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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I think someone is trying to move the goalposts ....
  2. Where are the walls needed to make it work in the OPs post? Vanilla please.... * Wrapped stairs will not auto-cut the stairwell hole to the correct shape
  3. might be a bug as it appears the ignore Railings and Invisible Walls Option is activating even though the box is not checked in your pics. ( make sure Walls>Railings layer is on in that view though ) in the 1st pic I think you maybe seeing just the backsplash, and Countertop on the wall, but not the wall due to the issue.... M.
  4. Generally it is not a good idea to have the Chief Data Folder on a Cloud Drive as it can cause issues due to syncing.... This can be an issue on MAC (iCloud) and Windows Computers as some Manufacturers are now putting (My) Documents Automatically in the Cloud for Users, eg I have seen several new Dell Computers doing this recently. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03116/resolving-unexpected-behavior-on-a-mac-by-redirecting-the-data-folder.html
  5. I don't think they will wrap sitting out there on there own, they need to be connected to a "wall" ( or railing like a deck edge) plus everything must be identical in both Stairs ie tread size, riser height, top and bottom heights etc. M.
  6. Yes someone selling skylights bumped the thread but their post was removed for including advertising.... M.
  7. Set snaps to 1/2" Group select Island Components ( A.Block if desired ) ( use marquee select or use Ctrl Key) Bump over with Arrow Keys as needed M.
  8. You should/could of used Edit All Roof Planes to change and edit Existing Roof Planes... Mick.
  9. Cost of re-roofing would be my guess , which I assumed was not happening , but Code may require both to meet today's standards? Mick.
  10. If you have the head room ? you might want to consider putting the 1x T&G on the 4x6 Rafters, which will allow more room for insulation (R-Value) and wiring etc and then use faux Beams to replicate the old 4x6 look. M.
  11. Another thought....I haven't played with it in X13 Larry, but now that we can have two Framing Layers in X13 and thinking of the 2x6 as a "Purlin" , it maybe possible to put it in the Structural Layer too. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5514/what-s-new-in-x13-building-construction.html?playlist=173 Mick
  12. I normally add it as the bottom layer of the Surface, (*edited above) it's also how I do 3/4" T&G for exposed Rafters etc. One would hope if exposed on the inside as the finished ceiling that there is also an Insulation Layer as well but on an older home there may not be? Mick.
  13. you should really post questions in the Q&A Forum not here in Symbols..... But my guess would be you have set the Ceiling material to 0" thick or deleted it from the Room ( or Floor ) Specification M.
  14. Larry's method should work perfectly , ie add the 2x6 to the Roofs ( *surface ) Layers not the Ceiling and re-frame it with 4x6 Rafters M.
  15. you can draw a wall , shoot an elevation camera , draw some CAD Stairs against the wall, convert them to Polyline Solids and you should have 3D stairs. Edit: *** your current CAD Import is in Plan View, so don't use those CAD Blocks and convert them to PSolids or the Orientation in 3D will be wrong , copy, the CAD Blocks into the Elevation of the Wall ( Above) then convert them.
  16. I probably wouldn't do it this was as I said above , but you have every room set at 0mm ceiling height and all the floors are set at 0mm too, hence the slab you see sitting on the ground, each room's floor needs to be at the height of the Slabs in the Elevation. ie 600mm next one 1200mm etc....
  17. I think in this case you could even use Polyline Solids drawn in elevation and shaped to the stair-runs shown in the pic above. I might use a room made with Foundation walls if retaining walls were also needed. M.
  18. For a few years now I have used a Store Front Wall Type, which is essentially a Wall type similar to "Frame 3 1/2" with the Framing Built and Shown ( turn Wall framing on in all Cameras) and then editing the Framing as needed to make it look like a Store Front, in Plan view, Wall Detail or 3D camera for quick deleting of "Studs". * The Mitre Framing Tool will help clean up Corners... ** best to draw the 1st wall, open it and on the structure Tab at the bottom uncheck Stagger Framing Layers, then pull wall further around. Mick.
  19. Not sure that is possible, as it seems when a view refreshes it sometimes has the issue and other times not, but I will have to pay more attention the rest of the week. I am wondering if that was in a Plan brought forward from X12 though? M.
  20. Personally I did not get an update this week, last one was Aug 16th I think? IIRC? you sure you were on the latest? ie : 0.55
  21. The F1 key will always bring up context sensitive help in CA too.... I find the Manual PDF easier to search in many cases than the new Online help though...
  22. Not sure if we've had another update ?, only been 1 so far..... If doesn't seem to happen on every Kitchen/bath for me though.....
  23. I think most People open the Project Browser ( if not already open) and Right Click on the Page there > Edit Page Info......it's how I normally do it as the PB is always open on one of my secondary monitors.... M.
  24. Nothing to be sorry for really, I was just giving Credit where Credit is due.... Mick
  25. The Icons look similar , Edit Page Info has some Pages in the Icon next to the Pencil.... but it appears to be missing from that toolbar ...or moved?