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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. You didnt do the 1st step by the look of it ....i.e. draw the two Gable Roof Planes..... look at 2:50 in the video again.... then cut the hole in the Shed Dormer Roof.
  2. Always build a Roof and Foundation even if your model/project doesn't need them...the "Light" engine does.... Your Sun lumens look really high as the Windows look washed out..... Mark is correct , the Lets PBR Thread has lots of good Info CA has a Video too https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2426/physically-based-rendering-technique.html
  3. where are you stuck ? your plan does not have a gable? perhaps watch the video again..... as I don't see the Gable Roof planes in your Pic or in the plan.... Mick.
  4. I used the Surface Tool Trick too , just didn't take it as far as Chopsaw. My guess on the "Red" issue is just a bad conversion of .skp files by CA..... or more likely as Greg mentioned above, when it is a .skp Sketchup is using zipped files for the Textures like Chief does and they expect the file to be used only in sketchup so no need to include them in the file , just reference them, but exporting as a 3Dmodel .dae file forces Sketchup to include the Textures with the Model. M.
  5. Okay, when I needed to do that I made one from the CA Dacor Switch then slide it over the existing one, I made it as a Interior Fixture ( best choice?) so it doesn't Auto-join to the existing one and set it 1/16th off the wall originally for the same reason. Oh.....Chopsaw's looks good too... MHD_Dacora Coverplate.calibz
  6. You know CA has Dacora Light switches etc right? been available since X7 I think..... MEP Library No#3 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/976 M.
  7. Put this in your Forum Signature when you fill it in please......see mine below M.
  8. Got a Roof ? and a foundation Built ? ...ALWAYS build them even for interior only Plans. It is what is called Light Bleed.....plenty of forum posts on it if you search.... Don't forget to fill in your Forum Signature too please... see mine below
  9. not a situation I have come across but you can likely fool CA into doing it with two walls perhaps?
  10. That was why I thought it maybe a BB exclusive? BB and NewEgg both have models you can't get elsewhere... check the 2 star reviews too ! Please let me know how you like it etc , that would be helpful....
  11. Sure I'll let you buy me one Thanks The Stealth Series is a "thin" laptop , so heat should be investigated to be sure ...have you checked on NoteBook Review's Forums under MSI ? The P65 Series is the "non-gamer" version of this laptop if you prefer the Professional "look" but the Price may also adjust , I am not sure..... edit: *** maybe a BB exclusive model? not much info out there yet
  12. Chief Has it's own GE Library now ( x10 only), not sure if it has the Model you want, but it has the Monogram Series, but they "should" work better I'd think. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/1073
  13. Beaten too it ...that works....
  14. The "Room" created by the lower concrete Patio is causing it , It is trying to attach to the Upper Deck Room but it is at ground level and the Upper Deck 4ft off the ground, pull the outer long wall back and the Railing on the Upper deck fixes itself. **still looking
  15. Check the Wall as a Furred Wall in the Structure Tab perhaps ...sounds like it is trying to keep the column the original Size? Your Columns are actually short walls , so Chief is merging them, and so you lose the columns, if you reverse the walls or the Columns(walls) , CA will see each wall as a different type and keep both. (** if you don't drag the drywall wall through the column**) ...Chief will not allow two walls to occupy the same space usually but the "No room definition checkbox" set on the Columns, will allow it to join, so drywall hides the columns on one side. M.
  16. You can also use a fence set to follow Terrain I think and then adjust the top in Elevation to the bottom of the Deck, there was another thread on this a few months back too , perhaps try a search....
  17. Use the main Floor structure Instead..... set to the Slab depth and Concrete material instead. You can even add the Foam Layer to the Floor Structure.( slight cheat required when auto detailing in that you must pull the stem-wall CAD Box up to the slab through the Foam if you do this.)
  18. Read Reviews of the Particular Model you like and look for heat Issues in particular , the new 8th gen 8750H in particular needs good cooling and so far in my search MSI is doing best with their current 8th gen models. M.
  19. Yes attach it while the plan is closed in Chief.....
  20. As discussed yesterday , it is not a good idea to bring all that water into a corner like that , you will have a mini waterfall every time it rains.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/19889-renovation-custom-roof/?do=findComment&comment=162396
  21. Yes, the Auto Framing Deck Tool needs some work / more Options , I usually use a Triple Rim as the Beam at the Front so there is more head room underneath for walking or a storage area etc. Unfortunately if you turn off Beams it auto removes the Posts too , definitely not ideal in my case , and making the front wall "load bearing" seems to have no effect , I thought that may cause the beam to build under the railing wall but it doesn't. M.
  22. That's true , the Default Fireplace has always had Issues and is why I don't play with it much at all.
  23. I don't either as Wood Burning Fireplaces aren't allowed here , I just used the one I thought Zack had used. Good Catch ....The Symbol is made with one Texture , nothing separate for the Hearth so of course it doesn't work properly , it needs to Rotate 90° but you can't do that as it changes the Whole Fireplace..... the seeing outside is a new one funny cos from outside it is there.... but I guess you are supposed to pull it up in Elevation or Add your own Exterior Chimney Box as if you pull this Firebox up it also pulls the inside up which you may not want. Adrean on the Content Team will need to fix the default fireplace I guess , maybe more have this issue or we are "seeing " it all wrong??? @Adrean