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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. 41 minutes ago, Boogdaddy said:

    @SNestor I've used your process shown in the video using the Molding Polyline tool. The shape came out just how I want it to. However, when I went to add the stone to the base, it's orienting the stone vertically rather than horizontally. I also tried it using various brick and stone finishes-they always end up oriented vertically. Same for adding Cedar to the wood post. The cedar grain is horizontal instead of running vertically along the post.


    Any ideas?




    Yes...I have an idea!  Check you this quick video:


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  2. 19 hours ago, Boogdaddy said:

    I'm trying to figure out how to show how to partially wrap a cedar post with stone up to about 2'-3' high so that the post is exposed above the stone. Something similar to the photo attached. Can anyone give me some direction?  I have CA X12.




    Check out this video...using just a single molding polyline you can create this post in a few minutes.  As the guys have mentioned above...using solids might be easier but this is a good exercise to learn. A molding polyline can be a powerful tool if used creatively....


    @stevenyhof - you might like this video.



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  3. 3 hours ago, CJSpud said:


    Thanks ... that works much better.  Not sure why 3d moulding is messed up on the 3rd wall segment.  I would think it would behave the same as the moulding PL.  Any ideas why it doesn't?


    Curt - you probably have this solved...but, my quick video may help someone;


    With a pony wall...the easiest and quickest way is to add a "wall cap" molding. You can create your own sill shaped molding in a few seconds and then use it as the wall cap.  

  4. 7 hours ago, chiefnewbie said:

    Hi all,


    My first time posting on the forum so bear with me if I forget to provide enough information/details to make answering my question easier.


    I saw an old cape code house in one of my favorite homebuilding magazines and I tried reproducing the roof lines in CA8.  However, I can not get the two shed dormers to join at the valley of two intersecting gable roofs.  I've tried several of the different methods of making shed dormers found here and on youtube.  The attached file is where I tried exploding the auto floating dormers and manipulating the individual pieces... all with little to no success.  


    Appreciate the help in advance.  

    Double Shed Dormer.plan



    I made you a quick "how to" video. Really no need for a "hole" for this type dormer...well, sometimes you need it but not for this example. 


    Here's the video:


    Check you my YouTube page...I have a number of "dormer" videos: 


  5. @stevenyhof - I think the 3D molding polyline tool is almost impossible to work time consuming trying to figure out how the molding will lay on the polyline...placing it just so. Just use a casing and move on to the next item...that's my strategy. 


    One more way you could accomplish what you want.  You could make a CAD Detail From View of the window. Trace the shape with a polyline in the CDFV...then copy it, paste and hold position on the elevation and covert it to a 3D molding polyline and attach the molding you want to use. It's still a bit cumbersome...but there you go, many ways to get what you need.

    • Like 1
  6. Two things;


    1st - railing walls are usually not set to be "bearing walls", open the railing dialogue box (DBX) and check the box on the structure Eric has suggested above. 


    2nd - You will need to open your "reference layer set" and make sure the "railing walls" layer is checked. You can get to the reference layer by double clicking the floor number. This will open a DBX called the "change floor/reference".  Then click the "define" next to the "reference layer set"...

    This will open the layer set and allow you to define the layers you want on or off.



  7. 1 hour ago, BrownTiger said:

    So no biggie, all unfinished space will not have a living area label


    Not quite BT...when you deleted the front wall of the porch foundation...the LA label appeared...but, as soon as you reconnect the walls the label disappears. I also checked the basement area to be included in the "total living area calculation", this area should be included automatically...but it isn't. I also tried by changing the basement room to "kitchen" luck. I don't think it has anything to do with the room type. 


    But...I did use your technique and I did get the LA label to appear.

    - I drew 4 interior walls inside the basement room.  The label appeared. I deleted the 4 walls and the the label remained. 


    WELL...NOT QUITE. It's inconsistent. Not sure of anything now...


  8. On 9/7/2020 at 12:36 PM, builtright3 said:

    Here is another file. The other one may not work



    Joe - I did the best I could with your it maybe 95%.  


    The thing about stairs is you need to make sure they are contained in a "room".  That is the biggest thing. I also created a foundation below the room...I called it a garage just to quickly create a room with a slab. You may not want that...but, I was just trying to get a floor under the stair. 


    I made some notes on the plans attached to help clarify what I did. I had to break the stair rail wall in a number of places and change the rail designation and heights to get it all to work...but the key to everything is using some invisible walls on the 2nd floor to create a "room". 


    Hope the attached plan fix helps...Harco Plan 2 - Steve Fix.plan



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  9. 5 minutes ago, robdyck said:

    I ran plan check and the LA label appeared when I re-aligned the stairwell walls on the right side...3rd floor.


    Thanks for catching that Rob...


    Still..I can't get the LA label to appear on the basement level. I thought it might be because I didn't have a stairwell up the the main level...but, I've now added the stair and still cannot get the LA label to appear on the basement level. 



  10. 11 minutes ago, robdyck said:

    I think you've Chief's brain all tied in knots with so many saved plan views!


    You think I have too've never seen a @dshall plan. :o


    Most of the SPV's are to send to layout. I really only use the "working plan" and the "roof plan" SPV to draw plans. And...the plan view that is "MLO" is for dimensioning. I like to have nothing but the main layer on when I'm manually dimensioning. Nothing like clicking on to the siding or veneer to make you even crazier than when you start...

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  11. 21 minutes ago, robdyck said:

    FWIW, I use my own living area label and it appears in the exact same spot on every floor. That way I don't have to worry about if Chief wants to play nicely.


    Yea...there's always another way in Chief...and your suggestion of course saves time and frustration. And...who really want's to deal with this type of crap-ola. 


    But still...why is it happening. Inquiring minds want to know.

    I'm still sticking with "user error". I've screwed something up somewhere. 

  12. FYI..I have run plan check (multiple times).:blink:


    My Living Area Label appears on my 1st and 2nd floors...but, not on the 3rd floor and not on the basement level. Yes...the room types on all floors are checked to be "use default" included.

    I've also turned on all labels and text layers to see if it's hiding somewhere. It isn't. 


    I've experimented with a test plan...and I get the label on all floors.'s something with this plan I'm working in.


    Is it just a Chief "Gremlin"...or the more likely probability - user error? 



    Living Area Label Issue