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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Yes same issue here , been frustrated all morning by this one..... M.
  2. Use a Foundation Wall, ( and edit in Elevation) not Chief's Terrain Walls which have there own Terrain Break built in but you have less control like when you want the top of the wall Level , not following the Terrain. Mick.
  3. sometimes all it takes is moving the Terrain break 1/2" left or right I normally use a narrow E.R. 2"- 4 " so most of it is hidden in the wall and for this probably interior is flat is off And make sure none of the Elev. Data is crossing or touching each other , or they will fight for control of the TP I make my Elev. line style Orange and give regions a 95% orange fill as well to make this easier to see , the orange will look darker anywhere it overlaps another ER for example. Terrain Breaks I make purple .....and dashed usually
  4. Someone may have turned off the Blend with Texture Box on the Texture tab of the material , so you are only seeing the base material in 3D , without the blended dark pattern color... Mick
  5. You need to Raise them all 12 inches..... which is easy with T&R use 12" (up) in the Z-Delta ( for down you would use -12" ) Mick.
  6. Normally I use a Foundation Wall for more Control and add my own Terrain Break along the top off the wall with an Elevation Region either side of the wall, so in your case you might need to add say a 4" wide Elev. Region along the bottom of the wall too, set to the correct height ( may need to play a bit ) Mick.
  7. A photo of the actual building and perhaps a Test Plan ( <14mb) with the same Materials would help too ...so others can "play" ( I am assuming you can't post current full plan , hence the test Plan instead ) Mick.
  8. It's not the GPU...... I have a 3080Ti and 3080 here......still random and unpredictable crashes in PBR - RTRT just like X13 though X14 is generally "more Stable" - as well as assorted other issues like extras lines in Layout in Elevation views. ( Surface Triangle Lines I believe ) - Objects set at Absolute height being set back to finished Floor etc. *mostly related to Projects done in X12 and 13 perhaps ?
  9. Use the Move Up/Down Display (only) of Roof Planes Tool on the Edit tool Bar so they all show on one Floor. ( the roof plane is not actually moved , just the floor no# it shows on ) Mick.
  10. Have a look in the KB for an article on doing Saltbox Roofs..... Though it maybe easier to do manually depending on the situation, I'm not sure Auto-Build will handle this well, all that is SOP at least to start. Mick.
  11. It's climbing the side of the Terrain ...see the grass height either side, try fixing the Terrain ( not the hole) as all it's doing is sitting on the terrain.... pretty sure I fixed this last time I played in this plan ......a couple of months ago? ..... M.
  12. This does sound like the Issue to me too M.
  13. Pic appears to show a plan open..... I have not seen this Issue on PC myself, but I have other minor Issues in X14. M.
  14. I also work this way and have Fillers and Panels pre-made from Cabinets for when I need them, this also allows for Dimensioning of those elements. ( chief won't dimension to Auto fillers/Panels) M.
  15. Thanks for the followup Alan.... Mick.
  16. Thanks Mark..... I hadn't had time to look at this again.... Mick.
  17. Depending on what you are trying to do , you could delete ALL the Framing and then only Build the Framing in the Walls, Roof Planes Rooms etc you want. M.
  18. 10' 4.94 " is 10' 4 15/16" and with the OP's setting of 1/2" for the nearest Fraction I am not sure why it would round to 10' 4 1/2" ? ( *not sure why the OP is displaying or using decimal inches) there must be something else ( setting ?) causing that ? Unchecking Reduce Fractions in the Primary Format seems to do it though ..... it forces Dims to use the specified Fraction, so it seems it rounds up correctly in this case BUT I have not had to do that in the past? M.
  19. Ahhhh...no I don't use them either , then I am unsure what Demo Walls the OP (Estee) made , will need to have another look. M.
  20. I don't see a Demo Wall Layer ...... only for Door and Windows however your DEMO Wall Types are made from OPENING NO MATERIAL ie Invisible which may explain not being able to see them in 3D Plan is posted in the Wrong thread.......... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/34632-active-layer-display-optionlayer-display-off/?do=findComment&comment=270297
  21. Estee Has , She posted to the wrong thread.......
  22. You are replying in the Wrong Thread again Estee...ie NOT your Own....
  23. You might need to post the plan file , sounds like you may have messed something up with your new Demo Walls Layer Close Chief 1st and if the Plan File is bigger than 14mb try zipping it to get under 14mb. Mick