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Everything posted by ericepv

  1. In addition to my external BU drive, I also manually save my project files to OneDrive. I didn't know that there is an auto sync option, how does that work?
  2. I've never seen that in the object DBX, are you referring to the 'Option' tab in the 'Symbol Specification'?
  3. I have some that I've found in other online libraries (Azalea, Arb's, Burning Bush, Cypress, Hosta, etc...) but as you mentioned, file size can be an issue with some of them. What exactly do you need?
  4. In your default settings, select 'Camera Tools' and make the change in each selected camera type.
  5. In the 'Camera' DBX, make sure you select 'Light Set' rather than 'Automatic', same in the 'Adjust Lights' DBX as well.
  6. If you want to hire someone to help with this, post in the 'Seeking Services' section not 'Offering Services'.
  7. Gene: Check out this article from the knowledge base: - Eric
  8. I do this type of work frequently and would be happy to discuss your projects, PM sent. - Eric
  9. Try reducing the sunlight intensity and also the ambient light settings (too much ambient make the image appear flat). Then experiment with some different sunlight tilt and direction settings.
  10. Without looking at the plan, my guess is that you have selected opaque Window Glass. In the .Rendering Technique Options' DBX, be sure to uncheck 'Opaque Window Glass' in the 'Standard' tab..
  11. Select the wall and in the DBX, - Go to the 'Wall Types" tab. - Click on 'Define' - In the wall layers box, scroll down to 'Interior Layers' and delete the drywall You also need to be sure you build the wall framing (Build/Framing/Build Framing) In the 'Build Framing' DBX, go to the 'Wall' tab and click on 'Build Wall Framing. then click OK Framing should now be visible in 3D. - Eric
  12. As source files are the product of my labor and experience, I do not part with them (as is stated in my terms) unless agreed to in advance. You could agree to provide the file for and additional cost (perhaps 50% of project cost?).
  13. This looks like something I can help you with, PM sent. Eric
  14. Those look like they may be definition points. If this is the case, in your top menu go to CAD/Points/Delete Temporary Points.
  15. There are quite a few on 3D Warehouse
  16. Logitech Trackball, I'll never go back to a mouse.
  17. I just ran into this problem the other day. Turn your railings into invisible walls then draw new rails (but not 'deck rails') inside the invisible rails.