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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. tricky but doable, you need yo do a orthographic floor overview using the line drawing technique
  2. Quadro has never been worth the premium for a Chief Architect only workflow IMO, CA does not utilize the gfx card to this extent
  3. Thank you, appreciated...whats crazy is I spent nearly no time on this one..I might save it for later and really keep working it as an exercise. The new Thea is pretty exciting
  4. CA model only, no imports, spent 30 minutes establishing materials, camera settings and environment, 9 minute render. no post processing
  5. That was from April last year, I may still have been in x9, did you try to install?
  6. just to clarify, CA's native format is a calibz file, are these calibz or 3ds or dae etc?
  7. unless its a raised mono in which case CA wont let you? womp womp
  8. Just did a near no-setup, 1 minute render in Thea for sketchup to test something out..kinda cool that even a muddled render conveys the intent of this kitchen. Didn't even spend time trying to fix mapping or materials etc.
  9. I don't use the raytrace engine anymore but a few things to note, you are overdoing it with user added lights, these are a crutch that should only be used when absolutely necessary in a raytrace...mileage may vary in a PBR...Short of it is that you're flooding the scene. Your lights are set too warm..CA doesn't work with Kelvins the way one would hope, soft white lights need to be nearly white or you will drown out your details. Also you have modified some lights and changed them from points to directional lighting without setting the proper direction. Here is a quick low res raytrace I did after setting your light temps and dropping your user lights...See the depth coming back in. Also Vector Renders show properly for me, I saw no issue there Notice you're missing lights like hallway lights, which is likely why you added lights. Lastly, your palette does not vary enough from a design perspective IMO, it needs either varying sheens or varying hues or a broader range of shading to distinguish architectural features
  10. Could you please post a .plan file with saved cameras illustrating the issue..Would you also post a vector view for reference...the images you shared may have "bloom" enabled and no blurry vector view was posted
  11. I also don't seem to understand the issue, I feel as if licensing works as it understanding was that you licensed a machine for x-10 and tried to open an x-11 file in the field with that machine. That points to user error..if you needed both licenses you would need to license your machine a standard practice It would make no sense to automatically license both versions when an end user goes to activate just one, especially in a multi-user environment
  12. hate that you cant block room planner boxes together for preset house types
  13. What are you doing with the Alienware in your sig?
  14. you're making my cord management OCD skyrocket right now!! take it that last 10%!!!
  15. Here is the same project using sketchup and Thea 2.0 It's actually a really nice interface and thea 2.0 works WAY faster than 1.5 This was 19 minutes to render at HD res:
  16. A few years back Altair bought out Thea and started pumping new life into the brand...the 2.1 version plugins are much faster to render than thea studio...I got in touch with Altair a few months back and they said they were in development..checked in today and they are in the beta state of the software which I believe you can download for free...but the time limit on the license is probably not enough to be able to do anything with it starting with no experience in the software. I had to put this together last night in CA and render in Thea...came out okay, not photo-realistic but good enough for the presentation being made:
  17. Made a quick vid to illustrate some of what Thea can do with a CA scene:
  18. nice table saw and racks..I only have one 18' x3' wide rack for lumber Been at it for 3 weekends now mostly working solo, a few dump runs, managed to break out my irons and swap wheels on the bike and change all the front end bushing on my dodge pickup as well...still needs a lot of organizing...the best part was being able to follow a plan...worked out great so far...'cept I forgot to plan a space for my table saw and paint sprayer...doh!! the rolling ski gear rack is definitely a favorite and needs some additional work . I'll probably end up rewiring the whole place, previous work was garbage and I need an additional circuit or two
  19. You would need to be either tethered or Remote desktop with the ipad pro and X11 I vote for the surface book 2 or the next your pennies- they are developing new stylus tech..they just pulled a patent
  20. totally agreed, and not here to argue, for those looking for a built in best of, raytrace for the win..but at a fraction of the setup time in CA's Ray trace I can have double the render quality in a 3rd party software..I don't spend any time in PBR really, my sun/cameras/materials are already set in a SAM .plan it's pretty instantaneous...that is the draw for me personally..if I want better quality I export. CA doesn't have true spherical backdrops or environment light, it doesn't offer material clipping, instancing, material blending or layering, its AO is a joke, doesn't offer save state rendering, material or object ID masks(or any other masks).No displacement, no mediums, poor emitter control, no .ies support, no coatings, no anisotropy, sigma, micro roughness, translucent layers, absorption. It doesn't have camera functions like F-stop focal length size of lense, aperture, ISO, Custom resolution etc. and the biggest annoyance for me is its cross section slider isn't true in the sense that if I cut away the roof, the sun shouldn't shine through!!!!!!!! No batch rendering, no farms, no material tree, no model tree, no global editing Man I feel like I can go on and on now that I'm typing...CA is a joke for rendering, truly.
  21. Just an FYI Thea houses an incredibly powerful HDR spherical background tool with support for HDR lighting..the clouds were not photoshopped in but we're a 16k spherical image that actually produces reflections and light. This is the same method used for creating mirrored finishes on vehicles from the surrounding environment without the heavy lifting of having to create the environment. There are so many tools in Thea that would make you eye roll at CA...CA doesn't compare, it simply can't...and when you really get good at Thea results can be had in a very short amount of time. I still prefer using CAs PBR for my business model, it's right in front of me so to also differentiates a tier for the next level of services or LOD(level of detail)
  22. Proof of concept(not perfect, i'll leave that to you David) and it can be very quick to achieve with a little fudging here and there: make your molding, set your roof eaves to square cut (plumb requires multiple moldings and more work as mentioned by kMo) set your molding upper portion to the shadow boards in the roof dbx. set molding lower to frieze on gable only add a molding polyline for the intersecting band fudge your molding numbers as needed to have the band cover the bottom of the frieze on the gable end hornstein.plan notice we don't have a clean 45 all the way through the banding, it make it perfect requires two upper moldings, one for the gable and one for the eave on a plumb cut eave( you can fudge this by making offset roof overhangs)