Room Labels Disappearing


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  • 1 month later...

As an observation... I may have found the glitch.


Initially I thought that it was the result of bring an X-14 plan into X-15. Not so.  This occurrence happens on "out of the box" brand spanking new plan files. 


So... if by chance you may delete "Living Area" there appears to be a direct correlation to losing not some but ALL of the room labels. 


Thankfully it's become easier to rectify by holding the shift key after selecting one room.


Then you can click, click, click and get every room to highlight.


Turn on room labels all at once with the opened dialogue box for that one room. 


Anyway... lesson learned is not to delete the Living Area.


This has happened far more times than it should have. Ideally X-16 will have corrected this bug. 







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8 minutes ago, VHampton said:

Thankfully it's become easier to rectify by holding the shift key after selecting one room.


Then you can click, click, click and get every room to highlight.


Turn on room labels all at once with the opened dialogue box for that one room. 


Much faster to select a room and just use Marquee Select, Select All.




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Thank you Mr. T!   


In terms of SH Canada's comment... It's a mystery. 


Below is a theory, but 100% plausible. 


In toggling back and forth between an "Architectural" plan w/ room labels vs. the "Structural" plan w/ no room labels ...


The toggling between the layer set of "no room labels" may be causing the glitch where Living Area appears and then disappears.


When Living Area goes missing... so do ALL of the room names in the layer set where they had previously existed. 


Living Area happens to be under the layer (of all things) "Room labels".   


Placing Living Area under a new dedicated layer seems to have resolved the disappearing issue. 





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On 4/8/2024 at 4:20 PM, TeaTime said:


Much faster to select a room and just use Marquee Select, Select All.




Still haven't figured out the trigger for this problem. But I did learn about this great tool, thank you!

However, I did realize when using this to "select all similar" that the bay window area shows as a room even though I can't select it as such with the tab key. Maybe this is what is causing the issue? Not sure who to tag from Chief to suggest as the potential issue or if I have to fill out a new support ticket.


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2 hours ago, KilianDrafting said:

I did realize when using this to "select all similar" that the bay window area shows as a room even though I can't select it as such with the tab key.

Huh, guess I'd never noticed it did that. It makes sense that the Bay Window is making it's own room, if you Explode the bay that's exactly what you'll have. Weird that Select Similar is able to select it when we can't, though. Seems the Select All option isn't ideal then if there are Bay, Box, or Bow windows present, would need to just do the normal Marquee Select and be careful to avoid those.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to report that this is happening to me as well - about 8 times in the last 24 hours of working on a design for a client.... its pretty frustrating.  This never happened to me before X15 and to answer a previous comment further up the thread, i do not have any box or bay windows in this drawing.  I hope it gets resolved quickly as I don't have the time to keep re-doing it.



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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to report that this is happening to me as well - about 8 times in the last 24 hours of working on a design for a client.... its pretty frustrating.  This never happened to me before X15 and to answer a previous comment further up the thread, i do not have any box or bay windows in this drawing.  I hope it gets resolved quickly as I don't have the time to keep re-doing it.





I think the problem with bay windows is fixed in X16 because I haven't seen it happen since I got it. 


You should try getting the beta to see if it still happens for you.  If it does, then you should probably report this to Chief tech support and not just post on the forum.


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