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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I think in X15 at least they are all on by Default in both the Cabinet Schedule and in the Plan Defaults (for Partitions+Shelves etc, have a play in the x15 Residential Template), though I am not sure that was the case in earlier Versions, so you may need to fix that in your Template, if started in an earlier version, as I do see to remember it as shown by DB. (bottom 4 unchecked) Mick.
  2. Your will likely be better off sharing a sample Plan people can play with, that includes notes/questions and preset cameras etc especially since most here are in the US and terms like noggings and PFC may not immediately be identifiable for most..... You may need to "Finish" all the Framing and then turn off all the Auto Framing Options and then make your changes like color because as far as I know Framing Auto-build will just delete any and all customizations. M.
  3. This has been asked for a few Times, I think there is a Suggestion for being able to changing the background color even, but yes as you discovered I too use Vector View (set in preferences) usually as it is the same Issue for White Cabinets. which is where we start with Client's usually. M.
  4. We're in Chief so ...... My 1st thought is that theMaterial Region is sensing the concrete cutout for the door perhaps? M.
  5. The Blue is Chief's default material for the default Ext. WALL TYPE , something is messed up, haven't been using the Paint Can Tool have you? Open the WallType in the Defaults > Exterior Wall > Wall Type Tab and check what's there... this is the Best way to change an entire Plan's Wall's , however it will only change walls that are still considered "Default Walls" , so if you have pull the top or bottom or spraycan a new color etc you need to fixed those manually, this thread may help with that........... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31850-paint-can-tool-material-painter-best-practices/?tab=comments#comment-250698 M.
  6. I think the point is that this shouldn't be happening, it should be impossible to drawn a Line that is not snapped straight without the use of the CTRL Key. At least as far as I am aware everything is supposed to snap Orthogonally by default (snaps) ? same as you can set Polygon Movement to Ortho or Polar if desired. M.
  7. Okay will do, I haven't yet, as I always get the "we can't reproduce it" refrain for stuff like this and the Sticky cursor Issue, but with your Video Up I will link to it. Wanna put one up here for the Sticky Cursor too Mick.
  8. Yes, this is also what I am experiencing, it make me wonder if itis related to te sticky cursor Issue as it's almost like I can't "let go" of the line in some circumstances. Mick.
  9. What Glenn said or you may have disabled the Automatic regeneration of Deck Framing in the Deck Room's > Deck Tab (see KB Article below for more info on this) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00794/customizing-deck-planking-and-framing-automatically.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01245/manually-modifying-deck-framing.html Mick.
  10. Yes, it sounds like you ( or another User of Chief?) have your Dimensions set for doing Remodels or As-Builts as they are snapping to Surfaces not to the Framing ( Wall Main Layer ) which is the Default in Chief actually. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00941/changing-what-dimensions-locate.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00658/specifying-which-wall-layer-exterior-dimensions-locate.html or video https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5488/dimensioning-basics.html?playlist=92 Mick
  11. Did Balloon wall up not work eliminating the need for the Attic wall ? just curious as I can't test this in the Plan you uploaded. Mick.
  12. Oh I didn't notice that, it seems it stops the wall coming onto the next level, as it there on level 0, any reason not to use a Slab with Footing for the Porch Slab instead of Walls. M.
  13. So the Attic Wall setting doesn't work for you? I might need to open it and try again....... ** Fix still seems to work for me, but Balloon it up on the Structure Tab. M.
  14. Oh....... then don't delete it I thought no wall that side was the "Look" you wanted. M.
  15. Link Working now.......... In this Plan I am seeing a Normal Exterior Wall buried in the offending Footing Wall going to the Roof......... I had an idea earlier and it worked but admit I'm not 100% sure why........... I set the Footing wall to an Attic Wall and it worked... and deleted the Normal Siding wall which also removed the Attic wall above it.
  16. It's not shared ( permission needed ) with the "Public" Gene........... M.
  17. Thanks for the library Robert .... but it seems chief has another 1/2 finished "new feature" if it only allows solid line types ? ( or is it a possible Hatch generation Issue?) M.
  18. As Rich pointed out P+S is pretty popular, but I prefer a 2 or 3 ply Roll Roofing (also call Torch On) product below 3 pitch. ( most shingle ManF. Warranty limit ) M.
  19. good resource that can be used to mimic other manufacturers too , esp. the Hatch Patterns but for some reason they won't do a chief Library it seems at least according to a post in the Substance Builder Thread. M.
  20. My approach as well and I use a simple CAD Mask (Cad Box, cut to shape) set to front (1-5 depending) with the fill set to the background color @ 10%-20% trans. to mask off the Existing Home. M.
  21. I've noticed this also, and is a recurring bug that seems to reappear every few versions, same as the Sticky Cursor (Bug) we have again in X15 M.
  22. Thanks Chris. I've never been 100% happy with the Doors in The Library either, so appreciate you sharing these. Mick.
  23. I assume you changed the Default and all looks well in your existing Plans ? I would not suggest you do this in New Plans started in Chief as it will make things much more inaccurate when you have Jobs that require Detailed dimensioning. Chief is very accurate and it's a lot more work to try and "Fake" dims, if things are not drawn accurately to begin with. Mick.
  24. Neither Matterport or Canvas is highly accurate, in my experience, even though both claim 1%, but I I am not sure whether it's "Pilot Error" or just where the Technology is at today. For Client's that use either I highly suggest separate Onsite Laser/Taped Dimensions to Confirm ( see my post above) and to Supply to either company those critical dims. M.