Terrain Site


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I previously created a site plan with terrain data and now want to place a building which I have just completed,

but cant import or merge these two elements. If i have the site plan open and try to import my building I can't

access the plan folder, even though the site and building plan is in the same folder and vice versa if I have building

plan open and try to import the site plan. 


All of the tutorials are based on developing a site/terrain plan to a building plan, which doesn't suit my situation.


Also, don't understand why my building plan is not accessible when I try to import via the same path as the terrain plan, ie, Documents/X10/Projects/Sharrock Extensions/Plans. Have tried to copy/paste the building into the site plan with no success.


Have attached the two files for reference. 


Regards Neil.


lot1 Modified.plan

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with multiple buildings I prefer keeping each building in a separate plan and then making them into symbols to be placed in the master site plan


I think you can have both plans open and then use the edit area all floors feature to draw a marquee around the house

then using the point to point to place the house in the site plan


manual manipulation with the house and the terrain will probably be required to get them "merged" together properly


I suspect at this point making a symbol of the house and placing it in the site plan will be "easier"



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EDIT: Lew beat me to the punch, but here's a step by step guide, for what it's worth:


Terrain objects lose their intelligence when you copy/paste them between plans. Here are my recommended steps:


1. Open both plan files.

2. Within the lot1 Modified plan, activate the Edit>Edit Area>Edit Area (All Floors) command:


3. Window around the terrain so everything you want to copy is included in the selection box, then Edit>Copy:


4. Within the Sharrock_New_Plan, Edit>Paste the terrain selection and plop it wherever you want:


5. Select the polyline object that represents the terrain perimeter - if you examine its properties you'll notice that it's no longer a Terrain Perimeter, but a Special Polyline:


6. With the Special Polyline selected, use this tool to convert it to a regular polyline:


7. With the polyline still selected, use the Convert Polyline tool to convert it back to a Terrain Perimeter:


8. You have now successfully imported the terrain into the house plan:




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Thanks for the info, did a couple of sequences and found the easiest method was by way of making

the building into a symbol, but now I have another query:-


Can't get the terrain to reset under the garage floor, tried numerous ways with terrain line elevations

but this just messed up all of the external contours which I don't want. I have a lot more detail to add 

to this site in the form of a pool, patio and BBQ area + some retaining walls and linked by steps, so I need to be able to set my ground areas/levels fairly precisely.

Some of the videos showed extending "elevation terrain lot1 Modified + Plan-2.planlines" past the site boundaries to achieve flat terrain planes, but this won't work for me, need some help please.


See attached updated plan for visual reference.


Regards Neil.    


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