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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. I selected to remember the tool command to keep objects on solid subtraction. How do I know forget that setting? I tried closing the program and restarting but that did not work.
  2. You can either build a roof plane that intersects the room at that angle and height or use a ceiling plane which is adjustable for the slope.
  3. One of these things is not like the other. I left the render after a few frames and this is the result. Rather "negative" I would say.
  4. Try these settings for interior as a baseline for tweaking your shots.
  5. This render took me 90 seconds in x13. If I was to Raytrace this in X12 I may not be able to have this conversation today.
  6. Unfortunately, the open and close the text DBX is not 100% for me. I have seen it more since going to a wider monitor. I am using a 38" wide screen. I wonder if that has any impact?
  7. I have pervasive problems after saving out plan files. See the image where the text box is missing the last letter(s) of most words. Rich Text. Should I be eliminating Rich Text?
  8. yeah, what Layer said. I spent like 20 minutes scratching my head the other day. The monitor still has a dent where I "scratched" my head.
  9. Check these settings to see if it jumped to Framing and I-Joist for the layer.
  10. Thanks Mark. I think that solved it.
  11. I have no clue but on all my files I am crashing constantly. Please take a look at my video settings and see if there is a clue about something have overlooked that was supposed to be adjusted. Thanks, Alan
  12. Also, it appears to be related to having the Layout open. I was able to work efficiently with no Layout file open. As soon as I opened the layout file with tiled windows, frozen (but no Olaf for comic relief).
  13. @MarkMc That is exactly what I am seeing. I am pretty sure it is almost 100% when I am adjusting or just adjusted a material. Are you using multiple monitors or splitting tabs/windows on one monitor?
  14. Here is the plan file. I just reopened it and tried to work again. This time, when trying to take a perspective view and tile to a 3rd window, crash. I am wondering if it is the single monitor. It is an LG HDR 38" curved monitor. Although, I was not having these problems before the last X13 update. Sloppy model is a work in progress. AND ADU
  15. 1. What do you use for screen capture? I did this video with Loom and I am already not in love with this software since I could not save locally. 2. I have serious craziness with this file. I am updated on video card drivers and the latest version of X13. I am getting a twin of my window when multiple windows are open. Also, this file has crashed multiple times when I am viewing a perspective camera view. Just freezing and locking up the window. I was able to close the 3d view a few times but then the file just locked and I had to do a hard kill. I will be doing a restart of the cpu to see if I can replicate this. Video of my screen capture below.
  16. In California also. I can get my engineer to design for 2 stories with 2x4 framing unless I have a tall wall at stairs which then goes to 2x6. Some of the more structurally stringent walls also require 2x6 but a standard wall is fine with 2x4. Local codes vary.
  17. I guess we can file that under "When you don't have anything nice to say, STFU". (loosely quoted from my mom)
  18. Did you mean to post this in a gynecologist forum?
  19. Is the Mac that problematic. I thought it was only the RTRT that was of issue? Edit: leave the cult of Mac. We have cookies on the pc side.