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Everything posted by Dennis_Gavin

  1. Ray - where in library? Can't seem to find it.
  2. Slightly different topic BUT.... recently had problems with LED lights interfering with a garage door opener. Had to get different manufacturer (Cree) and the problem went away. Have heard of other problems where they interfered with an ordering system in a restaurant. Any additional advice regarding LED lights and other electronics?
  3. Did you use a bump map for the brick? If not you may want to try that or if you did increase the settings. The plants are too fake looking. Try altering the size a little along the rows and maybe break them up some. Maybe a mulch bed also. I see you have a tree shadow, that's good. Might be nice to see part of the tree if there will be one in reality. Maybe play with the grass. Good grass textures are hard to find. maybe increase the size of the texture or use another where you don't see the lines repeat so frequently. All in all it looks pretty good just needs more texture.
  4. Glenn - can't reproduce it. I'll just put it down to gremlins!
  5. Glenn - didn't know there was a hot key for toggle textures and don't even see the toolbar for that on my desktop. I was in the technical options dbx when it happened. There was a kind of blink/flutter of the screen and then all I saw was colors in my render view, no textures. IT freaked me out initially but I thought to check preferences and noticed that use textures in preview was unchecked. WEIRD! All is fine now but I thought I would check on CT and see if anyone ever had that happen OR post it in case it happened to someone in the future and thought maybe they would remember to check preferences.
  6. I was looking at a file I had worked on prior to the holiday. Playing around with some modifications and was in the technical options dbx trying to get my quartz top less blurry in watercolor settings. Somehow all of a sudden I lost all my textures. Was totally confused. opened another plan and things were OK. Opened an archive of the same plan and textures were gone. Opened a different plan and textures were gone. Went into preferences and under the render settings the use textures in preview was unchecked! Now, how the heck did that happen???? Anyone else ever have this happen?
  7. Agree with Barton. The grass is showing through on two areas and the white backdrop is showing through under the bridge. BTW - how do you get water to flow UP HILL? ;o)
  8. Are you sure you are not adjusting the pattern?
  9. Start - move cursor to Chief - when window expands to the side showing recent plans click on a plan.<br />That is where we are getting the assertion failure since the latest update.
  10. there are default settings for where things are measured to. I would start there.
  11. I would say they are NOT the exact same material. By any chance was one sprayed on with the blend mode active? There is a discrepancy, you just have to find it. Post the plan? ;o)
  12. you're showing your age! ;o) I wonder if he is still using a dial up connection? Good man!
  13. boxed soffit, manually adjust depth if needed.
  14. Larry - I really like the quality of using ray traces versus the standard render mode. You really don't need to have the walk through if you stage the ray trace shots well. I like to use the "walk through" for exterior treatments where you can just use an arc shaped path and adjust the height of the camera as it travels. Sort of like the one attached. I think it got cut short but you get the idea. Crawford
  15. Jay - that would be the room "name" versus living room, kitchen etc. Open below is in the drop down room name box which in version7 has unspecified as the default.
  16. Larry - I am no expert by any means but to do the basics in MM is fairly easy. Without having the program open and having access to the icons I cannot really tell you the specifics. ALso things vary depending on whether you bring in an avi from chief or RT shots. WIth the avi if you go to edit mode there is an option for speed where you can increase or decrease it. Also when you save you get options for saving for computer, email etc. and you get an mp4 which is a much smaller file size. WIth RT photos you bring them in individually and then you can edit the time for each slide and use transitions etc. I think it generates one shot for each second so if you click on the first picture and set it to 4 you get 4 pictures, if it seems to slow or fast click on the first shot again and change to 3 or 5 or whatever suits your needs. If you play around with it I am sure you can figure it out and do a good job.
  17. OK - got it working. Watched the video. What a novel idea. ;o)
  18. Greg - OK I am having trouble getting it to work. What camera views do you do this in? I have tried plan but it does not show up when trying to add it to a molding polyline. In section view it does not seem to place. Obviously I am doing something wrong!
  19. "actually a molecular biologist "<br /><br />We'll try not to hold that against you! ;o)
  20. Greg - Oh that is sooo much better! Gotta remember to right click more often!!
  21. I brought a chief base into a section view, copied over it with cad lines, rotated 180 degrees and added it to the library. Hope this works for you. base inverted.calibz
  22. Can't tell for sure what the situation is but if you put a break near the end and then pull the molding to the right/left 90 degrees the molding will go to the wall
  23. If I am understanding you I think all you need to do is select all the roof planes and then cut them, build 2nd floor from 1st and then paste hold position. Then transform replicate the roof planes to desired height.