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Everything posted by lbuttery

  1. I think Chief X6 can export .stp files (but not import) check MENU - FILE - IMPORT Lew
  2. Timmy: to get more than guesses you'll need to post the plan also helps to know which version of chief you are using Lew
  3. Hmmm, I agree that hijacking is bad but the info was informative no real reason NOT to start a new thread to continue the discussion but somebody has to realize the thread is being hijacked and do it a social conundrum indeed... Lew
  4. Barton: my user library is 3.4 GB and I have thousands of items I never got around to adding I suspect manual syncing is the way to go for large user libraries Lew
  5. Never knew about this would have been handy to use it Lew
  6. Chief can build over two dozen roof styles automatically use auto first - then manual IF needed Lew
  7. I can't even begin to remember all these "secret handshakes" boggles the mind Lew
  8. in real life a piece of pine will stain different than a piece of oak using the same stain Lew
  9. you probably need to re-install X6 but should try PDF first then also contact CA's tech support they can advise best if a re-install is needed also try the "clear printer info" setting under MENU - FILE - PRINT Lew
  10. It would be nice to be able to have more than one layout open at the same time Lew
  11. Tim: I do my own "save as" and don't rely on Chief's saves I like being in control and using my own naming convention Lew
  12. Jesse: I think the short answer is convert the polyline solid to a solid to manipulate it see this thread in the old forum where I had a similar issue Lew
  13. but don't we want this to be easy... Scott: as Tina Turner said in the opening to "Proud Mary" "we never do nothing nice and easy" Lew
  14. Jess: Gene is suggesting that you PTP - Post the Plan Lew
  15. Gene: I doubt if the poster has any idea what PTP means this is their first post - so how would they possibly know ??? Lew
  16. CA's stated goal is to remove the need for 2D tools with better 3D tools many think CA should strengthen the 2D tools until such a goal can be reached CA claims lack of resources to do both Lew
  17. Lots of SPAM hitting the forum lately CA should monitored the first - maybe the first few - postings by a new poster I have been on many forums where the first post(s) have to be vetted by a moderator Lew
  18. Cheryl: just curious... what's wrong with the symbols from 2006 ? Lew
  19. Vinnie: you have one or more "broken" wall connections zoom in if necessary and check each wall connection pull the wall away and then reconnect if needed Lew
  20. you mean SSA you have to have a paid current SSA membership to view CA's training videos with SSA you would also get the latest version of Chief - which is currently X6 the cost depends on how old your version of Chief is you may be able to add the SSA option via CA's website and get access right away - but not sure you may need to contact CA's customer service on Monday there are many free videos to watch that are done by 3rd parties check WWW.CHIEFTTUTOR.COM and Youtube for Scott Hall's videos and others Lew
  21. Try using the Preferences settings to reset the library and project browser I don't have X6 open at this time but in X5 it was under "appearances" Lew
  22. Hmmm, ver 10.8 is not used by many on this forum anymore but you might get lucky ??? you may need to post the plan but if someone works on it with a later version you won't be able to open it good luck Lew