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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. Curt, do you have it working? I have a second license that I could float to you for the weekend if you are stuck.
  2. Thanks Jintu. I will run a few tests today.
  3. From the album: Comparing renders

    Sometimes I really like to grab the colored pencils and get a little sloppy
  4. The first image shows the Raytrace I am getting with the settings in following images. I would like to get something better. I see a lot of pixelation at the edges and the overall feel is quite blurry. Which setting would be best to play with to get a sharper image. I let this cook for 6 passes in about 4 minutes. Thanks, Alan
  5. One way would be to save out a file to only work on the garage. Delete the rest of the house and build your framing. Grab all of that framing and make a block which you import into your main file. As long as that block is on a distinct layer you can show or hide as you wish.
  6. There are a few folks who have kept the older versions around. You might try and contact David Potter. I believe he is one that has mentioned this in the past.
  7. Is there a limit to the size of individual images that you post in the Gallery? Is there a limit to the total size of your posted images? Thanks, Alan
  8. I am looking at these two images and wondering if it is really worth it for a quick ray trace vs. just using the standard view with shadows. The Ray Trace only cooked for about 6 passes in 3 minutes. Fairly small size image.
  9. From the album: Comparing renders

    Comparing this render to the Raytrace in this album
  10. From the album: Comparing renders

    Looking to see if the quick Ray Trace makes sense by comparison the the standard view with shadows
  11. I find that by zooming in it is easy to bump along the snap positions to get to the center. If you start with an interior dimension and then just grab the dimension extension one at a time and move them. Also, do you have grid snap on? I never have grid snap on.
  12. "Reputation Points"? To quote the little guy with the big ears, " I hear a giant sucking sound".
  13. Agreed, it would be great to have a shortened character max for the tab name.