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Everything posted by rgardner

  1. I can confirm this works in my situation. Apple thunderbolt 1 & 2 = mini display plug Apple thunderbolt 3= USB C plug
  2. Have you tried importing direct from excel? I don't use excel (numbers for mac) but it works for me.
  3. If you are making the wall definition to include glass walls it will not show up in a window schedule as that is not how they are built. You can build a standard wall with other definitions but for the glass portion to show up in a schedule you would need to place window symbols into the wall.
  4. Just to add in. (haven't done this with sidecar as my desktop is a Mac Pro 6.1 so it's not available with that setup.) but I use a 32" samsung curved as main monitor and currently am trying out in portrait mode my LG 25" ultrawide (using it basically stacked as two smaller monitors.) I had it in regular wide format previously and I liked it but have noticed lots of people use it in portrait so am trying it. It does give alot of real estate right next to the other monitor but is a little harder to get used to where the mouse dives over to the other monitor since it is taller than the main one.
  5. That is a nice option. My wife's monitor (Dell) has that and it came with the USB A-B cable.
  6. Nice. What is the USB Cables for?
  7. OP has a Mac pro desktop (professional desktop version Mac has and not a laptop. That particular model does not have HDMI ports rather 6 Thunderbolt 2 as it has dual video cards so has to bring them together to the mainboard for distribution to the monitors. I use dongles (already had them before I changed monitors for wife's old setup). But a quick search found a good review and cheap price on these cables: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N5RY8D7/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B01N5RY8D7&pd_rd_w=6yuNz&pf_rd_p=48d372c1-f7e1-4b8b-9d02-4bd86f5158c5&pd_rd_wg=rOC5y&pf_rd_r=KGAAYNPZ7Q62B1ANEDY2&pd_rd_r=8948c729-d3ce-4b0c-a72d-73824097f63e&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzMVdHTVFaMDZaN00mZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAyODE0ODg4NzJVQk8xMFdIQlQmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDM1MTM0NjJGUTNHTUZTM0dQMkMmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
  8. So many ways. posts, polyline solids, slabs, walls, moldings, etc...
  9. I use thunderbolt to display port adapters with my two from my Mac Pro. Works great. Finally retired my 27” Apple display and went with a 32” Samsung curved and a 25” ultra wide LG.
  10. I guess we should put a disclaimer that NO DESIGN OR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS IS GIVEN OR IMPLIED...
  11. Like this? Open below room railing with same definition, open your terrarain around the "room"
  12. Any reason not to use a foundation wall on the foundation level? Then an additional "railing" wall on top of it with the same wall definition?
  13. But it is also something had to be setup originally with your computer or at least prior to the problem. It allows you to go back “in time” in increments of one hour back at least usually 30 days (depending on your settings.)
  14. Hard to tell without the plan file but most likely what Scott mentioned. But there is a chance that your wall is not lining up with your foundation wall below? Seeing a portion of an attic wall.
  15. Cat 6 can be used to transmit most things including hdmi cable adaption.
  16. Glad it works for you. Just an FYI if you see issues with the ceiling in this one or other bathrooms you use that method it will most likely be the culprit.
  17. Although that is a method to do it, I will be honest and this is one thing I disagree with Steve about. In certain cases it is okay to modify those walls in elevation views it is extremely rare and only if you know what you are doing. I would highly recommend you look at rene’s way of doing it instead as I would say that 90%of the time not only should you not pull the wall manually but it causes other issues.
  18. I actually saw less hardwired a few years back but a resurgence in the need for Cat6 or better due to the many networking devices that are happening now. Between cameras, local NAS for companies and families, adding wireless AP's to different rooms for the higher demand of a clear wifi signal, and more I think wiring for networking is coming back. From a building standpoint I would run Cat6 or better to each room at least for future expansion.
  19. There have been a couple of excellent videos on this topic from some power users to check out:
  20. If you want to the Ceiling non railing wall Less than full height equals railing and you can set the height by setting the railing height which is on top of the pony wall height so if you want it to 80” and your pony wall is set to 42 80-42=38”
  21. All kidding aside. I am interested about what people are mentioning about the vertical second monitor. I use a 32" curved oled Samsung for my main monitor (jealous of those 43 & 55's, might have to consider a wall hung one in my next office (hoping to move after this mess with Covid is up and will hopefully have more of the office space at the next location.) My secondary monitor is an LG 25" ultrawide which I have always used on the side which is great for takeoffs (another portion of my business.) and obviously I use that for my other necessary browser, email, etc. windows as well as my project browser, Library, and ALDO. My desk mount allows me to rotate it easily so I just tried that and I am going to give it a try for a little bit and see. But was curious as to what people have seen is the benefit in portrait vs. landscape mode on these ultrawide secondary displays. Great thread @Hammer7 Sorry to kind of hijack it, I almost started another post but thought this part kind of goes with what you are looking for of the different techniques of what to use for optimal workflow.
  22. That is the excuse I use with the wife too. I really needed that new TV...
  23. Just looked at it and your exterior wall has the exterior material set to drywall. Most likely you were using the paint materials tool on accident? Go to the wall (or use the paint tool) and set the exterior material to default again.