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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Cool , just figured you hadn't seen it since it wasn't mentioned anywhere... KB
  2. And if that wasn't enough help you apparently forgot to check the KnowledgeBase too : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02936/creating-a-waterfall-countertop.html
  3. There are Knee Braces ,under Corbels in the Millwork Library , such as Ranch , curved Ranch or Rustic you can slide upto any post you already have positioned too. edit ..I see you have Pro not CA so search on Hometalk for MHD Stoneclad Columns , they are some I made a few years ago and posted there... KB
  4. attach the plan file , someone should help you out....but try using the ALL ON Set as it maybe on a layer you have turned off. M.
  5. Don't think so Richard , I'm not getting them at least , and they are here too now...
  6. Did you try saving the Modified Truss to the Library for reuse ? I don't use Floor trusses , so not sure if that works or not ?
  7. Missed your link 1st time round and I see what he means ...55° is the "Focused" Field of View ...similar to a camera and does not allow for peripheral vision but there is no way really for something on a Monitor to match our eyes I guess .... bit more here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_of_view
  8. Good to know Zoom Using Field Of view is gone that's the setting I used to avoid in X6 and X7 as I got crazy views and often ended up closing the window and starting again. Mark, I assume 55° is the reverse angle for the human field of view ? ie it is about 125-130 degrees? which seems about right....sitting here at my desk anyway...
  9. Use the File>Backup Entire Plan Option and then post a zipfile if possible ---- that will include all the missing textures for someone to help you . If the Plan is over 25mb zipped then you would need to make a copy of the plan and delete items from areas not needing to be raytraced and then backup the Entire plan and post that zipfile.
  10. It may depend if you are in PCM (perspective crop mode) , the default shortcut key is P but you can also access via 3D>Camera View Options I generally use the arrow keys and LRUD keys to move around along with Mouse Orbit as the scroll wheel zoom can get crazy at times depending on the Crop mode... Mick.
  11. it would be a good idea to add a signature to your profile so people know at least what version you are using , and the other advise is , if at all possible to post the plan so people can play with it and offer a possible "fix". If that is X9 then the Corners issue I was told is to do with the Ambient Occlusion setting and Bloom as lighting is done differently in X9 , though Nvidia Control Panel says Chief X9 does not support ambient Occlusion when i try to set it there as On under Programs. ( I can turn it on under Global though , where it is Off by default) I am no expert , Chiefer (Jintu) maybe able to help if he sees this post but attached should be a PDF of Raytrace Settings I have gathered here on the Forum the last few years that might help too. Raytrace Settings-Forum Notes.pdf
  12. There is also Steel Beams in the Library if you have SSA https://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/library&category=Specialty%2FOther%2FMisc
  13. GlennW and a few others helped me with this issue a couple of years ago , you can see the thread here ( below) but it seems glennw's images have disappeared:
  14. Sorry forgot to "follow" this post so I didn't get an email saying there was replies. Unfortunately , I forgot the "Save immediately when you open a new plan " mantra yesterday , though I am still surprised that we are now in X9 and the Program does not remind or ask us to save the File immediately on Opening if no previous save is found , since we still get these "out of the Blue" CTD now and again , especially when saving files, it's not a new issue , just hasn't happened to me in sometime thankfully.
  15. Thought I'd bump this rather than start a new thread , I opened Chief X9 this morning and it wanted to Update itself to build 19.2 so I let it do that , then opened an old Template file (needed metric) of my own from X7 and worked for about an hour+ and laid out the Walls roughly so the Owner could use the drawing to take better measurements for me rather than a giving me another napkin scribble today , I took a view and printed it to PDF (thankfully) just fine , then clicked on the save icon, made a new Client folder , typed in the name for the plan and hit enter to save it and Chief Crashed . I got the Windows 10 Error message , so had no choice but to close the program, I wasn't too worried as I assumed I'd have an Autosave at least in the Archive Folder , but there is nothing , nothing on the recent files menu about it etc , it like I didnt just spend an hr or two on this at all... just poof gone....not even anything in the Time LogBook. I didn't have any issues with the previous Build but not sure if this is related to the use of the old Metric Template file originally made it X7? (and me not remember this morning in my rush, to save the Plan as soon as I opened it.. ...don't assume settings like in the OP will save you...lesson learned I guess.)
  16. I have been using ICU Config. for a few years now with Multiple monitors , not perfect if you have differing sizes but it works pretty well https://funk.eu/icu-icon-configuration-utility/
  17. Hi Rich , good to see a familiar face ..... it wasn't quite the End of the World , just felt like it without Internet, (so no Chief) Cable, etc but thankfully that Project is finished, but now I feel like I need to learn Chief again Here's hoping the Workload is better in 2017 and keeps me in Town ..... Ooops Apologies to MichaelB too .... fixed
  18. Thanks for the Tip , not sure I should of but I renamed the X9 Toolbar Folder and Copied the Toolbar Folder from X7 into the X9 Folder and restarted X9 and My Custom Toolbars and their layout are back phew.... Only thing is now I am unsure what my Toolbars should have with the new features etc. in X9 and if they can display the new features?. P.S . Just found your YouTube Channel too Michael, (MichaelB for those who don't know yet) so thanks for putting those up as well. Perhaps put a link in your sig. ?
  19. I was able to "Fix" the Drywall issue missing above for some quick Views for my Clients but it wouldn't help in a ConDocs situation ...... M.
  20. I agree it is too strong , I usually turn Shadows etc off as it look more Un-natural with them on .... I am using my old Computer with a GTX 470 at the moment so that maybe part of the issue and why it is showing so strongly , though I think it is using current Nvidia Drivers.
  21. You are Correct Michael . I only checked 3 or 4 of the *_MigrateBackup Folders which where empty , my textures and Toolbars_Migrate folders have Items too, My Log does not show any errors though. Actually I thought Toolbars didn't migrate to be honest and you had to set them up again.... but I should of migrated X7-X8 properly then installed X9 since it only migrates the most recent version.
  22. It sounds like the Old Stray Object Issue , a Full Overview camera will place you sometimes Miles from the House it seems , but you can sometimes find it by turning on the Display of all Objects/layers in plan view and looking out around the edges after a Fill Window Zoom.
  23. I noticed the extra Folders, they are empty (here) but I left them alone for now "just incase"....
  24. Thanks Jonathan , the Ambient Occlusion Tip does seem to be the issue and I would not have found that answer myself, I'm guessing it is worse as the room is only 5ft wide ? judging from Kevin's comment about Shadows in X9. ( I have Shadows off in Defaults?) Though at 70% i still see it so I have had to put it on 0% as at 25% I could still see it but now I'm looking for it too. The Default Camera General Tab is now where the Reflections Global Check box is too , so no need to edit per Camera as I thought... You are Correct I haven't see the New videos yet , I did watch them earlier as I didn't want to tease myself with the "goodies" in X9 as I was not going to renew right up the last minute. @Dermot .... Ok , I will have a look at another copy of the Plan and try and figure out what I did to loose the Drywall as I can't show Clients this and I can't get a material region to cover it either for some reason (no wall layer?) - also Every time I start X9 it ask if I want it to be associated with Plan and layout files etc , if you choose "do not ask again" you cannot choose Yes....it grays out - there are (was?) also some missing textures in the Core Content Library after I installed it too. - the Materials Tab of an Item which now has a Component and Materials Column is too small you have to scroll sideways to find and change the material, it does not change even if you enlarge the DBX.
  25. Well I bit the Bullet and got SSA and now I am wondering why ..... I pulled a Bathroom Reno plan out of X7 today to Update it as the Client is reconsidering the Project and there seems to be a number of issues even on this simple plan , that don't show in X7. The plan is messy I admit, since it is a bathroom on the 2nd floor and I didn't want to draw more of the house than I needed to, so perhaps it's mostly "Pilot Error" but so far..... - all the material regions (shower tile) were invisible in 3D, I could see them in 2D and select them but couldn't see them in a camera view, so I deleted and redid them - Drywall is gone off one Corner (CA has never like different width walls 2x6 >2x4 --- did this bug come back? ) , I moved cabinets away etc but it didn't help. - although there are no moldings in the Room it appears that there is a shadow of Crown Molding or ???? around the Room - The Mirror lost it's reflections ( maybe a preference setting I missed somewhere? I seem to remember one ) *** Ok found the reflection setting in the Edit Camera View DBX, it is no longer a global preference on the Render Tab as previously - After changing the Countertops to White Carrara Marble one Cabinet's Material appears to be 90 deg. to the other two (it's blurry too)..... what I did was I changed the indicated cabinet's countertop to Carrara and the backsplash to the same Carrara I used in the Shower and then made it the Cabinet Default (using button), and the other two cabinets Countertops changed but the backsplash I had to do manually still for each one ? Thanks for any advice....