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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I am not convinced that in designs like these that Chief "sees" the top of of the Roof as an "Eave" , it has an Eave yes but the way Chief "thinks" , I think it is considered a Ridge , hence no eave is auto built. Design wise I think it would look odd with a flat eave at the Top of that Roof plane , so a sloped eave top and bottom maybe more appropriate anyway There is an issue with the front porch flush Eave as well...at least in X10 , there is an alignment issue and the Wall is sticking thru the Roof.
  2. Maybe the easiest way but would be possible with a curved Ceiling Plane and Auto Trusses too I think.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00416/creating-exposed-trusses-in-a-cathedral-ceiling.html
  3. So you might not want to check out the link below then ..........it's big brother is out....saw these yesterday.... https://www.pcworld.com/article/3336449/computers/msi-gs75-stealth-review-with-nvidia-geforce-rtx-2080-max-q.html https://www.laptopmag.com/reviews/laptops/msi-gs75-stealth
  4. Your Carport is set to 129 1/2" high so what is supposed to be 10'? I see the 2x10 beams are at 120" to the Top is that supposed to be the ceiling height too ? Get used to setting up all your defaults as best you can 1st in each plan,before drawing, as it looks like you built the Trusses when the Room Ceiling height was still set at 9' not 10' , so now they are 20" +/- low at 129 1/2" so I think the issue is the same as the Pole Barn..... ........you haven't Marquee Selected ALL the Trusses and checked the Force Rebuild button after changing the Room height....... .............you have to do this every time you change anything as Trusses are not Automatically reframed (rebuilt) in CA....at least not yet... You also have locked the Roof Planes and turned off Auto Rebuild which I can't see any reason for, as with a simple roof like this. There is really no reason to draw manual roof planes... as in this case we also want to check the Trusses box in the build roof DBX so they build correctly over the top plate without a birdsmouth. I usually go Auto and then use Manual if and when needed myself, otherwise I let the software do the work, at least at 1st ...till it can't figure it out... *** just noticed your lower wall ( as viewed in plan) is not under the outer 2x10 beam like the Upper wall in the Plan , which causes the Trusses to not look even compared to the beams in a framing view.
  5. see your other thread.......
  6. found some in my old backup Folder which should work in x9.... Layout Templates_Small X9.zip
  7. These are the two Small sizes I had...8x11 and 11x17 Imperial Small Size Layouts.zip EDIT: just saw you other post and it looks like you have X9 , so these wont help as they are out of X10.... Mick.
  8. Just use them then if you still have the Older version Installed , don't you have a Template Version with all your Info already filled in on page 0 though? M.
  9. Kbird1

    Font size

    If you click on the Scale Button you can play with sizes till you get what you want , its tell you the Print size or you can enter the desire sire and it will figure it out for you. (3mm is 1/8 in my pic...i just happen to be in a metric plan right now.)
  10. See if this plan helps John ..... MHD_Deck Railing-Two Corner Posts.plan Notes from the plan : Sample Deck in Plan :
  11. The Double Wall Method with an Invisible Wall/Railing Wall method Douglas discovered by accident it the easiest way to do two posts at the corner found so far , which is also how I build them ITRW. ( no invisible wall ITRW though ). That thread is the best , perhaps only one? on that particular method, so worth a re-read for sure...
  12. Kbird1

    Font size

    Copy the Default 1/4" Text style and make a new 1/4" x4" style and try it out via print to PDF perhaps , I think the Scale will tell you the approx. print size though. Switch back if it is a no-go for you... M.
  13. You can also get the Installer Files from the Updates Archive Webpage if you know your Serial No# etc https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/updates/oldupdates.html
  14. Then Call Customer Service as no one here can fix an empty Digital Locker.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/company/contact.html You will need your old computer's HDD or a Backup to restore any old Work though....
  15. there are a few in the Chief Library now under MEP and I think Joe Carrick may have posted a Library in this forum at one point too.
  16. Well that's a new one to me.... and not good.... A Room Divider in that Opening cuts the delay in half , and another at the bottom of the stairs between the two curves walls also seems to help, but not 100%. Don't forget to delete one of the two staircases you have.....there should be no need for a CAD stair at the bottom either , just draw a 2 step straight staircase and it should join the curved one...the curved one does not reach the upper floor by the way. M.
  17. You can right Click the Post's Time and Date and choose Copy Link , and then paste the link in to a new or existing thread , you can then choose to post it as a Text Link or a Full Quoted HTML Box.(default)
  18. some thoughts.... some of them maybe Cross-sections lines? which are locked by Default so wouldn't be select-able , unlocking would fix that.... Or In Layout you can Use the Edit Layout Lines Tool , which should let you select Line work and delete as needed.
  19. They Play in FireFox which doesn't allow FlashPlayer anymore either ( or is that Java?) . The Video's themselves are .mp4 files so any media player should play them, not sure How your Site or Camtasia Site if linked to them is using the .mp4 files though.
  20. thanks for the Heads up no- one was sure why it was missing in X10, and thought it had slipped through the cracks somehow . Mick.
  21. Try a different PDF Printer , eg BullZip or try the Built in Chief PDF Printer and see if you get the same results , I find at time the Built in one gives different results. As a test try Printing Black and White , instead of Grayscale etc. M.
  22. Just noticed these issue on your Bay Window.... missed it as your plan opens on the second floor.... Your Garage door wall is not aligned with the Brick wall the Bay Window is in either...
  23. I don't see any bricks in your Plan? (yes I do, other end ... ) but it is doable with some playing around ...close enough? PS , I agree not a good idea to have plumbing in exterior wall unless extra precautions are taken...
  24. They still need a Roof and a Bottom as they need to be Insulated+waterproofed , at least in my experience the Top and bottom where just 3/4" MDF or Plywood. But perhaps you are referring to a different product? M.
  25. Thanks I'll keep that in mind , I did play with the Corners and Side Handles Options but it didn't seem to make alot of difference , so will need to play some more it seems , you may have hit the nail on the head , so to speak , though I noticed a day or too ago that the CA Crosshairs don't align to the middle of the Cursor but to one side off it, which I though maybe part of the issue...ie my aim. M