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Everything posted by TeaTime

  1. Don't think so, but if you take that elevation and create a CAD Detail from View, you an select/block/copy a CAD version of a thing back into the Elevation (copy/Paste Hold Position should still work in elevations for this), then even if something is obscured you can show the CAD outline of the thing. CAD Detail from View will just take whatever's on the screen, too, so if you just want the electrical components, switch to the All Off layer set, turn on just electrical, CAD Detail from View, copy everything in the detail, go back to the elevation and set it back to your normal section layerset, turn off electrical, and paste/hold position. Probably You'd want to open them and set them to a new Layer probably, too. Obviously this means they're no longer synced to the actual plan/model so you'll have to manually move these details should the plan change, but that'll get the style you're looking for.
  2. Typically tools are only inactive if they don't apply to the current view you're in. Look at the top of your view window, does it have the Floor Plan icon and say you're in some sort of "plan view"?
  3. just gonna point out the reason for the confusion is Humble was using the Line Style "Show Length", which doesn't create an editable label. However it uses the CAD Formatting so it's easier to change its format. To that point, @HumbleChief, to change the format change it to %visible_length.to_s("'-\"")%
  4. Ooo fun challenge!! Started with a basic U-Shaped stair, 0" gap. Open it and on the General panel set Tread Depth to Lock Number, uncheck Automatic Height. On the Style panel uncheck Allow Wrap, this is important, otherwise you can't have stairs side-by-side like you'll need. Copy that lower section next to the original (I'd suggest Copy/Paste, Point to Point Move). Open the copy, make sure Lock Top is set then change the tread depth to twice the original (ex: if the original is 11" set them to 22"), and the tread count to 1/2 the original minus 1 (in my example there were 8, so dropped it to 3), and set riser height to twice the original (ex: from 6 3/4" to 13 1/2"). This is because the first tread of the right side can't be half-height. Draw it in as a Landing (you'll have to set it's height and thickness manually) I suppose you could keep it 4 treads and sink it into the floor but that's rather inelegant. Oh, and on the right stair, be sure to check Riser Surface at Top Landing on the style panel.
  5. Probably the easiest (assuming you're strictly auto building this roof) is to make two Attic unspecified* rooms on either side of that room on Floor 2. Setting the Ceiling Height of those attic rooms will adjust the height the roof planes build. *Correction, just two rooms. Rooms set to "Attic" room type will do what you have in that picture. Just leave them unspecified.
  6. Oh they're up on the Attic Floor.
  7. They're there, they're just invisible. You probably tried to delete them at some point, Chief makes them Invisible and sets them on the Walls, Invisible layer when they're needed for things like gables.
  8. Check the Wall Cap panel
  9. Just by not using Tech Illustration. That glare is an effect of that rendering technique, you'll see it way more pronounced if you change your Warm color to something darker. You'll also notice that its location is relative to the viewport, as you pan the view around you'll see that it stays where it is on the screen as the model moves around. You can pan the view down away from the glare, but sadly when its sent to Layout it doesn't respect that positioning. I don't think there's any way to change that. Probably just change to Vector View, or learn to live with the glare.
  10. There's nothing I know if in CA that controls that. What's the mouse? Is there some special software for it? it might be mapped to some other control other than the typical MiddleMouse action.
  11. Had to test that, but as I suspected, no. It seems to check first and if one exists of the same name it'll use it.
  12. It's not quick or elegant but: create a buncha text objects and assign each one a different text style, copy an paste em to the other plan. Once pasted, those Styles get created in that plan and will stick around even after the txt boxes are deleted.
  13. If that's a Layout Box, in X15, you should have all those. Maybe post a copy of the plan so we can see if we see the same thing.
  14. Oh that'll do it too, didn't think about those buttons. I usually ignore them since they can sometimes confuse things. But the "Move" option is pretty fool proof!
  15. In my experience the program is never (rarely?) wrong in these calculations, it's just sometimes unclear what is being calculated, or how. I have no idea if X1 had this but I assume it did, but a Living Area polyline will show you exactly what's being calculated. They have an article on this: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00424/understanding-how-the-square-footage-or-living-area-is-calculated.html
  16. Can't really lock an object's size, when you move something using dimensions just be aware that exactly what you're describing is the intended functionality. But if you "group select" a single object (hold shift then click), then the whole thing is affected by that move. Temporary Dimensions sometimes don't generate the way you need them to though, so you'll likely need to manually put in your own dimensions.
  17. Your zip file contains a 0kb plan file, usually this happens when the plan is still open in Chief when you zip it. Close Chief and try again.
  18. To expand on that: 3D> Create Orthographic View> Full -or- Floor Overview 3D> Rendering Techniques> Standard 3D> View Direction> Top View
  19. Text likes to align Right and Down. So even if you try to get fancy with a ► character or something, you'll still see something like Best off the cuff solution would be to create two line styles, use Disconnect Selected Edge and alternate styles as needed:
  20. Not using Defaults. Doing exactly what you said. Open roof plane and set it to a new layer with a different color, red. Roof lines turn red. Good. Then go to Label and set it to a new layer with a different color, green. Label Text turns green. Good. Yet the Arrow Line color is still blue. The Arrow head and Fill can be changed, of course but the Arrow Line color remains locked to the original "Roofs, Labels" layer color. This is shown to be the case when the "Roofs, Labels" layer's color is changed, changing all the Label arrows
  21. I'm not so sure. I emulated this same setup @Larry_Sweeney outlined above and I'm also seeing this issue. (But it's not the "Roofs, Labels" layer its pulling from, not "Rooms, Labels", mistype?) Auto Roofs disabled. Opened and set roof planes to a copied "Roof Planes, 1" layer, set it Red. Set roof plane labels to a copied "Roofs, Labels, 1", set it Red. Roof polylines and Label text are Red, but Arrow lines are blue. change "Roofs, Labels" to green... @SNestoreven if your screenshot you seem to be showing the same issue:
  22. Not sure why he deleted his comment, equally unsure if this is the same solution, but turning off the window's Apron removes the bottom casing allowing the Pony Wall to come up right to the bottom of the window. The Sill has to be present for this to work, but can be covered by the pony wall, or set to use a much smaller molding profile.
  23. Ah. At first that's what I thought you meant, but thought that surely can't be it because you can't re-order THOSE! But hey, lookit that. That's wild. I don't see any way that could have happened. Is it only in the Reference dialog or is it also like that in the Layer Display / ALDO? Hopefully this means they sent it up the ladder to get fixed. X16 is Beta after all!
  24. Assuming this is what you're talking about, make sure it's not sorted by some random column?