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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Sorry missed the 2nd part of the question this morning..... there is a KB Article for the technique on "fixing this issue" , it seems the Elkay Sinks aren't the only ones with this problem. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01203/creating-a-custom-sink-hole.html M.
  2. In my case ( Preferences Error above) the laptop is still on Big Sur 11.4
  3. Any chance this is also causing this Preferences Error I am working on solving with Anne in Tech.Support ? - it only happens on a MAC Laptop with the latest Version installed , and resetting Prefs. and rename the .ini has not helped.
  4. Just select the cabinet and then hit TAB to get the Sink and nudge it over with the Arrow Keys.... no need to alter CAD block...some sinks like the Elkays have the wrong cutouts.... (square vs rounded sink) Mick.
  5. Will it let you open files saved in the newer version of X13? just curious.. (sorry for doubling up but this maybe important info for some)
  6. Will it let you open files saved in the newer version of X13? just curious..
  7. if she is good for your business you might want to offer to pay for her SSA each year to keep Her current ( tax write-off for you).... $45 month is likely worth it.... * FYI....I have several clients just switching to X13 now and am finding different weird issues with old plans and templates bought forward.
  8. Only if you use the Save button and get the Dialog Box Warning (below) AFAIK.... if you bring it in and use Save As eg to add _X13 manually to file name it doesn't, so you'd need the file in the X12 Archives Folder.
  9. No, I can confirm what Chopsaw said..... it would be best if the Freelancer was using the same version as you If you just installed X12 though ( from X10?) then X13 maybe in you Digital Locker for the free Upgrade (SSA), so the freelancer would need X13 too.
  10. I think people will need to see the plan for this one , it isn't one I have heard of before as you can definitely put cabinets over windows in X13, at least in a New Plan from the Residential Template.
  11. Both Bullzip and TurboPDF are windows Only ( TurboCAD's version of Foxit PDF ) , but there is a mac Version of Foxit, it is not free, but you can download a Trial Version. https://www.foxit.com/pdf-editor/comparison.html https://www.foxit.com/downloads/#Foxit-PhantomPDF-Standard/ M.
  12. Defaults>Floors and Rooms>Room Types M.
  13. Latest Driver Release Version: 471.96 Release Date: 2021.8.31 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 August 31th 2021 DCH: https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/180225/en-us STD https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/180223/en-us Notebook/Laptop https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/180226/en-us Mick
  14. You can if you have installed one , for example I use the (free) BullZip PDF Printer and also TurboPDF too....
  15. Not sure if it helps but is Save in Plan Checked in the Imported Image's DBX? ( Robert mentions it not in the uploaded plan)
  16. In the Print DBX , just Choose the Printer to use , which can be a PDF Printer like Chief's or any Real Printer that is installed on your system.
  17. Most use PBR camera views these days , not Ray Trace and X13 requires an RTX2000 or RTX3000 Nvidia card to take full advantage of the new PBR-RT Views. As for dimensioning , no way to tell without the plan ( or a test plan) to figure out what is going on, you didn't even provide a couple of screen grabs so..... M.
  18. Defaults>Cabinets>General Cabinets Tab
  19. Use the Dogear Arch Setting..................
  20. Still works just fine ....... been doing it that way since X9 but haven't tried in X13 , but materials regions didn't used to like Exterior Corners. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16852-board-and-batten-library/?tab=comments#comment-141647
  21. I think Susan meant our Chatroom https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31579-x13-released-to-soon/
  22. There was a post a while ago from a CA Employee about how AMD (Radeon Cards) had to release a new Driver for the Cards to work with X13 they also mentioned that it was the Desktop Drivers AMD updated and Laptop Driver hadn't been released yet , but I am not sure if that also meant Mac Computers. I'd make sure you have the latest Drivers though as the new Astral Lighting Engine is way more demanding.
  23. you should be able to Click on the Dropdown that says Active Defaults and switch it back to 1/4 defaults? You maybe better off using 1/2 Defaults in Interior Elevations for both ....to get a better sized text style and closer to NKBA standards though. the issue is not the Layer the Elevations are on , you have simply changed a Layer within the 1/4 defaults LAYERSET, in the one that now says Active Defaults. Mick.
  24. No make the Partition out of a Base Cabinet..... Fridge Panels were discussed in several recent Threads.... M.
  25. Your Welcome , if you need more help PM me and we can set something up. Mick