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Posts posted by basketballman

  1. 3 hours ago, Rich_Winsor said:


    In an effort to expedite the process of getting answers I have compiled a list of the probable responses you will get when you post a question on this forum. I apologize in advance for any slights or omissions whether they be perceived or actual and for any trampled toes or ruffled feathers.



    @solver– Eric will direct you to the correct forum and ask you to create or update your signature.

    @Chopsaw – Chop will race solver to see who can be the first responder.

    @Joe_Carrick – Joe will say that what you want can be done with a macro and offer to sell you one.

    @GerryT – Gerry will say that Chief’s macro capabilities are too limited and not worth working with.

    @DRAWZILLA – Perry will say that he would do it the way Scott does it.

    @dshall – Scott says that he does it Perry’s way.

    @Renerabbitt – Rene will say your image is garbage and offer to do it right for a price.

    @MarkMc – Mark will say that you should have used a cabinet.

    @glennw – Glenn will say he’s not exactly sure of what you are asking but thinks that Chief can do it and offer an example.

    @Richard_Morrison – Richard will tell you what you propose is probably illegal and your contract isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

    @DavidJPotter – DJP will tell you that Chief is just a tool and you need to learn how to use it.

    @Gawdzira – Alan will say “meh” and go back to tattooing his dog.

    @Kbird1 – Mick will list the links to pertinent KB articles.

    @HumbleChief – Larry will say he feels your pain. He’s been using Chief for 20 years and still doesn’t get it.

    @Dermot – Dermot will tell you the program is working as it should and if you disagree you should submit a new feature request.

    @Alaskan_Son – Michael will tell you that 90% of the info given out on this forum is BS and recommend that you educate yourself or better yet pay him to educate you.


    So there you have it. All that’s left to say is if you really need help…POST THE PLAN

    Ha, ha ha

      You have def. spent a bit of time in this chatroom .. :)

             A few may be silently seething, but you nailed it ..

  2. Chief Architect Training & Services

      CONSTRUCTION PLANS… Check out new home plan below:









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    973-897-5013  -  cell



                “ It’s a fact.  Chief Architect is one very powerful program …

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    For a free shared screen demonstration of our time - money saving templates, contact:

    Bob Shofner

