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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Yes, that's true, they are just an alternative to the ones available via the Framing DBX (which I'd normally use) but the Library also includes several Profiles not available via the Framing DBX and they also mean not having to futz with the Framing DBX to for eg. change the Default Lumber or LVL Beams to Steel , so it would be nice if they worked properly. M.
  2. Not using the Default Video Codec may help but Video Files will always be large , likely too big for the average email box which is usually about 25mb, aany why Cheif now Offers the 360 Service to all Users with SSA, it pretty easy to setup as it is part of your digital locker...certainly easier than making Walkthroughs... Link to XVID and X264vfw Codecs https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17455-x10-windows-7-video-card/?do=findComment&comment=146648
  3. I think you are right , they were likely 1st Made for the Home Designer Series , which doesn't have Schedules etc at all.
  4. Try the Shading % in the Vector View Techniques DBX , i think default is 50% but I use 30% normally if using Shadows.... M.
  5. A Room Moulding Polyline can work in this situation , you can turn on and off selected sections as needed. These type of Stairs are always as a bit of a PITA and one of the much asked for fixes to the "Stair Tools"
  6. It should fill in with drywall on its own...might need to play with the "inset " measurement.... you should also be able to draw a wall next to it and uncheck room definition and pull it under the stair and shape it in elevation if needed. Eric , where is that post of yours with this and the different coloured Walls? @solver
  7. Did you try the Staircase's own Support wall as suggested? M.
  8. You had the plan open in in CA when you zipped it so the file is 0KB Keith. Is the Support wall under the stair not working ? uncheck open underneath, it can be a bit finicky get it lined up perfectly though
  9. Just FYI , I reported the Issues with these "Beams" and the Issues have been logged to the Database for Updating.... M. Today while using the Steel I Beam from the Bonus library I noted several anomalies. 1. They do not report to the Framing Schedule 2. They are not in the Beam Drawing Group so disappear behind Walls,Framing etc 3. I tried several from the Bonus Library, and it is not just the I-Beam with these issues. I thinks this is because the are NOT Framing Objects perse,as expected, but Geometric Shapes, though I noted they were made with a Framing Type Material called Metal Steel which I don't seem to have in my General Library either. So hopefully the Library can be Updated so they report and Draw Correctly. Thanks,
  10. *** to fill in your Signature .... go up to the top RH Corner above and click on your UserName> Account Settings> Signature.... and enable Signature (will Turn Green) then add your Hardware Details and Chief Software Version, as different Version require different Answers. ***To add Pics to your Posts please use Windows Snipping Tool , found under Windows Accessories in your Start Menu, Save the Snip to your Desktop and Drag it into the Light Grey Area of the Reply Window. As Eric mentioned , unless you have HD Pro you are best off asking over on Hometalk as you will need to use "workarounds" if you don't have manual Roof planes. Same password and User ID over there...
  11. I think you may have created that yourself Rene? Also this only works if we are talking about electrical like a Standard Duplex outlet , which normally have Auto Labels OFF. If it is a AFCI or GCFI for example the Label is Built into the nested CAD BLOCK, and you need to change the placement,size,and text style in the CAD Block. ( I think the colour maybe controlled by the text colour for the Layer though?) Found this from another thread a week or two ago...Thanks @Alaskan_Son I think this is a little less complicated than it seems once you understand what it what and make sure we're on the same page: There are 2 different "labels" so to speak: 1) a text box that is part of the CAD block and 2) an actual label. Typically people don't use the actual label for switches and outlets, rather they just use the CAD block along with its built in text box "label". The actual label display is controlled by the Electrical, Labels layer and gets it's Automatic Label from the symbol name. The text box in the CAD block can be controlled by any number of things. It really depends on exactly how the text box in the CAD block was set up. Chief OOB GFCI CAD block for example was created with a text box on the Text layer, and the text was created as a Custom text style with the color to be controlled by layer. That means you can't change the text size, but you can change the color by using the Text layer color. You don't have to use an entirely different symbol to change the CAD block. All you have to do is redefine the CAD block via CAD Block Management (Insert>Explode>modify>Block>give it the same name it was before).
  12. Thanks for that info Chris , much appreciated , I had not noticed the ability to change line Colours this way , so good to know. M.
  13. Yep that would change it for the Whole Plan or anywhere Standard Glass was used , so I think my Idea above would work then , as it could also be set in the Plan defaults as the Default Glass even in a Template Plan file too once save to your Library. just need Opaque Windows ON in Vector Views then. Or maybe I am missing something? M.
  14. How are you "applying the grey" to the Windows ? manually ? does changing the Pattern Colour to Grey for STD Glass and using Opaque Windows in Vector View not Work with this technique? I assumed the foundation grey Fill was a semi transparent Grey CAD box.
  15. Robert's (racklore) Pic's show you what's wrong everything is set to 0" eg Room ceiling hgt which explains the Roof on the Slab. Click Defaults Boxes ( assumes Floor Defaults as set as desired 1st) to put it back to 120" and turn Auto Roof Build back on to help fix the Roof. Then use Edit>Reset to defaults per this pic as suggested.... which does this
  16. Thanks for the Info Chris , I'll have to play around with both ideas , and see what I like best as having a "pretty" set of Condocs to look at on the Computer may not work so well OnSite where dark crisp lines maybe better especially when you need to Scale stuff off. M.
  17. No Problem......pics and the Plan left so someone can find the issue easily is always the quickest way to get a good answer... M.
  18. Good Point.. ..........can send to layout from Both..... Thanks... Mick.
  19. Arrrrrr... I didn't look right around the back cos I thought you meant the bottom of the Roof plane.....always good to leave a few Clues in your plan with say some red text and arrows... I will have to take Michael's word on it being a X9 Bug...... Pity you missed the Xmas Sale on the upgrade but don't wait to long as X11 may come out in Feb ( 20th last year) and then you will have to pay for a 2 year upgrade not 1. There is a Thread here somewhere with the Pricing you could call and ask for the Sale price? can't hurt....don't ask , don't get.... I think it ended Jan. 7th.
  20. Back of the house or do you mean the Bottom of the roof plane? cos bottom of roof looks good to me even in X9 The Wall on the porch is not generating properly , go to the Attic level and drag it back to the house main wall and line it up properly, the Porch doesn't appear to be in line with the house wall if that is the goal... PS your front door needs and exterior sill..i see it "shimmering" it 3D otherwise....
  21. Thanks for the Info David , I'll have to play with Shadows and changing the Colours , may just have to remember to take a few Colour Views before changing stuff and add them as Images instead. M.
  22. Yep , I just noticed they are really Geometric Shapes ....... which seems wrong to me..... so why assign a Framing Material ??? So best way..... If you want an I-Beam that shows up in the framing schedule, just draw an actual floor or ceiling beam, change it's Type to Steel-I and then change the material. ( while you have the Bonus beam in Plan save the Material Metal Steel to your Library for reuse, when you make your Own.)
  23. That's what I thought the issue was too but they use a Framing material called Metal Steel ...... so the Schedule may need some configuring perhaps?
  24. Looks Nice ......do you normally do Elevations with Shadows on ( i think they are? ) So you are actually changing the Material Definitions to look better in Greyscale ? I assume that is why if you want Colour it no longer works well? I normally use B+W not greyscale so am curious about this way but I normally add a few Perspectives in Colour too. Mick.