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Everything posted by ericepv

  1. That's what has always worked for me - Eric 2
  2. Try this: Draw in a separate curved exterior wall Split the straight wall behind the bow and make it invisible Open the DBX for the new bow that you've created and set the floor and room height as desired Place your windows Bay
  3. You can also type a material or symbol name in the search bar in the Library Browser.
  4. Here's the path in X14, I assume X9 is similar: Core Catalogs/Materials/Siding & Paneling/Shingles/Scallops (make sure your libraries are up to date). You can also find them in the James Hardie catalog.
  5. I'd be happy to help with your projects. PM sent.
  6. I work frequently with designers, this sounds like something I can help you with. PM sent.
  7. Be sure you specify 'Panels' for your railing and then select cable railings from the library.
  8. Scroll down to 'Adjust Camera Settings'
  9. The Chief Knowledge Base is a great resource with plenty of articles and videos to help you out.
  10. I've always found it most effective to use additional light sources as fill.
  11. Thank you to everyone for your input.
  12. Joining the flared section with the roof over the front window which is also curved (but I haven't gotten to that yet).
  13. I'm working on a home with a rather complex roof. I've gotten most of it complete without issue but, despite referring to the tutorials in the Knowledge base, I'm struggling to get the flared eaves right. I've done a few curved roof's before but not one like this so any help would be appreciated. A slimmed down plan is attached - Eric Kemp-flared roof.plan
  14. A great addition to my library, thanks for sharing.
  15. You should be able to do that with the Define Material tool (the rainbow symbol in your toolbar). Set the angle in the Texture section. You can also adjust the height with the Vertical Offset tool.
  16. I'm not having that issue. Here's a technical illustration with a stone back wall and an open pass- thru on the left and the glass block on the right.