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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I see a ceiling Steve , but ithe Surface isn't defined properly , you have two layers of brown standing seam as the material Should i be seeing something different ? not sure what the concrete curb in the door is doing there?
  2. Hi Paul , please use the Windows Snipping tool in Accessories and post images direct to the thread , not PDF's that people need to Download. You can also export jpgs from any camera view and post them..... Wall Elevations Cameras will ignore some walls (railings) if that checkbox is ON in the Camera's DBX
  3. 25mb if Forum max., zipping it will help too, depending on what you have in the Plan. PDFs and any images could be removed though ( use a SaveAs copy and make sure it is closed in Chief when you attach it.)
  4. It's your lucky day , someone asked this yesterday and I was just posting it here : Bonus_RecRoom_Games.calibz *** thanks CS you beat me again
  5. Ok found it....it was available in X9 too and the File was called BonusGames.calibz, I have renamed it slightly so it is easier to find..... Mick. Bonus_RecRoom_Games.calibz Edit for @Chief_Content They're in a bonus catalog called Rec Room and Games that no longer seems to be available on Chief's site. Not sure why. ?
  6. Thanks for the Info , I'll see if I have it...
  7. Thanks Michael , do you know what version the Bonus Library is from ? I may have it backed up..... Or if someone has it perhaps they can export it and Post it...
  8. Usually a good idea to post the Plan File if you want answers to weirdness like this M.
  9. Offering Services Forum is really the correct Forum for this Post since you are Offering to Sell, the Sales Forum is really for Pre-Sales Question for the CA Sales Team
  10. I think you mean Blender...it depends on the File Type and whether Pro can import it or not , see the File>Import Menu for what Pro can do.... If Pro can't Sketchup maybe able too, you can then export to .skp which most HD and Chief Products can import , just be sure to export to the correct Version year so you can import it.
  11. There is a Holiday Library available for HD and Chief products , not sure if there is a Xmas tree , but worth a try to see.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/892 And since you are Using a home designer Title , you may have better luck on the Hometalk Forum which is dedicated to HD Titles like Pro 2017.... https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  12. Always best to add the Plan File to the Post Steve , especially when doing stuff , not quite the "norm" in CA. M.
  13. Then you can ask questions in the Beta Forum too.... The version being used is why we like people to add it to their Forum Signature......sometimes it matters as things change every version
  14. Someone was asking in the Sales Forum Sasha you might want to message them.....
  15. New post in the Offering Forum _Sasha T's post.....
  16. Thanks Bob it must be in a Library I don't have eg a grouped Room or something , I don't have it or any Rec Room Folder , I thought perhaps it had migrated forward from an old version, but couldn't tell from Eric's Pic what the exact name or type was.... M
  17. Strange I didn't find it either , I even searched the Online Library and got no hits on either even though I thought I had seen one... Is it an old Library? x8 or x9 perhaps?
  18. I think Graham's and my conversation had him thinking it wasn't clear which was top and bottom at least that's how I read it
  19. It may look "convoluted" to you, as it is a bulleted list but in reality it is not, it's just the way I wrote it up as to be easy for a New User to Follow along. As for it being a "Hack" ... it isn't, it's just what you have to do to "get her done" sometimes. Would it be easy to add a few studs etc manually probably, (definitely for an experienced User) Would you or I frame it that way OnSite no.... but then we have both been building for many years but my guess is 1/2 the people on the Forum have never picked up a 2x4, let alone made a Header. Any Experienced Chief User knows that the Auto Framing is only likely to get you 75% of the way there, I certainly don't count on or use the Auto framing to tell me how it should be done, Headers are just one example of how CA doesn't Build things like we do ITRW , and in general I don't waste too much time on it as the Framer is going to do it HIS way anyway . That's all i'm gonna say about it ...tis not worth discussing further in my book. M.
  20. Yeah a toggle or a check box for always lower wall or something would be nice ...for me at least.... , it's always been one of those little pet peeves for me in CA.
  21. I think you are right , maybe it's just me but it is nearly ALWAYS the other was around for me..... eg adding a Stone face 36" etc ...so I always have to switch it back, I guess I just do it now without thinking as I know it's going to happen....
  22. Graham is right , you just didn't notice that CA had changed the upper Wall to the Default exterior Wall type , ( never understood why CA assumes the original wall is to be the pony wall portion auto) but I didn't find a Concrete Stem wall with a Brick face in your plan either to use as the lower Portion , so I made one and is seems to work fine.... set to 60" in the pic
  23. Maybe not sure how you forgot how to attach your Plan CC55 , this aint your 1st Rodeo hopefully you can read my Sig, for attaching images or plans, just make sure the plan isn't open in Chief when you try.
  24. The OP is a Chief Beginner , who in all likelihood knows nothing about Manual framing...so I was just trying to help a newbie out, and the 2 "Experts" below me suggest exactly what I did...
  25. It is possible , just a PITA to Do....... Set Separation set to 4" ( 2 studs plus 1/2" RO space each side) (Plan Defaults>Window) Group select the 4 windows and open the DBX Turn off Trimmers (Cripples) under Framing ( may not be needed? ) Set Exterior and Interior Casing to less than 2" so they don't touch and cause the window to "join" ( we fix it later ) Build Wall Framing and check the Auto Frame Walls box so you can see whats happening in Plan view Now Bump the 4 windows together gently ( too hard and fast they will pass thru each other ) it should be looking good now.. check in a framing overview all is going as expected. If Colours etc are all ok at this point then In Plan view select all four windows and Mull together , while still selected change Casing to desired Sizes. check in a framing overview again that all is as expected Add extra King Studs etc manually as needed Here's the Practice Plan.....4 Windows- Framed individually.plan Mick.