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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Yes I knew what you were referencing but Michael was talking about Elevation Regions NOT Elevation Lines . this may help you understand the 3 line (point) concept and how it works....to a point.... think of the Terrain like a big Waterbed ...push down in one area , it will popup in another in this scenario..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00574/how-chief-architect-interprets-terrain-lines.html
  2. Even better I never looked, I was just trying to explain Michael's approach......
  3. Standard Double Door and arched Window Stacked Vertically then apply the Custom Muntins like this..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00930/creating-custom-muntins.html Mull the Units when done and save to your Iibrary when done for reuse. M.
  4. You know you are worth a nice new 32" 2K monitor ....just do it..... put the old ones either side for now..... it's how I did it at 1st too. Just had to buy a few pairs of new Glasses so that is my "spend" for the next wee while.... M.
  5. Send Michael a Personal Message he maybe able to help you.... that's a link to his profile below @Alaskan_Son
  6. Are you at FHD res? (1920x1080) the DISPLAY scaling should be 100% or 125% but I find it best to use ASFC (AFC) rather than using what is really like a magnifying glass but for Chief specifically using Richard's method above maybe the only way, as AFC can't change Chief GUI Text sizes, it only effects the Parts that use the Windows Explorer like Folder Trees as mentioned. PS I went from 23" FHD to 32" QHD monitors and wouldn't change back..... personally I need IPS or IPS like (VA/MVA) panels as my eyes don't TN based monitors (=headaches) but that is a personal consideration but generally IPS has better colour etc than TN too. M
  7. Good Idea , I thought a Soffit with molding applied may work but this is probably easier..... M.
  8. My monitor is 2K (2560x1440) , so Windows10 automatically scales it to 125% , and I then adjust things like Icon Size and Scrollbars with Advanced Font Changer.....(above) as I found 150% was just too big for everyday use...AFAIK at 4k Windows 10 should autoscale to 200% M.
  9. I have asked for User Control of the GUI in the Past, but we don't have it yet, some stuff is controlled by the Windows Icon Text Size , eg the Project and Library Browser Tree but it appears many Items are "Hard-coded". To change stuff in Windows 10 I use Advanced Font Changer as Windows no longer allows easy access to the Font and Size , it is in this Post from last year : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/20793-update-text-programming/?do=findComment&comment=168932
  10. Seems we have the same issue was just looking at this , and opened my Defaults>Text + markers>Text>1/4 Defaults and the text seemed Larger than it just had in Plan View, so I okayed back out and now the Text in a new Text Box seems larger too....not much but larger..... or maybe I am showing my age again M.
  11. Have you tried Using your PDF Reader to make "Snapshots" of the required Info or page and then pasting them into Chief instead ?, seems to work fairly well for me when needed in Plan or Layout , as I too have found importing a PDF directly makes things slow way down. Also Most PDF Readers will allow you to Print only one page , so I simply print that page to a PDF Printer ( eg Bullzip) if I need a single Page from a Larger Document. M.
  12. I would suggest Using your PDF Reader to make "Snapshots" of the required Info or page and then paste them into Chief instead, seems to work fairly well for me when needed in Plan or Layout. M.
  13. Thanks for the Tip Dermot , appreciate it. Mick.
  14. Not sure what you mean about the Slab and Stem Walls , the Slab is only the Floor not the Walls...and will only be in the Garage if you have a Framed Floor Structure in the rest of the house... typically I would spec 6" for a garage Slab though.... PS. head height is low under the house , minimum should be 96 1/2 "
  15. Build Foundation DBX? = Whole house , except the Bottom section which is Garage only 3rd Pic is the Garage Room DBX ,showing you where it refers to "Stem Wall" too.
  16. doesn't say stem wall in the Foundation DBX, just Minimum Garage height, that is how it is referred to in the Main Wall section... but try this =
  17. You have a 4" slab, but I assume you mean Stemwall? ..... you have set the Garage stem walls the same as the house at 108"
  18. The Sloped Ceiling Material is controlled by the Room Ceiling Definition ( if the check box in Roof Plane DBX is Checked ) ....OR the Roof Plane Ceiling Finish if use Room Ceiling finish is Unchecked in the Roof Plane's DBX , you can use both in opposing Planes to get different looks if needed. You may need to use a ceiling plane as Eric suggested as well depending on what you are trying to do.... Backsplashes and WMR only work on Walls AFAIK....
  19. As far as I know Chief's built in Object Macros like %width% or %height% include the Unit by default But using %FormattedOpeningWidth% x %FormattedOpeningHeight% in your Own Marco may work for you.... personally I don't use this one as I don't like the fact in Imperial it uses Feet not Inches ie a 32"x48" window is seen as 28x40 , which is a sure way to get it framed incorrectly I have found so I use the one Chopsaw Suggested.....except 16ths. Rob's PDF for Others
  20. didn't watch the video..... but Not sure what the issue is Rocky as it looks like it is building as you have specified
  21. I have used EVGA Cards alot over the Years , at one point they even gave there GFX cards Lifetime Warranties , and secondary Owners were fully supported as the Warranty was on the card and base on manufacturing Date , not the name on the Receipt, but alot has changed in the last 12-18 mths due to Crypto Miners abusing the System and 2nd hand Owners making alot of Claim due to mining cards failing. They have even gone so far as to only ship by Ground now in Nth.America too. That being said I don't think they are any worse than Other Manufacturers and they do have a good Public Forum too....maybe worth you joining and asking a few questions about the exact model you are considering.... https://forums.evga.com/EVGA-GeForce-20-Series-f107.aspx
  22. Interesting concept , looks like they stole alot of design cues from Microsoft's Surface Products ....only the ROG will have alot better performance. I have a 1070Ti and so far it has handled everything Chief I have thrown at it without issue , it actually overclocks nicely to 1080 levels but I don't run it that hard for Chief , no need, it was actually a RMA replacement for a (failed) overheating 980ti from EVGA. M.
  23. Yes , I have never worked out why sometimes it will work and others not , but have found in the past if it does that the Winder Contraction needed, seems to be about twice the wall thickness. M.
  24. HardiBacker is a different Product , design specifically for Tile installations , however I believe most Hardi Products can be used in 1 hr Firewall Assemblies so I'd assume Ceilings would be similar but maybe call their 1-800 No# tomorrow. they do have some Special listings for Fire in Cali. and some 1 hr wall assemblies on the website below. https://www.jameshardiepros.com/install-and-tech-docs/searchresults?search=Fire Design Listing M.