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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Renerabbitt



    Templating with Chief, this is a template scene for furniture rendering.
  2. I deleted my post after seeing Dermot's post, you resurrected it somehow!
  3. I posted a highly debated method for creating CDs using only the plan file. Saved Plan Views were a large part of that method, they made it very simple to navigate and organize especially utilizing the new referenced file tools. I still hope that one day the layout file is nothing more than a PDF compiler, we get closer and closer to it with each release. What I would recommend to all of the late adopters....learn Saved Plan Views in and out, they are simple stepping stone to a much larger change that I think is coming in a few years, as methods such as kanban, and collaborative tools finally gain more traction in the residential sector.
  4. +1, let's revisit this...please people send in a bug report. Used to work as the OP stated
  5. You should check "replace existing defaults/overwrite existing defaults" Since you are establishing a SAM .plan no sense in keeping the existing defaults as these are .plan specific only, as opposed to global program parameters/preferences/defaults. I'm going to be doing some house cleaning myself soon. I'm actually getting requests from people looking to purchase my anno sets and as such have noticed some problems in my old methods. What I'll tell you is this, down the line you may want to keep as much of the OOTB naming conventions as possible to be able to coordinate with a greater number of end-users. My existing Annos all use custom names that are a standard of practice in my jurisdiction, but pose problems when working with a global market. My two cents Good luck!
  6. Just going to add my two cents- For this SPECIFIC scenario I personally would do as follows to ensure everything is aligned. Draw a CAD line(or point) to the corner of your structure on your reference floor Copy that line and paste-hold-position onto your 2nd floor Select all on 2nd floor(optional but not necessary-shift deselect the CAD line) Point to point move to the CAD line. That whole operation takes less than 30 seconds..When I train I always remind people the power of a making temporary, simple CAD can be used as a bump stop, reflect about line, and reference markers plus much much more.
  7. Are you familiar/experienced with any photo editing softwares? If you are looking to produce a still image then it is a quick process to export an image as .png with transparent background checked and drop in a backdrop behind your main layer. Spherical backdrops in CA are severely limited by conpression,...a good spherical backdrop would be 7k and CA simply won't allow it. That's why most of CAs built in backdrops are pixelated
  8. This was 3rd party software, but you could do this with an orth-view in CA
  9. I'd be happy to fix that beds texture mapping if you want. Just send it my way
  10. Welcome to the boards..maybe start here: solver's second post is certainly a good clue, and filling out signature with your computer/mac system specs and Chief Architect version helps us give more accurate device..Cheers!
  11. I definitely have a purpose built and expensive machine, chief simply doesn't have the capabilities and would need a huge overhaul to produce such images. I still think we're a long way off from needing that in the residential Industry...very few adopters per capita. I only get a render job once a month or so.
  12. How do you convey a sense of space to a client, what method do you use to say give a client the feeling of "flow" in their home, the traffic areas, the pinch points etc.? I do love that method for cabinet layout as shown, very clear and to the point...I have clients that simply cannot connect elevation and plan views to a sense of overall movement within the design...they need perspective imagery and to see the way the light interacts with a room. I did a rendered cabinet elevation once..kinda fun/funny:
  13. I believe the room planner app has that capability if he uploads the .plan file and enables viewing/invites you. Might create another thread in that section of this forum.
  14. Ahh, understood, You should introduce him to these forums, we are all friendly folk. I would suggest he learn a PBR rendering technique and adjust his active camera's default field of view settings. Then perform an image export to .png when possible. We can give him more specific help where needed if he address's any confusion here on the forums. Might prove to be a new and valued resource for him...we've got some serious experts on these boards.
  15. In that case he should change his active camera's field of view
  16. I would say a still rendering can get you accurate two-point perspective, or a recorded walkthrough video
  17. First off, hey neighbor! I'm very pleased with my overall speed to render and presentation abilities with the various tools available right now! The nVidia Denoising and RTX is incredible no doubt, but with a bag full of tricks you can produce razor sharp images in a short while. Take a look: 2019-11-20 11-58-53.mp4
  18. You're not wrong, many people interchange pony wall, knee wall, cripple wall...I align with you on this one, but definitely understood his meaning.
  19. I would second Jim's suggestion and add that changing from a point light to a spot would give you additional control with cut off angle and drop off rate
  20. "field of view" is the closest thing we have to focal length which resides in your active camera defaults. maybe play around with this. Additionally I offer rendering services where you can adjust focal length within a range directly in an active(vs passive) VR presentation: the nature of VR has some inherent fish-bowling because it is an image wrapped around a sphere. try zooming in on the linked VR