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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. Just this normal behavior for Chief. In the attached plan I've drawn a simple post to beam railing wall. The roof overhang is sloped with a plumb cut gutter board.  Why does the sloped piece of soffit pierce through the railing wall beam?  Maybe this has always been the case...or, maybe I've got a setting screwed up? 

    Here is a sample plan: Railing Wall Ex-1.plan



  2. Do you need a little help with a plan or maybe some in-depth targeted Chief training...I can help!

    Using ZOOM I can share my screen...or see your screen and advise you how to achieve things in Chief. It's easy...and you will learn quickly. 


    Over 40 years in the residential design/construction business. If you need to learn how to set up rooms, floors, plan views, annotation sets, layer sets, wall types, roof design, foundations...I can help. 


    Drop me an email at;






  3. 2 minutes ago, kMoquin said:

    OK, I'm stumped here. I've created a lowered floor. I would swear in the past that the room divider automatically provided the finish between floor platforms, but I can't figure out how to make it generate. The checkbox for "Generate between flor platforms" is selected.

    Any ideas how the automate the finish between floor platforms?

    Floor Platform


    Kevin - you don't have "invisible walls" turned on in your camera view layerset...


  4. 1 hour ago, HumbleChief said:

    THANK YOU!! It was the 1" stucco layer that I had added to the main layer instead of a new 1" exterior layer. So helpful and very much appreciated.

 's the way you had the wall definition for the 13.5" thick wall. 


  5. @cajunland - attached is a fix. I made two of the hips 10/12...the other 8/12. This allows the ridge to get longer.  You have a multitude of issues that I fixed...


    - Changed all the porch walls to use the same type "Deck/Railing Fence".  This type is a single layer...but the same width as your main walls. 

    - Changed your brick walls...I didn't see a need for a pony wall...maybe I missed something? But...changed brick walls to use "Brick-6" wall type.

    - I used a roof polyline baseline...and aligned all right over main layer and made sure they were all the correct pitch.

    - I opened each exterior wall and on the roof tab changed the pitch to either 8/12 or 10/12 as required. 

    - When I built roof I told chief to "Ignore Top, 2nd floor"


    The roof rafters on the plan you attached were not seated directly on top of the walls. Maybe you built them manually? Also...the roof baselines were out over the brick in some places...and aligned with the main layer in other places.


    I have a YouTube page with many might check it out. (see my signature)


    Fixed plan attached:  AS-BUILTCURRENTv5.0roof - Nestor Fix1.plan

    • Upvote 1
  6. 45 minutes ago, kwhitt said:


    Thanks Steve - that is exactly what I described above (although not too well).  It won't move into the exact position.  The arrow in the 2nd image is pointing to this CAD line in elevation view.  Attached is a simplified .plan file.  Could it have something to do with the fact that it's a symbol that I'm trying to move?


    Yea....I see the problem you are having. Can't say I have a solution...seems to me it could be something related to the bounding box of the symbol...but I'm just guessing.

    Does it have to be perfect?  You are talking about 1/32" or so...


    It looks pretty good to me...



    • Upvote 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Sunnyfields said:

    I tried as you suggested and dragged the non-offending rail over the incorrect rail with the same result. Both wall types are exactly the same.


    I have attached the zipped file with the reference file. 

    1220 Bank


    1. Just remove the invisible wall between the two railings...all fixed. 


    2. EDIT:  I also found that the two rooms on either side of this same invisible wall are not set to "default". If you leave the invisible wall...and then, open each room and set the floors...both structure and use "default" the floor system corrects itself.  And, you still can use the invisible wall to delineate each room. Maybe you have a different flooring in each room?  Not sure...but, setting the floor structure and finish to default corrects the floor system.

