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Everything posted by DzinEye

  1. It does! The one you see in the views above are not a true sill, but a wall cap, so the sill directly below the wall (on top of the stemwall) automatically builds with the other framing
  2. easy. I've seen that, but I always thought that would export the WHOLE library. Should say 'Export Library Item'...
  3. DzinEye


    Select 'boxed eave' in your roof dbx, but to get it to match ceiling height you'd have to have a flat roof or a dropped ceiling*... so you better include here a section of what you're hoping for. * Unless you have deep rafters and clip the ends down to a much smaller fascia size.
  4. Ahaa... I figured it out. It works even better than I imagined, apparently automatically adjusting the top part for the floor thickness. I hadn't formed a room above the foundation when I copied it which is why it wasn't working right. By the way, before figuring it out, I was going to share my wall here, but after 10 minutes of searching for how to do that, no luck. I believe I've seen people share library items here before... how's it done?
  5. Looks to me like you're getting the same issue I'm having.. no? The top part of your wall should be short, just the depth of the floor joists like in your first pic. I assume that one is the one you used to send to the library? Why didn't it come out the same when you used it in the 2nd pic?
  6. I created a recessed stem wall foundation using pony walls, and a wall cap to represent the sill for the dropped floor joists as shown in the first pictures. I added this wall to my library, but when I use it, I get what's shown in the 2nd picture. Is it possible to have it come out the same as the way I saved it without having to tweak it ?
  7. Yes, select Boxed Eaves, and select a frieze molding
  8. Pretty sure you're not going to be able to easily get the result you want within Chief. But possibly could improve it by reducing the face count on those areas. Those C faces you like are just one single face, while the turned areas are made up of probably hundreds of faces, with each of those faces trying to show that grain separately. As Mick suggested, Michael may be able to help if he jumps in, but Rene too is especially adept at this kind of thing.
  9. Right... I realize that, but I'm just asking/saying that it should become framing, along with the stringers
  10. Yes, the stringers should automatically be on a STAIR FRAMING layer. Additionally: if 'Open Underneath' is not checked, then framing for the enclosing wall(s) should form and should also go to a framing layer.
  11. Michael gave you the correct answer to offset your curved line, and you could turn it into a polyline solid, but since you want to build a curved ceiling plane, you should probably be using the ceiling plane tool.
  12. Ahh.. okay, you mean basically continually using an old plan file as the template for a new one. Got it. I do Save As throughout an individual project to start a modified version of the plan or save a Planning review set, and move to CD's for permit.
  13. Sorry... do you mind quickly elaborating or directing to specific language regarding this comment? Not sure if I'm doing what you're referring to or not, but would like to know...
  14. I agree , they should sort them by year or Version and all be available on the Server ...I report them when I find them and find Chief has always reacted promptly when I do... Learned pretty quickly when using support videos, one of the first things I do is look up at the upper left corner to see what version is being used. Videos are a terrific way to learn if they are relevant. It would be a task to organize most of them by the version they were created in, but it's doable. The bigger problem is many would be relevant to more than one version...but at least if categorized by version the viewer would be able to easily choose the most recent. After many years, a closet needs to be cleaned and organized... can't just keep packing things into it.
  15. Good find on that hidden wall Michael. Helps if you have a clue as to what to look for. That may offer a very helpful hint for me to solve similar problems when I find attic walls not building as expected.
  16. If proper construction is not an issue and you just need the look, cut a section through the pool, draw a closed polyline on the wall of the pool with the shape of the slope you want, turn it into a polyline solid, stretch it across the width of the pool, voila.
  17. Kevin, are you saying that this wasn't a problem in Chief versions prior to X12?
  18. it. That's a good tip. Wow... what a crazy amount of difference!..and yes.. what the heck is the deal with the missing/invisible walls? The only way I could get them to show in elevation or 3D was to redraw them. Larry, while as per some of our original responses, we also have the occasional issue with no attic roof forming, but it definitely appears that you have a much bigger issue going on.
  19. In trying to do what you guys successfully did, I copied (Edit Area - all floors) and pasted into Chiefs own residential template... and this is what appears?!? Can anyone explain the difference between what you're seeing and what I'm seeing?.. and by the way... still no attic wall either
  20. Eric, you and Rene both copied the walls to a new plan and it worked, but neither of you mentioned what you had/saw when you first opened the plan. Did it first show with only the tiny piece of attic wall? What made you think of copying and pasting to a new plan, have you experienced that solving this kind of problem before?
  21. That's what I think! But if a definitive solution comes out of this, all the better. Nice new pic by the way! I thought we had a new SNESTOR on the forum at first glance yesterday.
  22. Precious! That was worth the effort!
  23. For what it's worth, it seems to usually happen to me when the two roof planes are close, as in your example. If you have auto everything on, see what happens if you either lower the lower roof or raise the upper roof a foot or two. Does it automatically build?
  24. Happens to me too. I don't think there's a simple answer. I'm sure there's many different things that might effect it being built automatically. Did you auto-build your roof or build it manually? You have auto-build attic walls checked? BTW... sorry I obviously missed the intent of your original post...