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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. It's been an Issue Forever, so I work the same way as VHampton and have Saved Layout Cameras in the Project Browser I just reopen and Resend as Images when needed after Revisions for example..... and at the Final Review Stage. I do wish there was a default for the Sent Image Size though , to save a bit of Work. M.
  2. Typically you draw Floor Beams ( Framing Tools) where needed and use the Post with Footing Tool to place the posts ( or piers ) You may need to ask whomever provided those two plans for you, as it maybe a regional name, but a quick Google seems to show a Drop Sill is just a standard 2-Ply Beam with a Plate on top ( for increased bearing/nailing? ) probably at the smae level as the Mudsill (Sill Plate), hence the name.
  3. Yes, much easier to have a quick look if posted, just be aware that you can only Upload 14mb here otherwise you need to Link to OneDrive or ICloud etc. Some Questions may require the Version of chief you are Using too for the best answer but it also Helps anyone offering help to use the same version as you , otherwise you may not be able to open any re-posted plans offering solutions.... usually the best way is to add a Forum Signature , see this Thread on that......... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 Mick
  4. You can just drag the Dimension Line Closer to where you want it........ if that is the only Issue? The Last Pic you Show is not it appears from the Elevation Cameras seen in Plan View ie E7 or E9 ? either of those two Views should be able to be clipped to Room Or if needed uncheck that and use Clip to Sides to restrict the width of the View - you may still need to Draw the Auto Dimensions (I assume) over though. Mick.
  5. Try this, Export the Wall definitions out of an old version of the Plan , and Import them back into the current Plan Mick.
  6. Check Out @Chiefer , this is what He does for a Living http://www.jintudesigns.com/exterior-renderings.html M.
  7. Color Off is controlled in Preferences on the Appearance Tab > Display ....... choices are either Greyscale or Black and White. M.
  8. I recommend creating a dedicated SPV for different Views needed and switching between them to perform different tasks eg Foundation Plan, Framing Plans, Demo Plans etc etc,which also include a dedicated Default Set (Anno), Layerset and all other Defaults (see pic below) , so that things go to the Correct Layer in different Views and one SPV's Defaults, don't accidently Overwrite another's because they Share a Layer or Default etc. You can duplicate any (closest to what you want) to begin and then Make new Defaults ( use Green Cross) seen below leaving the Default Set to LAST, as it will give you the Option to create a new Default Set once you start making new Defaults lower down. ( the 1st icon will become available, it's greyed out in pic below ) Mick.
  9. No, not automatically using Auto Build Roof but easy to do a variety of ways. Mick.
  10. Best to ask Sales directly but AFAIK you can continue Using anything Downloaded already with SSA, you just won't be able to access any new Libraries or re-download ones you have without paying individually for them. (new Libraries ie X16 won't work in X15 or Older Titles anyway) ie: Download all 450+ X15 Libraries to a backup drive so you always have them. Mick.
  11. This is a common issue on devices with different screen resolutions eg 2k and 4k or 1080p, eg going from Desktop to Laptop perhaps, the simple Fix is to group select all text , Open them all (open icon) click okay when the DBX opens and that should cause them all to refresh and be "fixed". Mick.
  12. Chief KB Article .......making the Barn Door should be simpler than this especially using copy/paste/reflect etc........ but this outlines the process from start to finish. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01808/creating-a-custom-door.html Don't think chief has a video on this process but Eric ( Solver ) may ? Mick.
  13. What is the "Object" as some have Attributes that stop them when they touch a wall or a CAD object ........even if you can't see it ...... as DB mentioned we need more info and/or the Plan to diagnose.... M.
  14. It does sound like the Paint Can Tool was used at some point........ more info and PDF here..... Mick.
  15. It's always best to Post the Plan Here along with some screen shots of the Issue , there are just too many variables to play 20 questions. The Plan needs to be closed to attach it to a post ( Chief locks it when open) and it must be under 14mb zipped to attach otherwise you may need to use a link to one of the Cloud Services. Mick.
  16. The Blue Appears to be Chief's Default exterior Blue color called Slate. Have you been using the Paint Can Tool? perhaps in Plan Mode (scoping) and accidently Painted something the wrong Color? If you have used the Paint Can Tool Objects will ignore the Defaults, and need to be forced back to "Use Default" ...... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31850-paint-can-tool-material-painter-best-practices/?tab=comments#comment-250698 The P04 door also comes out of the Library as Chief default Bone Color , which will need changing if you want White M.
  17. Interesting as I have also been having this Issue in X15 ( maybe X14 too? ) and several Clients now have complained about the "massive" Lines in PDFs in the last few months, so I have been trying Joey Martin's Settings which have helped some................ @joey_martin from his post here :
  18. I think JoeC has a suggestion for this too, and I know in 2021 I used the Framing in a Wall Definition ( Black or White Metal) to imitate this but thinking about it, I thought it would be easier perhaps with Railings, and std. Walls, setup to look like a Store Front, with Glass Panels and the Railing Height set to equal the Room Ceiling Height.... The Plan File: MHD_Store Front Test Plan.plan Mick.
  19. Still looking but believe it was Aug. 2021 I posted about this where I used a Walltype..... M.
  20. Is your window separation set to 0"? There are other ways to do this as well , pretty sure I posted on this about a year ago, Using Walltypes and the Framing, I'll see if I can find it.... Mick.
  21. You can use a Custom Schedule, ( Rename to Room number Schedule) and the addition of a macro on the second line of the Room Label nowadays ... in X15 anyway, I'm not sure if your Sig. is accurate ? (X14?) but I think this was available in X14 too. ( you may need to open the Room's DBX and turn the Show Label On/off to refresh it , to get things to populate to the Schedule.) TEST FILE: MHD_Room_Number_Schedule_Test.plan Mick
  22. I think in X15 at least they are all on by Default in both the Cabinet Schedule and in the Plan Defaults (for Partitions+Shelves etc, have a play in the x15 Residential Template), though I am not sure that was the case in earlier Versions, so you may need to fix that in your Template, if started in an earlier version, as I do see to remember it as shown by DB. (bottom 4 unchecked) Mick.
  23. Your will likely be better off sharing a sample Plan people can play with, that includes notes/questions and preset cameras etc especially since most here are in the US and terms like noggings and PFC may not immediately be identifiable for most..... You may need to "Finish" all the Framing and then turn off all the Auto Framing Options and then make your changes like color because as far as I know Framing Auto-build will just delete any and all customizations. M.
  24. This has been asked for a few Times, I think there is a Suggestion for being able to changing the background color even, but yes as you discovered I too use Vector View (set in preferences) usually as it is the same Issue for White Cabinets. which is where we start with Client's usually. M.
  25. We're in Chief so ...... My 1st thought is that theMaterial Region is sensing the concrete cutout for the door perhaps? M.