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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. 1 hour ago, Michael_Gia said:

    I think security is the big feature but that's pretty much under the hood and out of sight.

    Other than that I don't notice any noticeable improvements in performance.

    Chief works as before.

    I hate getting used to all the new UI changes.  I didn't have a problem with what was there before.

    If anything, I'm starting to question why the hell am I on a Mac anymore in this day and age of gmail, dropbox and online apps.

    I don't think there's any advantage anymore and as far as X13 it seems I'll be missing out on some new features.

    Starting to get that left out feeling of the 90's when so little was available for Mac and all the good stuff was only designed for Windows.

    Seriously thinking of switching again. It's actually easier this time around.

    The more the MasOs changes the more it starts looking like my iPad.  I don't think I want that.


    You mention security in your first sentence. Apple is serious about the point of crazy at times (seems to be at least). This is a really good thing...and something that keeps me using Apple products. I like knowing that all their products are "secure". 


    On the other end of the spectrum is Google. Google cannot spell security...and they have no plans for implementing it anytime soon. They sell your profile all day everyday to the highest bidder. Every click is watched and sold. With Google...YOU are the product. Dropbox isn't google...but Dropbox isn't Apple either. Dropbox (and other like services) will let affiliates and others have access to your data. It's buried in the contractual fine print. We all have become immune to loaning our online profiles to these companies so we can get "cheap" google drive and dropbox. Both are excellent...but, security is not their top priority. I use google drive all the, I've gotten comfortable with google stealing and selling my profile. It's just the world we live in right?  


    As far as the Apple UI changes...yea, I could do with less of this, but in time I bet you won't even remember what you used to do. Right now I think Apple is trying to make it so iOS apps work on an iMac just like they do on an iPad/iPhone. They are slowly but surely moving us toward a seamless operating system across all platforms. Not sure if this is good or bad...time will tell.


    As fas as X13 goes...the only feature the Mac won't get is "real time ray tracing". You can still ray trace though...just not in real time. This isn't something I'm concerned with right, it's not a big deal to me. Other than that...the Mac and PC will have all the same Chief tools and functionality.  

  2. On 12/9/2020 at 10:07 PM, BnCKelley said:

    Good evening everyone, is there a simple way to add horizontal bands to my siding on the elevation views. Like the trim board at the bottom and sometimes overhang on houses with batten and board siding? 


    I made this video a while back - but it might help. 


    • Upvote 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, dshall said:


    The biggest joke was the woman with the bar and outdoor eating....  they shut down her out door eating area.  The next day a movie studio set up a 75 seat eating are in the  same parking lot as hers to feed their movie crew.


    Such a joke.  Lynn and I are committed to eating out as much as possible to support these restaurant owners.  They are getting shafted.


    I've seen that video...and it's disgusting. My heart went out to that young lady. Her entire fortune being destroyed by public policies that are so arbitrary and capricious. 


    However, seems to me that Californians vote overwhelmingly for a certain elected/ruling class...and I'm really having a hard time having immense sympathy for some of these restaurant owners who most likely have pulled the "correct" lever that has placed these tyrants into office. 


    I believe it's time for all of CA residents to vote a different way? You need some balance out there in the golden State...which used to be the "land of opportunity". Sadly...this seems no longer the case. (my apologies if this post is too political...I've tried to keep it non-partisan) 

  4. I discovered this problem when I was developing my "Screened Porch Library". It seems if I tried to edit an item in the library by "right clicking" on it and selecting "open object". Then...edit the material and save it...the next time I'd go to use it the railing panel would be corrupted. The screen material would turn "black". Needless to say...I advise everyone that purchase my library not to edit objects in the library. 


    I contacted tech support and was told they would look into it...but, in the meantime...don't edit items in the library. Really?

  solution. Kind of like saying to your Doctor...when I move my arm like this it hurts and the Doc tells you to just not move your arm. OK...that works. 



  5. 1 hour ago, dshall said:


    uncheck it Steve,  do not have it checked.  My example is a vector view and I can see through the window.



    Scott - your post was right are of course "the man". Hope you are doing well is sunny San Diego. Lock Down!

  6. @Designer100 - 

    Newell...try getting the roof correct before doing any further work. Most of your hips/valleys were not even connected. And...I'd advise you to learn how to use "Saved Plan Views"...I added a couple to the fix plan below.

    Just FYI...I offer 1:1 training...if you are interested: My Chief Skills


    I had I fixed the roof. Can't guarantee it's exact but, at least it all fits together. I also fixed your game room wall. 


    Here's the plan...Merry Christmas! 693753679_MichaelHackRemodeling - fix1.plan

    • Upvote 2
  7. 17 minutes ago, dshall said:


    uncheck it Steve,  do not have it checked.  My example is a vector view and I can see through the window.


    It is “unchecked”. And - I did create a new camera view. Weird


    oops...I unchecked on Standard View...not Vector.  Thanks Scott

  8. Just now, ClarkeThrasher said:

    I can't find a designation choice called "not obscure" are you sure your view here is Vector?


    Clarke - there isn't any material in Chief that will not appear as a solid in "vector view". You will have to do what Eric/@solver has suggested above...create a door without panels. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, dshall said:

    CAn't you use a glass material and designate the glass as not obscure?


    There may be a downside but I can't think of it now.




    Nope...doesn't work no matter how you tweak the settings.


    C'mon Chief. Give us something.



    • Upvote 1