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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. I have no idea if there is a decent video, never watched one for it. Learned it all by trial and watching Scott Harris presentations/trainings. After seeing where you had gone I thought about doing one, instead decided to do a webinar. Here:
  2. Open the cabinet in the attached. Ignore the defaults as they don't apply. Standard cabinet will give you toe on the side, custom side with "side panel inset" using a "wainscot panel" door symbol, set separations to suit. The curved side is a different matter ;-> (but can be done-maybe you can try that next) waiscot side.plan
  3. Simplify. Frame elements are cabinet separations so you have complete control. All the rest is a single cabinet door. Open the plans I posted and open the objects!! Make special doors to use as "side panel inset" Plan attached is old but instructive, has the parts to make an assortment of panels and cameras to check location of moldings. I dropped on wainscot panel door symbol in as well. New Door template.plan
  4. Thought I'd put these up before but guess not. Attached plan has a group of beaded inset cabinets (think these are 1/4" bead but didn't check). The are meant to be used when the make wants cabinet ordered individually then combined. These are meant to overlap each other by 1 1/2" so that they read correctly in the schedule then are called out as combined cabinets. The ones I posted some time ago are meant to be spit to create compound cabinets (takes some practice :))
  5. Plans with full set of cabinets are in the symbols forum from a few years ago. There are stand alone and a group meant to be used to get combined cabinets into a schedule (they overlap each other) OOPs split the wrong parts on that, corrected version attached. wainscot with bead.plan
  6. Make he profile part of the door symbol. I have a collection of cabinet doors just for wainscot, here are two (right one done as Dermot suggests for Wainscot, left done as would be supplied by cabinet mfg Well you can but it's a lot of work. samples exist in the symbols forum from a few years ago. Stuck one in here wainscot with bead.plan
  7. I'm PC and regularly work with clients on Macs without issue. The only issues would be the same if working different machines all on the same OS-libraries and textures. Since all my clients are remote we use backup entire project though I also sometimes also make a library folder with symbols and textures per project for them. Since you indicated that you are already working multiple machines I'd guess you have the all set up.
  8. Unless it's changed for X12 the ALDO is only in Premier edition. One client recently upgrade from Interiors to get it.
  9. Since you aren't posting a plan I had a run at it. No idea how accurate it is to your model, only added enough windows to get some light in there. Roof is manual, second floor height was altered after roof was in. At first the entire front of the balcony was glowing, never managed to reproduce just the triangles glowing so some may not match yours. This is what finally go rid of all of the glow, bit counter intuitive but ....may help. The attached plan screenshot was X11, after I saw you were using 12 I checked it and it's the same. loft.plan
  10. I've had this occur when a wall, or section of a wall is defined as no room definition. Attached were in X11 No room definition Change to room definition I chased lights, added subtracted and adjusted when this happened. The only thing that worked was changing the room definition. Yes it was sent in.
  11. I made a quick run at this, had a little time, but no luck. Figured out what does NOT work and what likely has to happen to get you there. No help was- Adding a macro to an OIP field in the drawerbox symbol prior to adding to cabinet-doesn't show in cabinet, or any schedule once inserted into a cabinet. Tried adding an accessory to the components list and placing a macro for the box width-this may work but the macro I tried failed.. It IS possible to add a macro to an OIP field in the cabinet that calculates the correct width based on the cabinet width. That could easily be set up to be based on cabinet construction-framed, frameless, assorted frame widths. It is also possible to have the depth, front to back, calculated from the cabinet box in an OIP field. The difficult one is the box height. It is likely best calculated from the actual accessory. This IS possible BUT I don't yet know the correct way to do it. The Drawer box accessory symbols end up in a "Collection" in Ruby. I got that far and the first thing I tried failed. I just have to look into accessing information from a collection, which is doable. That will take me a little more time to look into, will let you know if I figure it ou. Figure getting this to work might get that potential client moving
  12. It was made in X11-you don't have a signature indicating which versions you are using (but I don't have X10 on this machine any more anyway) Plan is not going to matter much for this though. This is kind of like getting a cut list out of Chief-not something it's meant to do. That's what Cabinet Vision et al are for. From what I can tell in X11 and 12 Chief spits out a size for inserted drawers based on the cabinet width. There is a way to add a macro into those fields in X11, it is also possible just to type over that field in the component tab in X11. Both of those are a bit of work. If I had to do this I'd be looking at a macro placed in the default cabinet in a custom OIP field rather than the components (I think) then accessed from a cabinet schedule rather than the ML. X12 has custom schedules which would make that aspect easier. I ran into a potential client recently who was looking for something like this for drawer boxes but I haven't heard back so no effort has been put into solving it. So if this is really important to you then the choice is to either learn Ruby or hire AlaskanSon or Joe Carrick to write something up or it might be just as easy to write a couple of formulas in a spreadsheet.
  13. Yes it is with custom symbols for the drawer boxes. Slightly different than what you had but that's because I just altered some symbols I already had. You can do the same from those included. Attached plan has two. Open Symbol and check the origin and stretch zones. When making the symbols I check advanced options. I moved the Z origin by a 1/4" of an inch since the default gap at the bottom is 1/4". This increases it to 1/2". For the sides the OOB gap is 1/2" and you wanted 3/16. To get that once I reduced the bounding box width by 5/8" or (1/2"-3/16") x 2. You will notice that the boxes don't resize in height well so you will need multiple heights but most everyone has a standard run of sizes so should not be a big deal IMO. The symbols included will work in cabinets up to 36" wide. Any wider and you need a wider box since they won't resize beyond that. Drawer resize defaults symbols.plan
  14. 1- change your active dimension defaults to at least 1" scale defaults (I have 1-1/2 and 3 on mine) makes the temp dims smaller. 2-make the reverse of one flute, a rod with rounded end, set depth relative to one face of a solid, multiple copy. Then copy all the rods. Now use boolean subtraction to remove the rods from that face to get the flutes. Rotate the column, paste and hold position to put the rods on the new face, repeat boolean subtraction. Repeat for other sides. You may be making originals as psolids and need to convert to solids, you can work in plan or elevation and rotate on an axis once done and converting to a symbol. Yes the tools are different, but so is the program. You just have to explore a bit. Edit-forgot to mention that almost any molding profile ever created can be found from just a few resources on the web in dwg format. Most often I take that in a cad detail, click nodes until it closes to get a polyline. Worst case it's an easier place to start but I really prefer designing things that a knife already exists for You can also stack smaller moldings together then use polyline union
  15. Style pallet can change textures and object properties. It can't change layout. You could use reference sets in both plan and in 3D. A structure, plan a layout, plan b layout...It only works for plans and perspectives in Standard view
  16. I mentioned this while talking with couple of Chief folks at the show and they thought it was a good idea so passing it on. Recently I was working on a hospital cafeteria that had a lot of symbols with custom textures and it started slogging when working. Set it up to have 3 plans-one with all the furniture, another without, and one with everything. I used a reference set to see the symbol plan while working,and for 3D Standard views. Used the complete plan with everything for PBR and finals. I did have to update the complete plan for finals sent to layout using paste and hold from the furniture plan but I had set all of that on layers designed to allow deleting them first. IF not doing PBR then that step can be skipped, just send referenced views to layout. It made it all far more manageable.
  17. I'd add that using the project browser makes it all fast and simple, keep it open. There is also the option to use reference sets to other plans in 3D. It's better for exterior but still can be useful with interiors.
  18. This isn't the thread where it was asked, just where I placed an answer. It's how I had been doing this since before I used Chief (easier in Chief) Thought of a bit of additional info that I'll add there.
  19. Same way contractors live the life of Reily right? At the show I mentioned to one that I was pleased that they took care of a lot of little niggles. He called them "paper cuts" and said they give those to interns and new hires, they've added a number in the last couple.
  20. Since I'm still looking at a new build I talked to a couple of the developers about this and where they are going. Working on support for RTX,The rendering team all just got RTX 2070s, Somebody is tasked with just working on performance, completely rewriting legacy sections of code. They are taking a bunch of the worst plans they can find and going at them bit by bit. Supposedly that will be their job for some time to come, sounded like more than a year (forever?) Multi-thread performance is being worked on- unclear how many matter all makes me want try to get to the user meeting this year but new machine comes first so will $ee? I aim for a 5 or so year system. What I came away with get as much juice as you can afford, within reason, surprise surprise. I'm thinking higher core count (AMD) and since I'm now looking at around April-May (hopefully) RTX 3070 which is likely to drop in March. FWIW I"m budgeting 2500 to build -but recently looked at one of the boutique BTO sites and put something I'd be happy enough with for between 2600 (but really a bit over 3000) so I may get away with a bit less (or get better stuff OR manage to get to Idaho :)
  21. That is most likely a symbol origin issue which would depend on which dishwasher you are using? Some have the origins off, especially brought over from older versions OR imported. Which dishwasher? post the plan? open the symbol and check the origin.
  22. Is this what you are trying to do? Interior alder extension jambs.planalder extension jambs.plan Exterior If so it's a symbol made to be used as Shutters. The origins are changed to make it work and the frame is reduced so there is no z fighting. If you are also actually using shutters then you need to make a symbol that combines this with the shutters and play with the origins to get it right. It's also possible that you may need to lock the symbol with or set the stretch planes or zones so that the "jamb" doesn't resize. Plan included with the symbol. Open the symbol and check the origin offsets- for a different wall they need to change as does the depth of the symbol. Also open the window DBX and check the frame tab and the shutters. If it's not what you're after ...oh well it's been fun :) alder extension jambs.plan
  23. What about a CAD detail from view, then draw a line and trim using it for a fence, marquee select leftovers and delete.?