12 https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/180555/en-us STD SD 472.84 https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/184240/en-us Mick.
  18. True some have to learn the Hard Way ........ Thankfully I had my backups , so just lost my time which seems to be the usual case with CA snafu's. As to the 2nd part --- No Idea , i started Chief like normal to do a quick Redline Fix and didn't notice anything askew until I navigated out to the User Library for my usual Rollout Shelf and the User Library was empty.... Why CA suddenly decided the Library needed replacing with the default File I have no idea, but have seen it reported a lot with x13 , a lot more than x12 , so thought I'd just put it out there as a reminder to Others. Mick.
  19. Maybe you might want to provide examples and move this over to Suggestions.... Ooops I see you already did..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/32883-custom-arrow-heads/?tab=comments#comment-257825 M.
  20. Thanks, but hopefully that is not the only place you have it..... and I assume you have the PAID OneDrive if you have History and Versioning , which many won't, but as with all backup solutions redundancy is critical. ie at least 2 backs plus the Cloud..... Mick.
  21. Just another warning for those who have NOT backed up their User Libraries at all, or recently, as I have seen numerous reports of this , and it finally happened to me.... PSA : backup you User Library Folder Now ! found here : C:\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X13 Data\Database Libraries you can copy and paste the file back into the folder then change the extension to .bac to do this simply. but would suggest a more proactive automatic solution long term like SyncBackFree. V. is the latest as of posting... https://www.2brightsparks.com/syncback/sbfree-new.html No Error message, no nothing.... I went to put in some Rollout shelves into a cabinet and my User Library was empty ! I checked the Database Libraries Folder and sure enough my User Library file is 81kb .... thankfully I had a Macrium backup from 2 days ago and a Syncback one from 3 days ago or I would be really pissed off, years of making and collecting gone. Mick
  22. That might be the Issue? .................. you need to update your SIG. not the Profile....
  23. Twin Motion and especially VR are a bit out of my Wheelhouse , I do have TM but don't use it much these days and have never tried VR mainly due to the fact I get motion sickness ( sea / small planes etc) and have always worried it would be a waste of money? The 3080 Ti is maybe 10% slower than the 3090 ....But the 3090 has double the VRAM which may help in this case??? I would suggest you call Puget Systems , they have been around for years and support mainly the high end Rendering Market these days, and should be able to answer your questions ( and provide a new system?) if their online FAQs and articles don't. https://www.pugetsystems.com/contact.php Mick.
  24. Yes I agree that is weird for sure....