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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. They handle LARGE commercial projects or residential or just your personal needs, check them out:
  2. Awesome work, gave you a plus 1, do you have any of these in DWG form or a .plan file with these drawn in CAD?
  3. OK, I understand the request, I think in most arch standards books-it would denote a swing direction with a thinner line weight, my overall request would be to give separate control to all elements of the door display since we aren't given any CAD options in the symbol DBX....I also fully promote going against conventional drafting standards as it can be a method to promote change for the better. An aside, I shy away from dashed lines on anything that doesn't represent a section cut or an element reflecting in a reverse plane(soffits) etc.- this certainly is debatable. I'd suggest putting up a request in the suggestion forums..thumbs up!
  4. Can you explain further, is this a hinge door that is being converted to a doorway? Would a reference layer using a dashed AB plan work?
  5. Hey all, make sure to throw your voice into this suggestion, which would address the OP’s issue:
  6. You can change the entire door symbol to a dashed line in your layer settings, is there a reason you would want just the door swing dashed as opposed to the entire door?
  7. Several methods, probably the easiest would be to draw poly boxes in elevation so you could match the slope of the roof You would need to break your roof under and pill it back before the wall...would be my first do you actually plan on building this in real life?cutting back your rafters and hanging them off of a new wall that extends up to your new california framed roof over? also, always a good idea to post your .plan file
  8. I would say don't only leads to madness and their is no current tool that helps the won't speed up your plan, best option I've found if you're hell bound on getting rid of them is o copy paste your updated plan into a new plan. This can be problematic if you don't have much experience with it.
  9. I love the way the pros on the site speak to one another, such respect! About the RAMdisk, Graham is correct in that I see the biggest benefit in Library, and though it's not quantifiable I had noticed a speed-up across a few of my active plans at the time of installing CA to RAM. an aside, the BIGGEST benefit I see from using a RAMdisk is outside of CA with the pagefile in my Adobe Suite and the temp directory for Google Chrome...adobe loading times re a fraction of what they were and Chrome feels supercharged. I have yet to have a problem with AMD's RAM drive as it backs up at close of session and automatically loads from previous state...with as much RAM as you have, changing your temp drives to a RAMdisk shouldn't effect anything, fun t play around with when your time frees up
  10. If you have access to the X-11 machine you can go to File/export and export as DWG/DXF and then import into X-10..this would really only be useful if you were trying to grab the layout template.
  11. Hello Fella's, framing members have their own layers, simply turn off roof planes and wall layers including attic walls etc. Leave all framing members checked to display and you will see only framing members. Don't forget the ability to back/side clip a section camera to better control your section view.
  12. Probably, do a search in your documents folder on your old computer for ".calib" if you don't find it there do a system wide search. Once you find it you simply need to replace the existing user library with the old one. Go to Edit/Preferences/General/Folders/ and locate your new user library location. Copy paste the location in windows explorer and replace the file with your old user library
  13. too funny, I was recording at the same time..might as well post it 2019-07-10 22-05-25.mp4
  14. firmware for your video cards, also download geforce experience, make a google search, for some reason your monitor is not utilizing the 1060
  15. Also you don't need to zip your .plan if it is all you are including in an attachment
  16. I actually don't follow what the issue mightve been in the first method, can you illustrate it with a plan?
  17. @EvolutionDid you try setting your walls in the first method to "no locate"?
  18. Mark has it right, your monitor is running off of the intel card, not the 1060...check for firmware updates, check options for software choosing the video card....check options in geforce experience app, you may need additional software/firmware/forceware etc.
  19. Yes thank you Ridge, Rob, gonna take some time to think this through, I'll come back to this, nice sections for sure!
  20. Did you confirm that your 1060 is active..might also want to put your machine in performance mode, a lot of throttling built into your system
  21. I'd have to ask you a slew of questions about your workflow and how you do your CD's...maybe post a complete plan and layout file and I could better suggest. heres a short vid I made, having audio problems, excuse the audio: 2019-07-09 14-57-40.mp4
  22. the DBX shown is for the plane highlighted in pink. here is the other plane:
  23. this help? it's not perfect, I could've busted out my calculator..I'll leave you to that...but its damn close. the other plane is -15 baseline angle with a ridge height of 100 and slope of -12 as shown.
  24. worked on this for 5 minutes.. reduced the bump significantly on the tile ceiling, it was far too heavy adjusted all square lights to 200 lumens and set to have a slight yellow color set sun to 60000 L and applied a slight yellow color. changed backdrop..too much green, reflects into the room and tints all surfaces green. increased exposure and brightness, checked "improve lighting"