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Everything posted by ericepv

  1. 3D Warehouse has several
  2. Oftentimes, that's all you need. I'd love to see how it came out.
  3. Have you updated your graphics card driver lately?
  4. Open the DBX for the roof panel and go to the 'Options' tab. There you can specify either Square or Plumb Eaves.
  5. Nice addition to my library, thanks for sharing.
  6. Yes, just one more way to accomplish it with a single window instead.
  7. Easy to do...
  8. You can also try looking online for the texture. I found this on Bing images...
  9. Newest driver listed on NVIDA's site is 572.60...
  10. Lane: I've run into this very situation on several occasions and my solution is to add a terrain perimeter and use one of the many ground covers in my library as the surface and then blend the color of the terrain with the background using the 'Define Material. tool (the rainbow). Go to the 'texture' tab and in 'Material Color, check 'Blend with Texture' and then click on the eye dropper tool in the lower left corner of the color window to grab the color of your background. I usually finish by adding a fence or some plantings where the terrain meets the background... Hope this helps - Eric
  11. I'd be happy to help, give me a call if you'd like to discuss...
  12. Mike - I've done many jobs just like this (finishing one now) and I'd be happy to help. Please give me a call if you'd like to review, contact info is in my signature. -Eric
  13. As Hammer & Javatom suggested, use polylines to draw the basic pattern and then convert it to a 3d solid which can then be applied to the surface of the chimney. This is the method I used to create the screen on the wall behind the bed for this project I did awhile back...
  14. I do these projects frequently, happy to help... PM sent
  15. Bri: I'd be glad to help you with your projects. Eric PS - You should post this in the 'Seeking Services' forum.
  16. To remove the molding from just one wall, open the DBX for the wall and in the 'General' tab, check 'No Room Moldings Interior/Exterior'. To get the crown to follow the vault, until Chief adds that option, you'll have to draw it as a polyline and convert it to a molding.
  17. I've done several jobs like this and would be happy to review your project.
  18. I've done several jobs like this and would be happy to review your project.
  19. ericepv

    X16 slow

    There are quite a few things that can cause your plan to run slow Have you done a disc cleanup recently? Do you have a 3D view open and is it set for PBR? Do you have other apps running that may be using up processing power? I had an issue with a slow file awhile ago that turned out to be caused by a reflective material that somehow got spec'd for the framing. Take a look at this article from the knowledge Base... You may need to get tech support involved. Hope this helps - Eric
  20. Renderings are my specialty, please contact me directly and I'll be happy to review your projects. You can view plenty of samples on my website or YouTube channel. Eric email sent
  21. I haven't been able to reproduce your problem on my system but I did note a couple of things... - try bringing your light sources down from the ceiling (I would go with 60" to start) - also, everything is way too bright & bring down the ambient light (to much makes the scene look flat) Those are the first things I would do but I'm on a PC and not a Mac so I don't know if that makes a difference. You should just experiment with your camera and rendering settings and also the intensity of your light sources. Hope this helps - Eric
  22. I opened the same camera view in X16, no glare... STD: PBR Which version of Chief are you using and what video card do you have? (Please take a few minutes to complete your signature with this info as it helps us to know your system specs when trying to diagnose a problem.) Eric